Philly Flower Show March 2-10 Who is Going?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Here is another angle, with two cute little girls for height perspective.

Thumbnail by aspenhill
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I used to have the same problem--all pics out of focus--and then i realized I was not
allowing the 1 or 2 extra seconds for the camera to focus BEFORE I pressed the shutter all the way.

The focusing happens when you, first, partially depress the shutter--(focus)--and then press it all the way.
I was, literally, doing a point-and-shoot. Too fast for it to focus==brury pictures..

You may already know this--but I thought I would mention it. Gita

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

How did I miss that??? but nope, that's not the one I was talking about

here is the absolutely horrible pic of it, even after (at least) 10 tries couldn't get it to come out right

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

actually not just an arbor but with a swing

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Pretty sure this is it but from a distance.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Nope, no pictures of that arbor. Too funny - back at ya, how did I miss that? It is amazing how we can all be at the same show and see totally different things LOL.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yep that's it Holly, I just loved it!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sorry it isn't a closer shot, It was really neat.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly & Jen, you both saw things I missed! Heck, Terri probably saw things I missed and vice versa, and I was next to her most of the day! LOL It's *really* a big show. If anybody has been waffling about going "one of these years" -- GO!

Ric, I hope it's OK if I snip a headshot from that "dears in the headlight" photo you posted... I'd like to have an updated image (hairstyle) to make it easier for other moms in my meetup group to recognize "Joyanna's Mommy." Thanks!

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