If you were given $1,000. to spend on your garden, how would you spend it:

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 118 votes:

(20 votes, 16%)
Red dot

(32 votes, 27%)
Red dot

A pond
(11 votes, 9%)
Red dot

Garden Art
(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

A vegetable garden
(10 votes, 8%)
Red dot

Potting bench with umbrella, chair and all supplies
(7 votes, 5%)
Red dot

(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

Favorite plants
(10 votes, 8%)
Red dot

Other (tell us!)
(26 votes, 22%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Truckloads of topsoil, compost, raised bed building material, manual labor... let's see, have I spent my thousand dollars yet?

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

I would close in my deck into a 'Texas' room with a bathroom/shower, build another deck outside of it, and put a fence around my yard. That would make my dog unhappy, and my neighbors happy.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

More plants, better landscaping, some more hardscaping and hiding my neighbors behind tall and thick bushes. That should do it. lol

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I would use it to prepare my raised beds for the veggie garden. I need to build boxes for the raised beds as being disabled I can not get down and than up off the ground to plant, much less can I dig the garden.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Other: a seed-collecting trip to some far-away part of the world


Thumbnail by Resin
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Spending $1,000.00 is easily achieved when you have Rolls Royce tastes on a bus ticket budget; specially with those rare plants you can only dream about. So, I would probably splurge on a few philodendrons or rare orchids.


I would add some sort of extra shading to our patio so the afternoon sun would be tempered a little more allowing us to enjoy the garden more, or on more compost for the garden.

This message was edited Nov 12, 2012 4:11 PM

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

I'm with lourspolaire, I have champagne taste with a beer pocketbook :(

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

After a long and rough day in the garden I selected hardscaping maybe to eliminate areas to tend but I really like daylilydreams idea of more shade. That afternoon sun can be a killer in summer.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I said other. My landlord and a select group of tenants have relentlessly tried to evict me and have sprayed herbicide a number of times on the garden to force me to leave. My landlord has imposed $1000 to be paid immediately. So, because I have gardened, I am losing my home. That's what I'd do with $1000 gardening money - save my home.

Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Add it to the savings to get a Greenhouse.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

What a rotten shame, Mike.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Other, as in a combo. Plants yes, tools yes, likely some land/hardscape materials. Perhaps just get as much gravel as I could to better access our back acreage.

Monte Vista, CO(Zone 4a)


I would buy supplies to build starter greenhouses for others in this area, cattle panels, poly film, heaters, etc. so that every struggling individual or family, that receives a greenhouse, can know what organic food does for their health and the joy of growing one's own food. My dream is to develop a simple manual for the starter greenhouse for them and help them to learn like we all are learning about gardening.

This message was edited Nov 12, 2012 9:48 PM

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Solace, a $1000 would buy a lot of DG subscriptions for those you care about and they could learn along with us!

Elizabethton, TN(Zone 6b)

I have a large, beautiful private garden that I would love to address. It needs to be leveled to prevent the soil from being pulled over the side onto the patio. I would fill it with new, rich garden soil, add topsoil, some mulch and have all the Brugmansias that I could grow. I would add in a small boulder or two for visual effects and that would be my dream garden!!

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

I would invest it in periennial vegggies that sell well here in this part of the country. Asparagus, horseradish, rhubarb etc. Also, I have been adding edibles to the homestead every year as I can afford them. Black berries, service berries, aronia, goji, etc. We are building a real house (old used mobilehome for now) starting in the spring, and we want to line our driveway with sugar maples. The $1000 dollars would go towards these projects.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

My project for the coming year is a veggie garden so that's where I'd spend my $

Monte Vista, CO(Zone 4a)

Quote from steadycam3 :
Solace, a $1000 would buy a lot of DG subscriptions for those you care about and they could learn along with us!

Yes, that's a good idea, too, steadycam. With each greenhouse, a DG subscription. Hopefully they'll all have computers...that would be a consideration. If I had enough land, it would be nice to put in a community garden wherein people would have their own plots fenced off/gated where they can grow a little garden outside in the summer. So many ideas. Too many, lol.

