Happy Birthday Linda!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

This probably isn't proper, but I need some birthday cheer!

Oct 20 was my birthday.

Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday, Linda!!!!! Seems like no one noticed this thread. Guess everyone's too busy looking at the threads they're currently following. That happens to me all the time, and then I miss birthday threads. Oops! Sorry bout that.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy birthday Linda !!!!!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

A very happy belated birthday to you!!!!!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Same ,three days late ,only Happy Birthday!!!
Does your not getting older, your getting better!!! Apply?

Happy birthday to you, To bring you some cheer
Happy birthday to you,Would a Beer and a Daylily do?
Happy birthday Dear Linda , Happy Birthday to you!

I would add some music notes ,only I do not know how to do that one,LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday Linda! I hope you had a great day.


Thumbnail by Lyle627
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Happy belated bday! Hope you had a great day!

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

A very happy belated. Lets keep the cheer coming.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Lyle that daylily is absolutely gorgeous. Which one is it?


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Quote from juhur7 :
Same ,three days late ,only Happy Birthday!!!
Does your not getting older, your getting better!!! Apply?

Happy birthday to you, To bring you some cheer
Happy birthday to you,Would a Beer and a Daylily do?
Happy birthday Dear Linda , Happy Birthday to you!

I would add some music notes ,only I do not know how to do that one,LOL

A Beer would be great, but I swore off the bear 27 years ago! AA for me and lots of Daylilys! Yes, I'm getting better at being myself . . . for sure.

Thank you everyone for all the thoughts and the pretty lilys.

Karen those are beautiful blooms

Lyle, I was hoping you would send something very nice....and you did. So Thank you all!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Lyle, is that the really expensive purple one?

Those are gorgeous!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, and you're welcome.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Karen - The daylily is VIOLET BECOMES YOU..

Linda - The daylily VBY is around $20 - $30 but worth it..

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday Late. Hope it was a good one!!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Juhur I meant to say....swore off the BEER not the BEAR! LOL

Lyle, I thought that is what it was and it is beautiful. I might have to spring for that one, cuz it sure is pretty. Of course then I have to find a place I can plant it. I'm out of room for good places to plant. Boo Hoo.....

THANK you EVERYONE for all the good wishes.


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I thought so,lol but did't there use to be a beer with a bear logo,? I gave it up decades ago myself, The Daylilies on the other hand,, are going to stay with me,, most likely forever,,, I have always had "a thing"" for them,"ever since I was a "young'n"

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Lyle, VBY is really gorgeous. Thanks for the ID.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

juhur, Yes, "From the land of sky blue waters.....comes the beer refreshing. . . . Hamms, the beer refreshing...."

From either Oregon or Washington, I can't remember. I think it was from Washington though.


p.s. Lots of beers out there I never have tasted. Makes me kind of wistful sometimes.....LOL - 27 years August 14, 2012!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Good for you! I can have a beer or two and not a problem for me. Feel bad for those who have trouble with it. My favorite beer is from a microbrewery in Tempe, AZ called Gordon Biersch. I don't know if that's where they're based out of, but it sure is a great place for beer and food.


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I go back to Pabst blue ribbon and Falstaff .Modern era those went down quick like what is sold as German dark beer, If you want real one you have go to Germany!lol
I use to have a Falstaff lighted clock and a big round blue ribbon serving coaster Think about tasting any past the mid 60's and YUCK comes to mind though.
Greats when they started original, and no I am not that old either!! lol
I don't drink booze any more, and was never that regular anyway.Well to keep my nose from growing a couple of beers at lunch usually at holiday brunches that kind of thing but still rarely.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

It's pretty rare that I indulge, also. I just don't want to spend the money. Plus, often when I go out, I'm the one driving, so then I can't take the chance, not unless I'm going to out a few hours and have a drink very early on. It takes one hour per drink to sober up, generally, but I also think it depends on if you've eaten anything, how much you've eaten, and how much you weigh.

My sister and a couple friends indulged in a frozen mixed drink tonight. I passed. I already had a frozen coffee drink (no alcohol) from our local Honey Dew Donuts, and that's a ton of calories right there. Besides, I was still working on my drink. I didn't need to add all the extra calories from the alcoholic beverage as well. And I had just eaten dinner, too, and I was full. Still full now, in fact. The alcohol probably would give me acid reflux.

