Need advice on growing Morning Glories.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I tried growing Morning Glories this past year with some pretty pitiful results.
Between getting a late start and not getting much heat this summer here on the central coast they never really did much.
I've decided to start earlier this year but how early should I start?
I have a mat and a grow light, even an unheated greenhouse, any suggestions would be appreciated.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

After i planted mine the first year they have come back every year whenever they feel like it, it seems. frost kills them here, so i would wait until after the frost to direct sow, maybe 4 weeks before that for winter sowing. just my opinion, sure am not an expert, but i do love them.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Well, I think I'm going to start some indoors in January and then put them out late February, that should put them on the "getting warmer" side of winter.
I can also keep them in 4" pots in the greenhouse for awhile if it's still too cold.
Thanks for the response, I'd really like to get some going.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

the seeds must be pretty tough because it freezes here a lot in the winter and there are always mgs in the spring. with the last hot spell some came up this week, but i am sure i will lose them at the next frost day.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

The weather has been so odd here that I have daffodils blooming and leaves falling off the trees at the same time.
That's why I think I'll start them indoors when it's good and cold out so they don't come up too soon outside and then freeze down. I have all kinds of annuals coming up now too annd I'm afraid they will probably all die back next month and I won't have any come up in Spring. It doesn't always freeze here in winter, maybe I'll be lucky and some of these will survive, I have all these cute white dwarf marguerites coming up, and nasturiums. and cosmos. . . boo hoo.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

i cant even figure out what to do about next years plantings. I agree this year was the oddest weather wise.

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