Think Spring! HAVE/WANT lists for Feb. 16 seed swap

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Although it's not necessary for participation, some folks find it helpful to list the seeds they have available for the swap as well as what they're looking for.

Please post only once on this thread, and then edit your post as needed. It's harder to find the HAVE/WANT lists if there are lots of other posts on this thread, so please post seed requests, questions, and other discussion on the seed swap DISCUSSION thread, here:

Info & sign up thread is here:

Happy Seed Sorting!

This message was edited Jan 17, 2013 4:47 PM

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

reserved for FAQ or other admin need

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My spot!

note -- I'm adding a few seeds here Monday night, but I know I've missed some updates on marker & polymer crystal requests... I'll try to catch up on those by mid-week!

SEEDS! (some new, some older, mostly collected, a few commercial will be added later)

10 Fish Pepper (2009): shorter plants with variegated foliage, hot but very sweet (when red), African-American heirloom from Chesapeake Bay area. One of my favorite edible ornamentals!

5 Sweet Pickles Pepper (2010): compact plants bear loads of bright, tasty, upright conical 2" peppers. Another great edible ornamental!

2 Pretty Purple Pepper (2009): more ornamental than edible, but SO cute! miniature plants with lavender blooms, some purple on foliage, peppers like little purple gumballs.

5 Hot Portugal Pepper (2008): 2 ft. plants bear mildly hot, mid-sized chiles with great flavor. Always the first pepper to produce in my garden

3 Berlandiera lyrata, "Chocolate Daisy" (2012): germination was low on the 2011 seeds, so packets are fewer but more generous this year. Fingers crossed!

5 Mixed Snapdragon seeds from Catoctin Orchard (2012)

5 Mixed Wheatstraw Celosia from Catoctin Orchard (2012) Celosia argentia v. spicata

Ipomoea nil, mixed Japanese Morning Glory (2012) shorter, less aggressive, and way less invasive than their I. purpurea cousins. Should have some real lovelies from the vines on our deck last summer.

Climbing Malabar Spinach -- tender perennial vine with edible, spinach-like leaves. Pretty pink buds, lavender blooms, dark purple berries (which will stain pink!)

5 Basil, Italian Genovese (2012): the one a friend brought back from Italy years ago. strong delicious flavor, my favorite for pesto & any Italian recipe

5 Basil, Sicilian (2012): similar to Genovese above but without the anise note to its flavor

5 Basil, Lime (2012): distinctive lime (not lemon) citrus flavor & scent

6 Mix of 2 Thai type basils, Thai Basil Siam Queen & "Hot & Spicy" basil (2012)

6 Basil, 'Blue Spice': more delicate flavor, pretty violet-blue bloom spikes

Joyanna will have the following... please arrange your trades with her in person. :-)

Lychnis alpina, "Alpine Catchfly" (2012) collected from plants in her fairy garden. Polite self-sower that pops up here and there around the garden. Distinctive basal rosettes, dancing stems of bright pink blooms 2nd year after sowing.

Zinnia, Lil' Darlin' and Sweet Alyssum, 'Aphrodite Mix', both from Hazzard Seeds packed for 2013

75 cents each, black "Industrial" Sharpie markers, fine (regular) tip (way more permanent outside than regular Sharpies)

$1.50 each, silver metallic or gold metallic Sharpie markers (great for black or green nursery pots)

Donnerville, 2 black, 1 silver
Greenthumb, 2 or 3 black
RosesR Red, 2 black, 2 silver, 2 gold
Buttoneer 1 gold, 1 silver

Polymer Moisture Crystals
With postage, the price is $5 per pound for medium size crystals, Small quantities of powdered and small size are also available (ordered 2 pounds each), and large size too (ordered 10 pounds).. the other sizes will be priced a little higher.

