Momotaro tomatoes

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I started my 70 + tomato seeds a couple weeks ago and I just noticed that the cotyledons on this one variety look completely different they are round with 2 "lobes" not straight and pointed. Has anybody else noticed this?

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, I wonder why they look so different? Oh well, thanks.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Because they TASTE so different! Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummy!

It's a doggone shame those seeds can't be saved!

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok, the true leaves look really different too. Is that normal? They look more like a Cole crop then a tomato plant. I'm potting them up and sticking them outside. They should be ready to go in the ground in a couple of weeks which is Easter and the beginning of April. If it all works out I'll be right on schedule, that rarely happens.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

You got a picture?

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I guess I could..we agreed that the cotyledons looked different but do you remember the true leaves looking different also?

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I believe they were potato leaved?

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

The Momotaro I am growing has regular tomato leaves.
The only difference is that the leaves have a little fur on the top.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Do you have a picture?

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Momotaro is in the garden. Right now it looks just like a regular tomato.
The fur on its leaves was noticeable when I was growing them indoor near the other tomato plants.
I am also curios to see a picture of "They look more like a Cole crop then a tomato plant" leaves.

I am positive that I am growing Momotaro. This is the second year. The fruit did look exactly like the one described by the seed company.
I was not happy with this Momotaro last year, but it was my fault, because I did receive the seeds later and start them too late. The tomatoes did taste good and I love the pink/red color and that's why I am giving a second try this year.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

It is supposed to be regular leaf, from what I've read. I could take a a pic but it doesn't seem worth it...since there is nothing I can do now except grow them out. In my first post I ask if the cotyledons were shaped different and the answer was yes. When I saw the true leaves looked different too I didn't think much of it but now I'm wondering...I can't find the packet ATM but I'm just wondering if the true leaves look like other tomato plant leaves. But the cotyledons look different?

Edited to add that I found the packet they are from TGS but no yr is given but the packet does say the seeds are treated (they are blue) and that's what is in the seed tray. So whatever I'm growing is from this packet, that i must have gotten in a trade. I know TGS has had issues with varieties not coming true but mixing up species? Lol

This message was edited Mar 15, 2013 11:05 PM

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you both for posting. Drthor- if Momotaro looks like any other tomato plant, these are not tomatoes. Did you notice the cotolydens looked different when you started yours?

When I get a chance Im going to soak a couple seeds and see if I can get the blue stuff off and see what kind of seed it is. I'm disappointed I really wanted to try these and I would have ordered seeds if I'd known these weren't tomatoes. The pack was sealed too. Oh well I still have many others to plant.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I might be talking to myself BUT anyway I soaked the "blue" stuff off the seeds and they are not Nightshade seeds. They look like they might be radishes...the seeds are tiny, tan and round. I didn't purchase these seeds maybe they were put in the packet and then not labeled. Oh well, if I'd known I would have ordered some Tough Boy. There's always next year.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Lisa, I am really over a month later than when you posted last. However, I planted Tomontaros for the second time this year. Don't remember whose seed they are, maybe Burpees. Anyway, they are from one of the regular seed companies. They were not blue or I really would have given them a second, third, and fourth look and questioned them I am sure. LOL. But, the plant looks like any other tomato. What do yours look like now?

I planted mine in earthbuckets. Just planted it yesterday, just the one. I am due to have surgery Tuesday and want to get them all planted before. So, will be planting them up I am hoping. If you want, I will take a picture of the one I have left of those. I only grew 2 plants of each kind as I don't want to have too much to tend to this year. 5 different ones. But I can take a picture. Will post after I do. I too was pleased with the product, and the amount I got off of them last year.

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Jnette, hope you have a fast recovery from your surgery- garden season is no time to do that!I had my rotator cuff surgery in June 2 years ago-100% healed now, but it was a long year before I was able to function.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I remember when you did that Jo. Well, I am not planning any gardening this is year other than the tomatoes in earth-
buckets, and the containers I do for the decks every year. Other than that, just my perennial beds and hostas and the few incidentals like the new honeysuckles and a few roses. I am hoping that I will get some help from my S/O. Even at that it sounds like a lot with a bad ankle. I am having it replaced.

