whos been collecting leaves?

Provo, UT(Zone 5a)

that time of year again..yea!!! bagged leaves everywhere..omg..
is it christmas???? LOL
i gotta get out more on my runs and pick up leaves..
every yr i always think..wow..enough..then come spring..i think..???
why didnt i get more.. LOL im sure others feel same way..
shredded leaves are great compost/soil ammendments..and best
yet.. they are FREE !!!! :)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hee hee
I was all set to fill up my bins with DS but he decided he wanted to make a huge leaf pile…so they sit for a few more weeks.

Took a couple stumps to the dump- there were people on both sides of us dumping entire bags of leaves into the dumpster and taking their bags home again. And then there are all the bags on the side of the road...

Provo, UT(Zone 5a)

makes ya just squirm ..doesnt it..:) im sure your community is
composting them..thats what they do here..then when its cooked..they
sell it ..

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

Must be a sign of the hard times here, last year bagged leaves were easy to find, this year not the case. They are just piled up by the road (no bags), so that means my seedfork is getting much more use this year. I have picked up over 20 truck loads over the past two weeks, the compost piles are now built (emptied them in late Sept. to go into the beds, started them back up in Oct.) Of course over the next few months the piles will all shrink down and need to be topped back off, but I will not be needing nearly as many leaves for that. It always seems we have trips planned during the peak leaf gathering weeks. Again this year we will be gone for the last two weeks in November, and maybe it is just being gone but I swear those are the two best weeks of the year to pick up leaves. Yes I also plan every year to have a huge leaf pile in reserve to use during the rest of the year, but my energy and enthusiasm seem to run out before I end up with a surplus, takes all I can do just to get the piles built, and add to the fill for the bog garden area. This is about my favorite time of year, every thing is so beautiful, the days are just perfect, blue skies and mild temperatures, and tons of leaves.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

DH agreed to mow and mulch up the entire yard ful of leaves. Compost is toasty and fragrant in a nice way!

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