My order from Bob at Blueridge

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I got my order from Bob Selman at Blueridge last week. As usual, he sent nice clumps, with at least 3-5 fans of each, and lots of bonus plants. I ordered 10 plants, and he sent 11 bonus plants. The pic shows 17 plants. Two were ordered for a friend, and I gave her two of the bonuses as well. These plants are a week old, so they don't look as good a when I first got them. Today I'll be soaking them in water. Tomorrow they'll get planted. I still need to leave positive feedback for him on eBay. I also need to leave some positive comments on the Garden Watchdog is well.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Toledo, OH

Karen you have beautiful plants from Bob Selman. Wow, 11 gift plants! It was nice of you to share some with your friend. I planted my order from him on october 6, and they are greening up nicely . I had to go out and cut a flower scape off Egyptian Queen. I couldn't believe that came out so soon after I planted it. He definately deserves positive feedback. I don't know how to leave feedback on The Watchdog unfortunately. Karen

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Karen, do you not have any trouble planting them this late?? I really don't plant any later than August here.

Toledo, OH

hemlady, So far I have never lost a fall planted daylily. My two sons also plant in their yards in the fall without losing any. I always say I am not going to because of the risk, then I see a sale or one i really want. I just planted Rachel Klee on october 18. My son had received it as a gift plant and gave it to me.We will see how it does since I usually stop planting the first week of october. All plants will be mulched for winter. Karen

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Karen! I'm always thrilled when I get an order from him. I have to clarify that I didn't actually "share" the plants with my friend. She had ordered 2 to include in my order, which she paid for, including shipping, so she got 2 bonus plants as well.

Planting at this time is not a problem for me, usually. We don't get any hard freezes until Dec., for the most part. Like Karen from OH, I see stuff on sale this time of the year, and can't resist. Then do you plant or let them overwinter in the pots? Sometimes I'll have a loss from planting this late, but then you can lose ones in the pots, too. It's a risk, yes, but most of what I'm planting this time of the year is stuff I've gotten on sale, and I lose very little, if any, so I don't feel so bad if I do lose something.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen we are happy for you and your friend with all those plants. Do you mind sharing the names? I have planted as late as mid November with no problem.
Gift plant from Bob a season ago. Great Goodness Gracious

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Mine seem to get crown rot or just plain don't make it through the winter. Our last few winters, however, have been milder than usual so maybe they would be alright after all.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

FYI. Bob have 23 pages listed on the LA.
Kisses Like Wine. gift plant from Bob.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Liberal, KS

LA, what or where is this? It has been mentioned several times don't know what that is, just curious.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Mike. The ones I got are: SKINWALKER, SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, LINDY TWIRL, RASPBERRY WINTER, WINTER IN EDEN, SPACECOAST STARBURST, SPACECOAST TINY PERFECTION and ELECTRIC MIST. I have to say I don't remember what I got for bonuses. I'll have to try and write down the names tomorrow and I'll let you know. I know one of the ones I gave to my friend was DRIPPING WITH GOLD (bonus). I have that one already, and it has not done well for me. Only one fan, and I've had it for several years. Moved it to another location this year, and will see what happens. She ordered SKINWALKER AND SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. We both got those. Nice bonuses, btw.

Cindy, I had a few die from crown rot last winter. I had potted them up, rather late, I might add, in Miracle Grow potting soil. Anyhow, they had been soaking a long time in water prior to being potted. Also, it seems that the potting soil stayed wet all winter, or it was quite wet when I took them out of the pots in the spring. That, and the fact that they were soaking too long, I attribute to the cause of the crown rot.

Martina, the LA is the Lily Auction. Go here and click on the Lily Auction. Beware: it's very addicting!


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

We seem to get very wet in early spring and in fall. That probably is the main reason for rot here. We have had more rain the last 2 weeks than we had the whole month of August I believe.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

We can get really wet in spring and fall, too, but this year is not bad so far. A good amount of rain, but not too much.

Darn, forgot to go outside and take a look and write down what I got for bonuses.


Wynnburg, United States

He is absolutely one of my favorite sellers:) I have bought several different times this year and am waiting on my last order I sent last week...He is amazing with the gift plants and always wants to make sure you are happy!! I am wanting some of his newer intros but just can't let myself turn loose of that much money:)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, I've ordered from him twice this year and once last year. Will continue to order from him.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well we sure are catching up on rain. Sandy is pounding us with wind and rain today. It's amazing that it is reaching us here in Michigan.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Cindy, it look like it is coming this way also. I know Blueridge gardens is getting rain right now.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I would rather have the rain than snow any day, lol.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Me too!


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I will add a third to that , snow is pretty to look at ,and that is about all!!!
Weather is much the same here as hemlady, it has been really odd that last decade and in recent years it seems like I having to re-learn things.
While I am not a professional at gardening I am experienced at it . Only nature is teaching me a whole new set games lately.
While I have not actually seen what seems to be crown rot I have seen a few turn yellow and never return, Until recent years I would not have thought that possible!!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

That yellowing and dying could be crown rot. It happens not only when conditions are too wet, but also when they too dry, from what I've heard.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, I guess it is good you are getting rain, but I am sure you don't need it measured in feet!! or all at once. Even though we have had several nice rains, and things are a lot better, we are still below normal. :( It has just been a REALLY weird year here - almost no winter - 85+ degrees by the second week in March - then a cold snap, then super hot, then NO RAIN...... now a little rain, but not enough to get us out of deficit and we should be making it up this time of year. They are calling for a colder winter, that is much wetter than normal.................. oh joy :(

Although I do hope it gets cold enough to kill off at least some of our mosquitoes!!! They have been horrible all summer even with the drought!!