But, I did it now because June has been so wet and cold here the last 3 years that nothing would grow. Just watch, this year it will be totally different. LOL. Oh well. That's the breaks. Thanks for the well wishes Jo. Glad your shoulder is better now. BTW, it was almost 90 here today. Bet it was hotter than that where you are. :0)

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I let the seeds soak to get the Blue stuff off. They are pelleted to make them easier to see, I guess and they aren't tomato seeds. They are radish seeds I think. I tossed them and the plants a while ago. The packet from TGS said treated seeds so I didn't think much of the Blue color. I don't think that was the original packet, not sure how they got in that packet, since I got them in the fall 2011 in a trade with many participants. I did buy some seeds so next year I know I'll get the right plants.

Good luck with your shoulder surgery. I've had that too mine didn't go well but that's bc I have EDS and they didn't know it. It was 80 here.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Lisa, Jo had her shoulder surgery last year. What is EDS?

I am having my ankle replaced tomorrow morning. That is what that was about.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I hope your ankle surgery went well.

EDS is Elhers-Danlos Syndrome I have the hyper-mobility type. It's a rare hereditary collagen disorder that effects all body systems. The main symptom is wide spread debilitating pain. It's what contortionists have. My shoulder didn't heal well bc of this. I look like I'm 1/2 my age but move like I'm twice my age. Lol. May is EDS awareness month so, there, I did my part. It took them 40+ years to diagnose me.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

It is amazing how long they take to diagnose things. My dad was diagnosed with MS, ALS, gosh, can't think of the rest of them. So, MS quit trying when he finally said he had enough testing. x-rays, shots, etc, they didn't want to spend any more money on him if he wouldn't cooperate. plus having to get down there. So then don't know who, but THEY determined it was ALS Lou Gehrig s Disease he died of.

So EDS is May wareness month, what does that mean? Are they going to research it? Spend any money on it?

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I's a rare, newly discovered condition. It's under orphan diseases. I think it's under diagnosed. I can bend my fingers back to a 90* angle my current Dr., after seeing this couldn't understand why it took so long to diagnose me. The Dr I had a couple yrs ago said I couldn't have it because it was too rare. I scored a 9 out of 9 on the flexibility test. At my age I should score a 0 but extreme flexibility should be in my history. I'm so glad I finally got a diagnoses bc it answered so many other questions. I thought everybody got dizzy when they stood up. Lol

Some types of it are more serious then others. I've been in pain since HS and never knew why. They definitely need to do more research. My arms always feel like they are being pulled out of their sockets. I knew I was in for it when I went to a Dr. and he went to get the med students. He told them "I've only seen one other case this bad, and you sill probably never see this again.". Oh joy!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Lisa, oh good grief, you poor thing. BUT, it sounds like arthritis. Are you satisfied with their diagnosis? Sounds just like what I have had for so many years. I have had joints replaced, and replaced, and the last one, 2 weeks ago, they replaced my ankle joint. But, I guess we are lucky they can do these things.

Please try to keep the joints moving, take meds. They do help. Let me know if I can help in any way. Jen

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Of ya I have OA that's secondary to this. My cervical spine is shot. EDS Elhers danlos syndrome has many symptoms and they cover many medical disciplines. My collagen isn't made correctly but if saw how flexible I am you would never think arthritis. One thing getting the proper diagnosis did was get me researching in the right direction. I could never figure out why I hurt all the time and I would get soooo tired. If I don't take meds I don't move and that is the worst thing possible.

I do hope you are feeling better.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, I have 2 more weeks to go in this boot on my ankle/foot and then I can start putting weight on it and go to a physical therapist to get it moving. I have a big hole right in the front of my ankle on the inside of the ankle where he had to get to do the work to replace it. He wants that to heal good before I work it at all. Makes sense.

So, how are the tomatoes doing? I have all of mine in Earthbuckets. They look pretty good. Getting blossoms. Between the cold weather and my surgery, they are lucky they got planted. :0) Bob has done really well for not even being a gardener. He took good care of the tomatoes but not the flowers.

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