Loofa and apple gourd

Greensboro, AL

Who is going to need some loofa or apple gourd seed for next year????

Thumbnail by Whitewidower
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I would love some apple gourd seeds for bird houses

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I would like some apple gourd seeds, too. SASE?

Orlando, FL

What loofa do you have? I think I might want some. Are you looking for trades or SASE?

Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

I would like some of both, SASE?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

me five! I say loofa say how to ;

Greensboro, AL

Wow did not expect this quick of a response but happy also. SASE along with amount seed you want will be suffecent. I have been bless with different people giving me seed so it is my turn to share.I have two different kinds of loofa. One is short with ridges and the other is long and slick. Apple gourds are not quite ready yet so hold off on the SASE. At my age I do not buy green bannas. These are not mine but mine do look like that. This is how I am going to plant mine next spring the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
Bobby Williams
1116 Millwood Rd.

This message was edited Oct 4, 2012 1:58 AM

Thumbnail by Whitewidower
Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Bobby, Even though the Apple gourds are not ready I hear you on the Good Lord and Creek not Risisng. I will go a head and send my SASE, so it does not slip my mind ( that happens around here some days) Warm Regards, James

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

think that I will send SASE now and you can send seeds when they are ready.
I would like some of the short with ridges loofah (3) and some apple gourd seeds (5).

Thank you for sharing! Paula

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

There is an SASE heading your way, Thank you also for sharing!!

Greensboro, AL

juhur7 which seeds do you want? And how many? What do you all say to about ten seeds of each?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Whitewidower That is good also ,I asked with a note in the SASE for half-dozen of either luffa .However, ten is good, thanks again guy.

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

five of each would be plenty for me.
missed the mail carrier so I'll be sending SASE in tomorrow's mail.
Thanks again:)

Kansasville, WI(Zone 5a)

I would really love some apple gourd seeds if you have some left. Shall I send a SASE? Please and Thank You!

Greensboro, AL

If you like. I will have plenty I am sure. Planning to send about fifteen to each person so they can share if they like. I have about twenty large gourds. Funny how this came about I had an old apple gourd that had been dropped and broken so I got several seed and just put them in a small hole with some chicken litter.Well only one sprouted and it took off. Good Lord said share, so share I will.

Greensboro, AL

Just a SASE and a note telling me what you want and how many. No trade necessary.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

If you have some seeds left I would love to have a few of each one...Just let me know please..Thanks

Greensboro, AL

huneybunch_2000 send SASE will send seed as soon as they are ready. Already mailed back some luffa seed but waiting apple gourd seed to get ready. I am having fun.

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

I will send an SASBE to you on Monday for some apple gourd seeds. Thanks.


Orlando, FL

Curious, can you eat Apple gourd or is it just ornamental? We have some growing for fun, but are getting mixed answers on being able to eat them. Does any one know?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Whitewidower;The seeds came today ,thank you again.and very nice!!!^_^

Greensboro, AL

Quote from Moofiepoo :
Curious, can you eat Apple gourd or is it just ornamental? We have some growing for fun, but are getting mixed answers on being able to eat them. Does any one know?

Never heard of eating apple gourd. I really don't know.

Molino, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi whitewidower, I would love a few apple gourd seeds if you still have some to spare.

Greensboro, AL

Hi whitewidower, I would love a few apple gourd seeds if you still have some to spare.
To all of you that are requesting apple gourd it is going to be several more weeks before they are dry enough to harvest. But fear not I will get them to you. Oh and I will have plenty.

Molino, FL(Zone 8b)

OK Thanks, Just let me know what to do and when.

Greensboro, AL

Just send a SASE to my address with a note telling me if you just want apple gourd seed or both apple gourd and loofa gourd. The loofa seed are ready now but it is going to be awhile for the apple gourds to dry enough to get the seeds out.

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

it will be spring before the seeds are planted so no hurry!

This message was edited Oct 26, 2012 7:03 PM

Greensboro, AL

I hope you ment NO hurry not so hurry.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

How are the Apple Gourd seeds coming along??

Greensboro, AL

Gourds are not ready yet. I think I am supposed to wait until the gourds dry before cutting them open to get the seed. They sure are taking their time.

Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Thats ok can't rush Mother Nature

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Just dropped a SASE in the mail for you, but I'm patient - whenever and whatever. Thanks for your generosity!

Greensboro, AL

Well I want all of you to know I have not forgotten you. Apple gourds are finally drying up. Give me another week. Sorry but you can't hurry mother nature.

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Thanks so much, WW! Looking forward to the seeds whenever they may arrive. Mama nature has her ways. ;)

cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

I would love to try these gourds. Are there still seeds available for sase? Sorry i have nothing to trade at this time.

Greensboro, AL

No trade necessary have a ton of loofa and can spare a bunch of apple when they dry.

Greensboro, AL

Notice notice notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sending out seven SASE this morning. If you sent me a SASE for some seed and do not receive any from me in a few days dm me and I will do my darnest to get you some. I am not the best organizer on the block for sure. Best of luck.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

seeds arrived. Thank you so much

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

My seeds arrived today. Thanks so much.


Kansasville, WI(Zone 5a)

My seeds arrived too. Thank you.

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