I heard them say on the radio earlier today that Sandy is headed into Canada and beyond today..................she really packed a punch!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, do you have too worry about west Nile virus and eastern equine encephalitis in your area? We have that here, a well a lyme disease from ticks.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yes! They have had a LOT of cases of West Nile in Arkansas this year - several deaths from it as well this year so far. It has been really bad!! I don't have horses, but I know years and years ago they did a lot of vacinations for some type of equine encelphalitis - I was probably about 8 (40 yrs ago) and we had a lot of horses at the time and there was a big push to make sure every horse in the state got this vaccination that year.........not sure if that is the same disease. Since I don't own horses, I am not sure if it is still an issue, but i would suspect it is . We have LOTS of mosquitos...... have a big problem with heartworm disease in dogs for the same reason. I was looking at dogs - searching for a new breed- and wanted a collie until I found out that they were deathly allergic to the medicine for heart worms.... I know there is no way they could live long here without that medicine, so that breed had to be marked off my list.

We have lyme disease too. It is so difficult to diagnose. Some other tick fevers too although they are fairly rare. My youngest son went to Africa in the Summer of 2011 on a mission trip, and came back with _ _ tick fever.... an African version! Went he was hospitalized his temp was 105.6!! Thankfully they put him on some high powered antibiotics immediately and got it under control pretty quickly. They even sent the tick to the CDC because he had saved it! :)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow, that tick fever sounds bad!

I think that encephalitis your talking about is the same one. Problem is, people can get it, too. It causes the brain to swell, which causes brain damage, that is if the victim doesn't end up dying from it.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I think that is why there was such a huge push to vaccinate when I was young......... don't ever remember hearing so much 'stir' about it since then although i would think they would want to continue to make that push ...shoot, I am old enough that maybe that was the first time they had the vaccine available or something. I can't remember the specifics, but I remember our farm was used as one of the collection points for people in the area to bring their horses to receive the vaccination. We had hundreds of horses there for shots!

The tick fever my son Kyle had was bad.....thankfully, we were in Little Rock at my oldest son's home when he became so sick. He came home sick off the trip late Thursday night, but just thought he had a stomach bug. We were in LR on Saturday working on my son's home when it became apparent he was getting a LOT worse. Because we were in LR, we were able to take him to the Children's hospital ER - and they immediately called their infectious disease dr and he got right on it telling them what antibiotics combos to start etc and what tests he wanted done. We would have probably be in a real mess had we been home and went to our local hospital. :( They don't have anyone who specializes in infectious diseases etc.

Do ya'll have West Nile in your state too? from what i understand it has been very widespread this year.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kyle is very lucky, indeed. That's good he pulled through.

We do have West Nile here as well. Towards the end of summer the Towns were spraying, and people were being told to stay inside in the evenings and at night. The town next to ours had a sign up saying that all outdoor activities were banned because of the danger of getting West Nile and EEE.


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I got back up after a nap here, reading these I have heard of some terrible tales that go with West Nile virus ,no fever is a good fever when it is a plague, scary stuff !!!

I have seen Skinwalker and Spacecoast Starburst Pretty !! I willl look the others up , I now have a Spacecoast with a cross but it is not the same flower, Man are some of these nice !!! Be looking forward to seeing more later.
I believe all of you here are delightful, how nice it is to share the ideas and the garden with some who understand!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, juhur7. I love sharing my pics and gardening adventures/advice with others.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

We can never get enough knowledge and pics when it comes to gardening. That's one of the reasons why we anticipate tomorrow with eagerness and great expectation. Now, if only our health would cooperate. Smile !

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, Mike, if only. I have to admit, though, that many of my health problems are caused by me not taking care of myself. Sad to say.

I finally wrote down the names of the daylilies I got for bonuses from Bob. They are as follows:

AMERICAN ORIGINAL (already have, but will add the extra fans to the existing chump)


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Nice batch there Karen.

Toledo, OH

Karen, I received Dripping With Gold from Bob last year as a gift plant. I love it. I purchased Asheville Bele Chere this fall . How lucky for you that you got it for a gift.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, he gave me some nice gifts. He always does.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Karen you should really enjoy Ashville Belle Chere. I love mine. I got it last year.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm really looking forward to seeing that, and many others, bloom next year. I've gotten so many new ones this year. Next season promises to be really exciting.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL... ok ya'll well, you did it. This thread kept popping up, and popping up, until I finally broke down and ordered from Bob! ^_^ I am blaming it all on ya'll. But, I only ordered 4.

Persian Ruby, Lunar Max, SC Hot Topic, and Sunset Blvd.

They will ship tomorrow.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, you are going to love Persian Ruby. Got SC Hot Topic from Bob last year

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Good for you, Genna. He heee! I don't have any of those, but I do have a friend who's going to give me PR.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Karen(s) Here is my ASHVILLE BELE CHERE in it's first year blooming

The first one was 7/6 in the afternoon and the second one a week later taken in the morning so it looks more lavendar.

Hopefully it will look more lavendar next year. A very pretty bloom though

This message was edited Nov 16, 2012 7:41 PM

Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh yes, very pretty Linda. Can't wait to see mine bloom next year.


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