My most favorite beer, after Gordon Biersch, is Guinness.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, have you ever tried Guinness mixed with condensed milk and egg. Whipped up in the blender ? By itself it is some what bitter to me. There's another one from Jamaica called "Dragon Stout" that's almost as good and a little cheaper. Ooops! There goes the extra calories! LOL!!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

It seems to me, none of ya'll know HOW to drink! I never worried about the calories, or driving drunk either. I'm sure I did, cuz I don't remember getting home!

You are naming beers I have never heard of! LOL

I think it is a really good thing that I got sober when I did! I think I might have clipped a parked car once years ago, but thank God, I never hit anyone or wrecked my car with my children in it. Yes, a very good thing.....


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

That it's a great thing, Linda, and I'm sure hard to do.

Mike, I've never tried that. Might have to one day.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I don't drink much, maybe an ocassional glass of wine for special events, anniversary or holiday, but that is a good thing too. They have linked more than 2 drinks a day to a 50% increase in breast cancer. I had breast cancer in 2005 and I would not ever like to have to go through that again.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow, I didn't know that. Does that include wine? I had heard that was an antioxidant.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing - had just read an article yesterday that you should drink red wine bc the antioxidants can help prevent some cancers....................

sometimes I think they aren't sure about all this research and just throw something out there. :(

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I'm with you hemlady. When they talk about booze and women getting breast cancer they aren't talking about a small glass of wine now and then.

They are referring to the way that I drank! Several beers every night and then follow up with a few mixed drinks.....in other words a "problem drinker", a "binge drinker" or an Alcoholic like me.

And of course I got the breast cancer too, but who knows why. Booze? maybe, or maybe I had the genes to begin with and it just developed. I had the RH factor too that is a very fast grower.

Yes, red wine is STILL good for you. 1 or 2 small glasses a day is fine. Wine is usually only 12% alcohol anyway. You could get the same effect from grape juice.


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I will clue you that I am male, I am not social on threads as to talking gender,I do not usually say to my illness either. I have had 6 operations called procedures these days between 2009 and 2012 .I am now short a thyroid, a kidney and have had my bladder scraped because of tumors and cancer .
I don't think having a problem drinking has as much to do with it as the stress that causes or comes with problems.The first time the process thought I had cancer I was nine years old .That was a death sentence then!! I have always been a diabetic,from the number of years of that, I am very old for a diabetic .
I guess I am going for the agree that some stats are not worth the paper they put them on to throw out there at any of us.
It is still a lot of Who Knows!!? believing on.

The most dramatic example of stress as far as proof that stress and anxiety kill are pow's, headaches to tumors and digestive and appetite problems that caused death immediate or delayed a few years,that basis I believe!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear about your numerous procedures Juhur7..... but glad to hear you are believing on which I believe is one key to surviving! My husband lost a kidney to cancer as well, but thankfully he has not had any other problems. We are 7 yrs out - so they say he is "cancer free". I lost a dear friend last year to pancreatic cancer..........

Have a nephew who served in Desert Storm, Kosovo, and Iraq...... he has all KINDS of health problems!! He is only 40 - but you would think he was pushing 80 if you read his medical charts! So, you may have a point that the high stress is a factor......

Prayers for you, juhur

Linda, you are right...... an occasional drink is not going to harm anyone probably..... but the binge drinking opens up a world of problems in some people. Had a high school friend who had been an alcholic since jr high.... he finally gave it up (at 50! ) - and within 2 months he had a massive heart attack. They say his blood/heart was so used to the alchohol as a thinner that his heart couldn't effectively pump the thickened blood. :( Guess no one thought about that aspect of the alchohol until it was too late........ Congrats to you on beating the habit !!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes Karen, the latest study showed a strong link to drinking more than 2 glasses of alcohol a day to developing breast cancer. 2 glasses they found are beneficial but more than 2 causes a whole lot of other problems in the body.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

It is like they say - everything in moderation....... maybe a little less 'moderation' on the exercise part ^_^

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thank you all for your thoughts on this. I'll say a little extra prayer for you too Juhur.