Donnerville, 5 pounds medium
Roses, 10 pounds medium
Holly, 2 pounds medium

just so I can keep track

SSG: euphorbias
Donnerville & Gita: caladiums for spring, Red Robin, Aaron, Buck Rodgers


Night-Blooming Jasmine: Donner, Button (note, due to stressed plant, I'll get fresh seeds instead)

Goldfish Plant: Donner, Button, Terp

This message was edited Feb 11, 2013 10:41 PM

This message was edited Feb 12, 2013 11:59 PM

This message was edited Feb 15, 2013 4:11 PM

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Will start my list here.
Aristolochia baetica (2012)
Baptisia australis (2008)
Bignonia Peach Trumpet Vine (2009)
Brown Eyed Susan (2012)
Cassia alata (2008)
Cassia marlilandica (2011)
Daisy Mix (2012)
Datura stramonium purple stem (2008)
Datura tatula (2009)
Datura triple purple (2012)
Delphinium pacific giants (2007)
Golden Groundsel (2012)
Gomphrena (2007)
Hairy Bean (2012)
Helianthus ? (2008)
Helianthus brown seeded (2008)
Helianthus evening sun (2008)
Helianthus inca jewels (2008)
Helianthus lemon queen (2008)
Helianthus shaggy (2008)
Helianthus velvet queen (2008)
Helianthus/Sunflowers mixed
Hog Peanut (2012)
Honey Locust (2008)
Inula helenium Czech. (2007)
Iris pseudacorus (2009)
Lapeirousia cruenta Joan Evans (2008)
Moon & Stars Watermelon (2011)
Passiflora incarnata (2012)
Passiflora lutea (2012)
Purple Salsify (2011)
Redbud (2012)
Robinia white locust (2011)
Spilanthes.eyeball plant (2007)
Sweet Rocket (2012)
Tithonia Mexican sunflower (2010)
Zinnia (mixed colors) (just a few, requests only on this one) (2012)

Bachelor Buttons (Blue) [Donnerville]
Bryophyllum tubiflorum (Mother of 1000's plantlets) (2013)
Bryophyllum crenatum (Mother of 100's plantlets) (2013)
Bryophyllum daigremontenaigrum (Mother of 1000's plantlets) (2013)
Bryophyllum (Hybrid) (Mother of 1000's plantlets) (2013)

Please note: Not all seeds are fresh but they seem firm and plump
and I assume that there will be 50-80% germination on them, depending on the date, so please take what you want. I don't mind
growing older seeds myself/

WANTS General:
sweetpeas (any color except hot pink, which I already have)
Morning Glories (any & all colors)
Sunflowers (any)
Rhipsalis or Epiphyllum cuttings (NOID ok, too!)
Amaryllis bulblets

From Critter:
1 Gold & 1 silver marker & 1 black marker

Berlandia lyrata (Chocolate Daisy)

From Joyanna:
whatever from each you can spare sweetheart.

From Holly: Couple of black pussy willow branches

From Donner: Dahlia tubers

From Gita:
Hyacith Bean (a couple packets)
S. African Foxglove
Cardinal Climber Vine
Datura Black Current Swirl
Datura Triple Yellow
Morning Glory Blue Picotee
Rose Campion
Stinking Iris (?)

From Sally G:
Red Castor Bean

From Critter:
Don't need those moisture crystals, I found two containers in the ghse
Instead, please save me 1 each gold & silver marker & thanks!

From Marlene:
Hungarian Blue Poppy

From Dave: (Greenthumb)

Great Blue Lobelia - Lobelia siphilitica *
Tall Bellflower - Campanula americana *
Lavender Moonvine - Ipomoea muricata *
Dragonhead - Dracocephalum moldavica *
Pale Purple Coneflower - Echinacea pallida *
Hollyhock Country Romance - Alcea rosa *
Whorled Milkweed - Asclepias verticillata *
Purple Giant HyssoOxknee – Nui Xi - Achyranthes bidentata *
Dyer’s Woad - Isatis tinctoria *

Thanks so much!

Please dmail me on any further requests from this list. Getting too
difficult for me to find then on all the lists.

Thanks, Button.

SS Gardener, somebody from eBay sent me a very small sample packet of Flat Leaf Parseley. It's yours if you want it.

