Christmas Cactus

Staten Island, NY(Zone 7b)

Howdy all!
I have 3 nice little Christmas Cactus that I purchased for .40 each! Now how do I proceed w repotting and propagation? Thanks! Have a great day! :)

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Here are some basics for you on care and propagation . Also info on when to prune and re-pot.

Staten Island, NY(Zone 7b)

Thank you very much! :)

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

You are most welcome. Enjoy, they are lovely plants ant time of the year.

Kansas City, MO

hi i have that is very old i have never repoted it the lady that gave it to me said it lives to be root bound and it blooms all year some times i force bloom it it is vey pretty it has a few bulbs on it now i never cut it back but if a piece falls off i just put it in the dirt good luck

Opp, AL(Zone 8b)

Plants that can't tolerate soggy/mucky soils are often misinterpreted as preferring to be potbound, especially by those prone to overwatering. That means most potted plants, for which the retention of excess water is the primary difference between a plants' natural environment and its' pot. If you alleviate that condition, any size pot will be fine. Within reason, the sooner a pot dries, the better, moisture can be restored to an even level from top to bottom. Not everyone has the time to water plants every few days, so it's a balance each plant-o-phile must find. As a recovering serial overwaterer, I love having soils that drain quickly enough that my usual decision when I'm unsure (just a little sip for now) which is probably usually wrong, can do no harm.

Groton, CT

Our cactus is over 100 years old. The last owner has passed and so her care advice with her. It is in a nursing home reception area and no one there has experience with pruning or repotting such a plant. I read from the article mentioned about the repotting but not about how to prune it. Any help would be appreciated.

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Groton, CT

Our cactus is over 100 years old. The last owner has passed and so her care advice with her. It is in a nursing home reception area and no one there has experience with pruning or repotting such a plant. I read from the article mentioned about the repotting but not about how to prune it. Any help would be appreciated.

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lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

I prune mine back right after they quit blooming ....I do let mine get really pot bound and have some 10 - 15 years old.... one actual Christmas Cactus which is my oldest one and the rest are all Thanksgiving cactus....I also have one Easter....along with these I grow Hoya and Sansevieria ..... Easy Peasy Plants ...

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