Genna, I didn't "beat" the habit, but took steps to work through it. I will always be an alcoholic as alcohol just does things in my body that doesn't do to other folks who are "normal" drinkers. My saving grace was AA.

Yes, stress really does take its toll on your body, and can cause all kinds of problems. But for me, the drinking didn't help even though I "thought" I was chilling out by having a few drinks. My last excuse was "to be able to go to sleep". Believe me when I tell you that I have heard all the excuses for drinking too much and they are all things we keep telling ourselves are real reasons. That is until we can face up to the problems our drinking is causing us and others.

Twenty years ago some doctor with "hundreds" of years of experience with cancer cells said "we all have cancer cells in our bodies, and only some people will end up with active cancer." I still am not sure what I believe. I just know that I know MY body better than my doctor, so if something doesn't feel right or I find a lump that wasn't there before, or if something hurts now and didn't before, I am going to go talk to my doctor! The key is getting to the problem sooner rather than later.

My brother-in-law died of Prostrate cancer and toward the end he was begging his brother to shoot him. He was one of those with a high threshold of pain, and even though he knew something wasn't right, he did not go to a doctor. That's what the doctor told him too....if he had gone to see him sooner, it would have been taken care of, but he went to the doctor too late.

How about we talk about daylilys for awhile? LOL


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I will go for talking about daylily for a while ,won a couple at auction the last few days and received a very nice gift of a few from a DG,er , some of you know very well.
I don't know how we went from good birthday wishes to illness and storms either, sounds like most of us are in a mess or cleaning one,LOL with reservations as to how funny. wow.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I'm with you. Although sometimes it is good to be able to share anonymously. I'll probably never meet any of you even though I might like to.

What lilys did you win Juhur?


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Juhur7, I'm sorry to hear about all your issues with cancer. I'm sure it must be very tough to deal with. My sister's other half is dealing with cancer right now, and for a couple of years now. We're all praying for him. I'll pray for you a well, if you'd like. Or I'll just send good thoughts your way, whatever your preference may be.

Genna, sorry about your friend from high school. What a shame. Who would know that would happen. I guess there's often a danger in. quitting many things "cold turkey".

Linda, sorry about your BIL. Awful way to go.

Back too daylilies, I have a bunch that will need to get planted this weekend. And a lot of cleanup work from the mess that the storm left. Wish me luck in getting all that done.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

l2le'; A couple ,my favorite so far is Pistachio Eyes x Crimson Cowboy ,I think maybe? Have a couple with puffer fish and a cross I will have to wait till memory takes hold. Have a cross of Autunm Sojourn already growing from seed.
Just don't tell if you are who I outbid for them ,lol I wasn't looking for arguments!!l^_^

nutsfordaylily Good thoughts will do nicely,prayers are for tragedy and many are in tragedy.
My memory and energy levels I think are what bother me most about it all ,only as it is I have dealt with this ,off and on, since I was nine years old, My father and a sister both died from diabetic complications , that my friend was awful!! My father saw his daughter die when she was thirty and had a 4 and a 7 year old herself, I had never felt so sorry with that much sympathy in all my life, A parent saw a child die and two youngsters without there mommy. that friends is tragedy!!!! Condolences to the storm survivors of same from me!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Well then, lots and lots of good thoughts going your way!

Going to bed now. Take care.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Karen, did you end up with damage from the storm after all? nothing major i hope! I know some people really have a tough road ahead of them after that storm!

Isn't it great that we can "share" with each other across the miles! Helps to lessen the load sometimes..............

Congrats juhur7 on your DL wins! Thank goodness I have managed to stay away from the auction sites for the time being at least............... ^_^ I still have about 10 more pots on my porch that I need to get into the ground before I consider getting any additional ones! Figure I have room for hundreds if I spread them all along this foundation planting................... ssshhhhhh don't tell my husband I said that! ^_^

Hope you all had a great weekend! I enjoyed my time away but paying my price at work today - speaking of which, break is over..... better get back at it. I REALLY need to find my desk under these piles before i head home!


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, we made out well during the storm. No damage, just lots of sticks and leaves to clean up. A big mess, but it's better than greeting damage. We would have had a lot of leaves to clean up regardless. Now we're supposed to be getting a nor'easter. That will mean more mess.

Oh, boy, more room for daylilies! Go for it!


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