Marietta Gardens

Poland, ME

Would you be interested in a plant sale from Marietta Gardens?
I have been talking to John Shooter about the possibility of a sale. If there is enough interest, I might take this on.

Thumbnail by Mainiac
Tomah, WI

I have purchased daylilies from John & Faye for several years. They are great sellers! Depending on what is offered, I would be interested.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I would be interested too.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I would be interested as well.

Wishing you a happy and blessed new year Ramona, one with a few less 'bumps'.

That goes for everyone!!!!

Cartersville, GA

We might be interested depending on what is offered and the prices. I am mainly interested in unusual forms and spiders.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

What is the daylily in the photo you posted? It is very pretty!

Poland, ME

Marietta Polka Dot is the picture I posted. I am talking to the Shooter;s about this again today

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks! It is really pretty. I am not much for the big edged things most people are coming out with now.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Well at least Im not alone. I prefer something without a big edge as well, something more lily like, and spiders or UFO's,
Its not that Ive never seen a big edge that I dont like, but in general, I like the 'regular' flowers better. For me, most of the big edge flowers, IMP, dont open symetrically, and that bugs me. When one does open right, thats what makes it a winner to me.

Poland, ME

The Shooter's breed a LOT of diploids both in round form and spiders/UFo's. They do Tet's also, but the majority of their work is with diploids. John favors flowers with wide sepals, thus getting a full rounded form. Like him, I like flat flowers. One of John's greatest creations, in my mind, is marietta Momento. This plant never fails to excite me when it blooms.

Thumbnail by Mainiac Thumbnail by Mainiac Thumbnail by Mainiac
Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Nice, very very nice.

Poland, ME

This was one of the first dips to display a fine gold wired edge. This trait is not common on dips.

Oskaloosa, IA(Zone 5a)

I would be interested

Poland, ME

I just spoke to Faye Shooter and she is making a list for me. It should be available in a couple of weeks. Watch the Classified Ads!

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

excellent......hope you will remind us tho on this thread.

Poland, ME

I am starting to get items from them to list.... Stay tuned

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Very excited about this Ramona!!

Poland, ME

The Classified Ad has been placed and is available for viewing! Hundreds to chose from!

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)


This message was edited Feb 11, 2013 12:40 PM

Poland, ME


Poland, ME

THIS SALE HAS BEEN CANCELLED AFTER BEING TROLLED. As a grieving widow I am intolerant of negativity and hounding. Please accept my apologies to all of you.

Poland, ME

I have requested my membership to this forum be cancelled. Bye.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Kindly asking for photos of the Crowns with their root structure is TROLLING?

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

How would you send a picture of crowns with root structure, when a plant is in the ground. You dont dig them up until shipping, what are you talking about. I dont know what trolling is, but that isnt even a legit request. I have no idea what happened to Romona, but I sure feel bad about it and alot of people are bummed for sure.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

If a business has been in business for decades, they would have taken
sample photos of their plant material for their customers to review, especially if blind sided through the internet.

This is common practice for vendors, distributors and growers securing their transactions with their clients.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, you clearly dont deal much in daylilies, not to mention, anyone who grows daylilies have all ordered from marietta and know the shooters. What does taking a picture of one plant have to do with another?? There is no more respected grower than marietta and the Shooters. Anyone on the daylily forum or any research thru the AHS or from the lily auction, would have answered your questions. You just missed out on the best daylilies youve ever had. You must be thinking of the daylilies from overseas in the baggies. Have you checked out their website??? Good luck on finding what your after.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

I am a State Licensed grower in Northern California.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

And you've never bought from Marietta's? Never heard of their reputation?
All you had to do is look @ the feedback in the Garden Watch Dog
or post the question in the lily forum asking others if they had bought from Marietta's and what was their thoughts on the company.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)


Just asked a simple question to Mainiac on another forum
and I get my head chewed off?

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Im not sure who chewed your head off, or anything about another thread. For me, we love talking dayliles and daylily people. It just seemed like an odd question. Seemed as if you were looking or asking about something other than registered daylilies.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

As mentioned.... only to see what I would be buying - that's if I would be.
Nothing more.

Mainiac, my sincere condolences on your loss.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry to see that this has been cancelled.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Gardenglory you can read the event in question here.
Sad to say the least!!!! Mike

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

If you were to compare to some of the shipping on the LA, this would be a bargain. IMHO!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

He probably could have went on Marietta Gardens website and saw pictures of the roots or contacted them if he wanted to see pictures.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

To bad SG didnt know of Marietta, but thats not really his fault, altho its not hard to find their website and check their reputation. This is sad all round. Im guessing Romona got upset with the 'any good vendor' part. Since each daylily plant has a different root system, it was a hard request. Just a big sad misunderstanding. Im guessing, after all she has been thru the last couple years, she just didnt want to deal with the hassle and any negativity.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

:( So sorry that this upset her so badly......... and sorry to hear the sale has been cancelled. Might be best for me - not sure I need to buying anymore, but I was sure ready to look ! ^_^

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Me too, lol. Money is tight and I really shouldn't be buying more either.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Gen and Cindy you ladies are funny.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh yes, hilarious..... because you KNOW we would have probably at least bought something! ^_^ It isn't called an addiction for nothing. Do they have a 12 step program for DL addicts??

Cindy, I can definitely relate.... my husband started his job 100 miles away last week. Commuted the first night because he had some things he had needed to do that Monday night - and hit a deer about 20 miles from home and came close to totaling his VW Beetle. In fact, it has taken them almost 2 weeks to FINALLY decide that they will repair it instead of totaling it . Now another 1 1/2 to get it repaired! He has been gone to Houston all week for pole school training - at his age it was difficult, but he passed and that is a good thing! :) Couldn't keep this job without passing that school and only got two attempts - thankfully, he got it the first time! We still have to find him a place to live - trying to find somewhere inexpensive doesn't seem to be working too well.......... :( Not sure how long we will be able to hang on to trying to maintain two households! Trying to see what his new boss is going to do about POSSIBLY moving him back to this area. He is so wishy washy that every day it seems to be a different senario! I hate that - but apparently he is like that on most everything! he is in the process of changing their work schedules so that he will have multiple shifts instead of everyone working the same one - and he has changed the shift times 3 times already!! We are just hanging on for the ride and will see what happens...............

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