To UMD_Terp: Sunflowers, Bryophyllums
To Donner: Bachelor's Buttons
To: SS Gardener: Flat Leafed Parseley
To: Haighr: Passiflora lutea

This message was edited Feb 15, 2013 10:30 PM

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)


Dahlia tubers -- (Grows to about 2' tall. Hop pink flowers, 3" in diameter.. ) -- Holly, Critter, Buttoneer
Asclepias tuberosa L. (Butterflyweed)


Bachelor's Button (blue flowers)

This message was edited Jan 25, 2013 5:09 PM

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Slot slot spot saved

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

lettuce, any variety but iceberg style
any low growing flowering annual for a wet clay area with light shade; any color
any low growing flowering annual for a dry, hot clay area with midday sun; any color

nasturtium from sallyg
red castor bean from Holly
1 black and 1 silver marker from critter
flat leaf parsley from Buttoneer
cilantro and spinach from Gita

HAVE: several varieties of petunia, various colors
several varieties of alyssum, various colors

This message was edited Feb 12, 2013 10:34 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Black PussyWillow cuttings,(trade in parking lot) UMD_Terp, Happy, Gita
Castor Beans (Warning Poisonous) If you have children or pets that would touch or eat them stay away. SSG,

Bales of Pro Mix see this thread

Datura--"Black Currant Swirl"
Datura--"triple yellow"
Any Zinnias

This message was edited Feb 12, 2013 8:44 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

"HAVES" (2013 Seed Swap)
( ** in front means it is NEW to my list from last year. )

--Vegetables and Herbs:
--EggPlant-"Black Beauty"
--Garlic Chives

--Cherokee Purple—(Heirloom)
--Mortgage Lifter—(Heirloom)
--Yellow Brandywine—(Heirloom)
--Sun Gold –(Hybrid)
--A "Sun Gold" "Sport" that grew out in 2011
(apricot-sized, red, very tasty tomato).
--Tomatillo (need more than one to get fruit).

--Flowers, Vines, etc-- (Alphabetical by common names)
--S. African Foxglove
--Blue Angelonia
**--Bleeding Heart—pink (from “coleup”)
--Spanish Bluebells ("Wood Hyacinth)
--Cardinal Climber vine
**--Cardinal Flower (Lobelia Cardinalis)
--Cleomes--mixed colors
--Columbine--"Winky Purple"
**--Columbine--“Dorothy Rose”—pink on tall stems
**--Columbine—Maroon with pink throat
**--Columbine—pink-don’t know the shade (my neighbor’s seed)
--Dwarf, Red Coreopsis (grows 14".or so. Good “filler in”)
--Datura--"Black Currant Swirl" (blooms--triple purple & white)
--Datura--"triple yellow"—fragrant

--"Stella d'Oro"
--A Dusty, mauve one (limited seed)
**--“Frans Hals”--a bi-color-- yellow/orange

--4 O'clock--"Broken Colors
--4 O’clocks—“Limelight”

--Foxgloves: (Digitalis)
--Deep rose,
--Yellow perennial. (from Greenthumb)

--Gaillardia--"Pink Mist"
--Giant Purple Amaranth
--Heliopsis Daisy
--Hyacinth Bean vine
--Tall, perennial Hibiscus---red
-- Tall, perennial Hibiscus –white “Luna”
--Blue Liatris
--Morning Glory--"Grandpa Ott"
-- Morning Glory --"Blue Picotee"
--Moon Flower vine
--Orange poppy
--Ornamental Pepper--black
-- Ornamental Pepper --purple
--Salvia--blue --perennial
--Purple Cone Flower (Echinacea)
--Rose Campion silver leaves, magenta blooms
--Rudbeckia "Goldstrum" (perennial)
--Rudbeckia Hirta--double yellow—semi-hardy annual.
--Red Yarrow
**--Stinking Iris—My “mystery plant”--have not seen the bloom yet.
--Spanish Bluebells—aka “Wood Hyacinths”

--Pink fairly low growing
**--Tall—deep pink
**--Tall—yellow/orange/red-- pom-pom type (very pretty!)

--Shrubs, Trees and Grasses
--Rose of Sharon shrub--"Lavender Chiffon"
(a very pretty double pale pink bloom)
--Red Crepe Myrtle shrub
--Wintersweet Shrub
--Northern Sea Oats


"Buttoneer"--Asst. MG seeds +Blue Picotee; Hyacinth bean Vine-2 baggies; S. African Foxglove;
Cardinal Climber vine; Purple datura; Yellow Datura; Rose Campion; Stinking iris seed; Epi cutting (??)

Happy --Window box full of dug up Forget-me-Nots;

Holly/Ric --Purple Datura; Yellow Datura;

Marlene4 --Brave enough to try to grow the Clematis--"Lady Betty Balfour" .
I took it off my "haves" list--as the seeds I had collected were not the mature ones.
Had a couple that were. You the Guinea Pig, Marlene!

