Scarlet Passion Flower

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

This passion flower bloomed for me here in 2008. It hasn't bloomed again since. Does anyone know what encourages blooms? The vines are growing all over and look very healthy.

Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

I have this variety that grows and blooms every year in my yard, just the red ones won't bloom. :(

Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Pamela, it WILL bloom - just have to wait until it's ready. I put mine in the ground 4 years ago and this is the first year it is blooming profusely.

I would like to trade for the purple one - looks like Lavendar Lady or purple haze. Dmail me if you'd like to trade!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

I've always wanted a red one ( This year I think I'll get one) I have plenty of this one which blooms quite a bit ( passiflora incarna?) I have a big one that went from my trellis to across my fence which was about 10ft. Blooms very nicely summer/fall and the hummingbirds love it!

This message was edited Feb 12, 2013 10:06 PM

Thumbnail by IRIS
Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

hummingbird on passsionflower

Thumbnail by IRIS
Mulberry, FL

Really neat!! Great Pic I see them here but never have the camera close thanks for sharing

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Your welcome!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Iris, the Passiflora you have labeled 'incarnata' is Passiflora caerulea.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Your right KayJones, I couldn't think of the right name .. Thankyou for writing it.

Cut and Shoot, TX(Zone 8b)

My red passion flower bloomed profusely last summer. I just gave it a couple shovelful of compost and always kept it well watered. It gets afternoon shades. It died back in our mild winter and it's coming back already. This is mid February, we're not safe from cold snap just yet so I'm going to protect it. Hope my experience will gets yours to bloom this summer. They're quite a sight when in bloom. They look like my red tropical water lilies.

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

My vine finally bloomed!! The first picture was Feb 7 and the second was today...We've had a milder winter this year and it grows next to my composter I put there a couple years ago.

Thumbnail by PamelaQ Thumbnail by PamelaQ
Mulberry, FL

Mine has been blooming all winter I need to cut it back its going crazy

Thumbnail by Danasplants

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