Happy Birthday Holly

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Just noticed that today is your birthday! Hope you are doing something fun and exciting. I'm betting Ric has surprised you with a very creative gift and fabulous eats.

Thumbnail by aspenhill
Athens, PA

Happy Birthday Holly.

Hope it is a grand day!

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday Holly! Spend it doing as you please and enjoy it.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday, Holly! Hope it was spent doing things you love.

Lovely planter combo, aspenhill.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you, you are so nice. Sorry to say not much of a BD for me. I got very sick last weekend, maybe food poisoning or some kind of bug and I am not completely up and running yet. Getting better each day so I will be celebrating hopefully later in the week.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Praying you get back to your normal self soon! Good idea to postpone the celebrating. Happiest of birthdays!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

All good wishes coming from me too. For your Birthday--and for a speedy recovery.
All these weather changes can do a number on you.

Hope you had a piece of cake--at least....Gita

My "Proud Land" Rose.2007

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy happy birthday, a day late! I hope you are feeling better soon, and can really celebrate!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, Better today. I am actually sitting up and on the computer. Even picked up a few things. Do a small task like opening the mail and then rest and watch a bit of a movie.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh BTW Ric got me a new laptop for my BD since I crashed the last one. LOL
He hasn't got it up and running yet, It's a beauty and there is a new photo program he installed for me.

Athens, PA


I lost all my photos a couple of years ago. Since then, I subscribe to a service through my dsl that backs up my photos and other important files. I know some have extra drives they back their essentials to as well.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Glad the bug is passing, Holly, and you'll soon be clicking away on your new laptop.

Carolyn, I'm still furious with Webshots for closing, had been with them since 1999. The 'new' Smile service is photos only.....no folders to keep organized, all my photo names/dates disappeared, and there are no slideshow or email links available, etc. It's a good thing our photos are either stored on CD's or the camera card but using them is just not as convenient. Needless to say, we're in the market for a new service.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I do have my pictures and a few folders backed up in a separate hard drive but it is so inconvenient to pull them up. All you can look at is one pic at a time and only listed by date not any type of folder. The dates only reflect when they were down loaded not taken so I have thousands of pics listed under one date. Not to mention that the House computer picture program doesn't let you do much in the way of working with the pictures. Can't even crop them.

Athens, PA

Have either of you looked at PIcasa? I like Google anyway, but it is their picture service.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I love Picasa. It sorts your photos by face recognition, among other things.

Athens, PA

and the dates - I can pretty much tell where something is by the date as I can pretty much remember what is blooming when.

The other thing that I really love about Picasa is the pictures are big enough for me to see without trouble. With the picture program for my canon camera, the photos are smaller and too hard to see. I suppose that could be default on my computer too, couldn't it.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Happy Belated birthday, Holly. Hope you & Ric are feeling better. Judy.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


This is how I organize all my Pictures--by monthly folders.
Right now, I am on "Nev. and Dec. 2012." They are, automatically, in alphabetical order.

This is under My Documents--My Pictures--and then a sub-category of the folders.

I never keep pictures on my card. It would be too time-consuming to find one if I needed it.
I upload them into the current folder--and then delete them off the camera.

I also keep a notebook which lists the picture (like--Dr. Seuss brug.) and then dates jotted down under that
where GOOD pictures of this is located. It is getting very cluttered as I take more and more pictures,
but transcribing all that would be a huge job.
Just my "anal" way of organizing things,


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Belated but best wishes for you Holly!

Thumbnail by sallyg
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday Holly! Only a day late for once. Glad you are feeling better and about to enjoy your new computer.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh my - I'm a day late here (probably a $ short as well ^_^) - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!

Hope you're feeling much, much better and fully healed by the weekend! HUGS!

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday and many more .

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Gosh Holly... I am way more than a day late, but I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the Birthday wishes. Orchidfancy, Seems to me that we share a BD. Hope you had a nice one, too.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Well in that case, Happy Birthday to Orchidfancy too!

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

This year I celebrated my birthday for a whole week starting with dinner with my son and his family and it seems like I was invited somewhere for lunch almost everyday, or people came and visit to celebrate my birthday. This was great to find out how many friends and how my family really cared about me.

My year as a whole had been very hard, another major surgery , death in the family and not being able to attend the funerals, husband losing his job. Anyway it is all behind. I never lost faith and hoped that things would get better I tried to not let things get me down and I made it .

Life is good and I am happy to see another year in the making. I am planning for another nice gardening year and I wish everyone that are celebrating another birthday has also a great gardening year. There is nothing more uplifting than enjoying your garden in the evening with a nice glass of wine, the smell of the Tuberose ,the flowering tobacco and the company of the man that you love still after 43 years.....

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Quote from orchidfancy :
There is nothing more uplifting than enjoying your garden in the evening with a nice glass of wine, the smell of the Tuberose ,the flowering tobacco and the company of the man that you love still after 43 years.....

I sure do agree with your statement.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

orchidfancy- My best wishes too for you!

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