Jill---A "pinch" of Arugula "Rocket"; Just for fun--Black Sweet Pepper seeds.

SSgardener Spinach seeds and Cilantro seeds.

speedie-- 4-O'clocks "Broken Colors" and "Limelight"... Will be mailing these to her.

Marlene4 "Maya" Brug baby; Angelonia seeds; Cardinal Flower; Both Daturas.

This message was edited Feb 15, 2013 12:14 PM

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Critter,

Would I be able to get of those markers, send you the money and pick them up from someone at Jan's swap in May? (2 Black, 2 Silver, 2 Gold). Edited to add: 2 Gold as per our correspondence.

This message was edited Feb 2, 2013 2:04 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


--Hanks of green wire from cut up christmas light strands

--Celosia Cristata- Coral Garden: Cockscomb, multicolored, half a Pinetree packet
--Sweet William Wee Willie: dwarf, multi color, half a Pinetree pack
--Pumpkin Pepper: An ornamental eggplant of all things, which makes a tiny fruit shaped and colored like a pumpkin that will dry hard. One packet of five seeds.
--Ornamental pepper from my driveway bed: I think some noticed that in September. Pepper with dark purple small leaves with some splashes or white and lavendar, and red to black tiny pointed fruits. Originally stolen form Jill, circa 2009
--Herb, Mexican Tarragon: Marigold used as tarragon substitute, never tasted it, sharing a Pinetree pack.
--Komatsuna Japanese spinach- Have lots of this seed collected last summer, great substitute for chard or spinach, mild leafy green, very cold hardy
--Chervil- French herb, sow early in cool garde
--Parsley Prezzemolo Gigante- Italian flat leaf, large leaf, 2012, plenty to share, warning you voles LOVE parsley roots, suggest potted growing.
--Pole bean Purple Trionfo Violetto.- 2011, 24 seeds
--Red castor bean from Holly
--Babies of the Kalanchoe/ Bryophyllum, in this article--

Chunks of coir block, I will have the kid saw into some small cubes to share from the huge block Chantell gave me.

--Radicchio Rosa di Chioggia- Most of last year's packet,
---Melon Minnesota Midget, Pinetree 2009
---Gourds- I have several kinds of ornamental gourd seeds- luffa, birdhouse both narrow neck and with rounded top, goose egg, spinning top which is tiny and cute on small vines..
---Tomato: NOID Aunt Jewels German beefy red
--Pumpkin Baby Boo
--Mustard (leaf vegetable) Red giant, plenty. Very cold hardy a good winter growing green for my area and points south, maybe north too with protection.
---Edible Edamame soy bean Envy


--Amaranth Hot Biscuit- Tall and orangey amaranth, bronze leaves.- plenty but from 2008
--Swamp Milkweed White 2011
--Balsam Blackberry Trifle ( Touch me not)
--Butter daisy- Melampodium- One of Chris' favorites and she gave them to me. Annual, bushy plants , 12 to maybe 18 inches by summer's end, will bloom yellow small daisies all summer into fall, very cheerful easy grow plant, sun to some shade. Seeds are large for a fairly small plant, good choice for kids to grow. self sows

--Nematocidal marigold Tagetes patula- Not real attractive but highest in compounds said to kill nematodes.
--Jewels of Opar. Annual. Rosette of fleshy light green leaves makes wiry sprays of tiny hot pink flowers 8 to 15 inches. Flowers leaves tiny perfect round seed pods that start orange and gradually change to brown then black and can be used for dried flowers related to Portulaca.
--Datura - Double yellow,, and the double purple with white. Wonderful fragrant, large plant with huge, double and triple, ruffled trumpet blooms. You'll need to plant immediately after swap as they take weeks to emerge. Plenty. Yellow from 2010, purple from 2011

WANTS- Dry shade

TO Buttoneer, Strelitzia ; Melampodium; Red Castor beans

To Jill- packets from Pinetree order

To Gita- Butter daisy, seed or plants in spring; hot biscuit amaranth

To donnerville- bachelors buttons

to ssgardener- swamp milkweed, --Nasturtium Peach Melba, 2012, half a Pinetree Gardens pack

to happy-

to Marlene- purple datura

This message was edited Feb 9, 2013 1:51 PM

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

SS, I got a small sample pkg of that Italian Flat Leaf Parseley. It's yours, if you want it.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