Fort Wayne, IN

I would use the money for a short 18" retaining/sitting wall along our alley so we'd have a place to sit when the neighbors walk past and stop for a chat (about $150). Maybe some 18" patio blocks for the back yard would be nice, too (another $150). Hate moving the lawn furniture to mow under it! I'd buy the rest of the peonies I need to finish the restoration of my great-grandfather's 1928 garden (probably $500 with international shipping), and use the rest to help my neighbors! What was that dollar limit again?

Thumbnail by LauraSteele Thumbnail by LauraSteele Thumbnail by LauraSteele
Talihina, OK

I guess landscaping as I am the very worst at design as I have stated often i am of the Charlie Manson school of design HELTER SKELTER as for any of the others I am okay with what I have ..Lately I have been volunteering as a gardener for our little city and this lets me plant pretty much whatever I want ,i can go to the local greenhouse get what I need and charge it to the Mayor BTW she is a dolly parton look alike , today I planted some Crimson Clover on some south facing banks that are very visible from the Hiway should be nice for spring blooms ...

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

With an extra $1,000 I could have someone build a chicken coop and rabbit hutches. There would probably be enough left over to purchase chicks, rabbits and feed. Their manure would help my vegetable garden.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You'd have laughed, Honeybee, to have seen my reaction when I was just starting to garden and my neighbor, the real PIRL, said she was going to the farmstand and did I want any chicken manure. She wasn't one to joke so I knew she must be serious but I had no idea how they'd collect such a thing. I envisioned people running after chickens with scoops under them! It's all part of the live and learn process.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

other, -growin, you are probably goin to be MUCH happier away from such killjoys!!! be sure you get where there are sympathetic gardeners in abundance. Just supplies for me, for maintenance, heaven knows plants come in masses down south-good and bad. May look into greenhouses when other half and I decide where we wish to settle, chuckle- Wyo is not out of the question on many days...

Layton, UT

Difficult-To-Find seeds of rock garden plants that aren't found in local nurseries.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

I'd put the $1,000 toward a greenhouse!

McKinney, TX

I love water. I'd put it to a larger pond. The one I have is small. Know what they mean when they say, "always make it bigger".

If possible I'd love to have a farm pond but that maybe a bit out of 1000$ range.

Vacaville, CA(Zone 9b)

Tool shed and/or greenhouse

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

More raised bed materials and veggies to put in them, plus materials to build the side yard entry gate.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I said landscape - I need to repair a retaining wall and build another. We are losing our hill :(

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hardscape no doubt l ! Favorite plants absolute!!

Staten Island, NY(Zone 7b)

It has to be a pond w a waterfall. I would be lounging in the shade listening to it as I remember my Grandfather's farm so long ago. While doing needlework or crochet. Could give up city life in a heartbeat! :)

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

If you give a mouse a cookie.... Already spent it and then some. Just re-did some landscaping in our front and back yards. You know how it works. You start out doing one thing and it leads to more. That $1000 would just replenish what I already spent.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

An Irrigation system complete with timers. Hoses get heavy the further out in the yard ya get....and 150 feet of hose is some kind of a "drag"...grin

Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'd redo my irrigation system. It has been there for 15 years and needs updating badly.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

we would get a fountain for sure!

Alton, MO

I'd get my pond fixed!

Central, TX(Zone 8b)

Although it's awful tempting to go for garden jewelry and landscaping, the thought of expanding the vegetable garden rises to number 1! Compost, mulch, a drip irrigation system and those tasty veggies, herbs and fruit that my family can enjoy fresh, frozen and canned - that's the ticket!

Considering what's going on with our economy these days a family veggie garden and fruit orchard will become a necessity. A few years back my daughter and I visited Estonia and Germany. We were amazed at the gardens and fruit trees that were in most every yard or community garden. Our guide, an older lady, told us of the hard times under Soviet domination when if you didn't grow your own food, you virtually starved or suffered from malnutrition. Even today Estonia has the highest per capita consumption of sugar in the EU; she explained it's used to preserve food and the EU places a high tax on their "excess sugar" usage. Gee, what else is coming our way?

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Garden_Sass - I have been moving slowly to that - planting more fruit trees (apple, pear, plum) but it will be a while before they are big enough to produce fruit. More veggies as well. I need to expand - broccoli, cukes and toms just arent enough. Moved the raised bed the end of this season - will be making a new one next season. Have my base of mulched leaves started already.

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