This message was edited Feb 5, 2013 12:03 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Greetings Friends,
I'm sure I will have to edit this post tomorrow, Oh, it's tomorrow already! I'm really sleepy but here goes. I don't have many vareities of seed, but :

Hungarian Blue Poppy (the edible type)

OK, my memory is failing me, I know I have something else.....
In the meantime (I wrote it down so I don't need my memory for the ask:)

Gitagal, the brugmansia you gave me last year was BEAUTIFUL! It didn't flower until late Fall, but then again, it took me a while to realize just how much fertilizing was necessary! Thank You So Much!

I would like to try and grow the Lady Balfour - I understand that growing her from seed will be a major lesson in patience; and I need the lesson:)

Sallyg - I would love to try the Double Purple Datura.

Thanks and Goodnight All:)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Which Brug did I give you? Dr. Seuss or the pink NOID one?

Most of the brugs I have had put on their best show in October.
I think they like the cooled weather.
How did you overwinter your Brug?

If you go to the "Brushwood Nursery" site--you can find a photo and info on the "Lady Betty Balfour" Clematis.
My camera does nor show the right color. What is it with blues????


See you soon! Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

a gentle reminder... let's please keep this thread for have & want lists as much as possible, 1 post per person (edit as needed). Requests and comments should go to the "discussion" thread for this swap, please. It's just lots easier if we can scroll down and easily see everybody's lists, especially for any newbies.

I know it's just been a post here and a post there, not trying to be dictatorial, but I also know how this thread can just turn into another discussion & request thread, and that gets confusing!


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I doubt I'll bring any seeds or want any -- we are just too darned busy to do much planting, and I have plenty of seeds to feel guilty about not planting as it is! But I am looking forward to seeing each and everyone one of you, so that's my wish list!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

bump up

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Hello Gita:)
Please accept my apology for my late response.
You gave me Dr. Seuss! Oh Happy Day! She didn't bloom until October, but it was worth the wait.
In November I cut pieces of her and brought her inside. Then I couldn't figure out how to properly overwinter her. So, I placed in in a window and tah dah! She lives! She grows and drops leaves periodically but she is alive.
I think I may have goofed on the cuttings though. They were doing just fine, then in a moment of "inspiration" I started to fertilize them. Looks like that was a big mistake! They dropped their leaves and now don't look as firm.
I was so thrilled with this plant Gita! You have made a "brug maniac" out of me:)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This Thread is only to list haves and wants.
All discussion, questions, etc is on the Swap Chat Thread.
Keeps things simpler.....Gita

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

11th hour, here is what I've prepared so far...

Savanna Blazing Star - Liatris scariosa
Great Blue Lobelia - Lobelia siphilitica
Pale-Spiked Lobelia - Lobelia spicata
Downy Wood Mint - Blephilia ciliata
Tall Bellflower - Campanula americana
Chinese Licorice - Glycyrrhiza uralensis
Lavender Moonvine - Ipomoea muricata
Lemon Catnip - Nepeta cateria ssp.citriodora
Chinese Coriander - Coriandrum sativum
Dragonhead - Dracocephalum moldavica
Lady Lavender - Lavendula angustifolia ‘Lady’
Rough Blazing Star - Liatris aspera
Bikal Skullcap - Scutellaria biacalensis
Mexican Sunflower - Tithonia rotundifolia ‘Torch’
French Marigold - Tagetes patula ‘Sparky’
Pale Purple Coneflower - Echinacea pallida
German Chamomile - Matricaria recutita
Marshmallow - Althaea officinalis
Hollyhock Country Romance - Alcea rosa
Mexican Mint Marigold - Tagetes lucida
Cumin - Cuminum cyminum
Whorled Milkweed - Asclepias verticillata
Dill Weed ‘Tetra’ - Anethum graveolens ‘Tetra’
Chervil - Anthriscus cerefolium
Purple Giant Hyssop - Agastache scrophulariaefolia
Oxknee – Nui Xi - Achyranthes bidentata
Hamburg-Rooted Parsley - Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosus
Dyer’s Woad - Isatis tinctoria

This message was edited Feb 14, 2013 11:24 PM

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