CLOSED: Fall Houseplants / Tropicals REVEALS

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

I got mine yesterday !
Thanks so much!
Will post pictures later today.

Blackshear, GA

I'm sorry I haven't posted, I lost my dang camera. Anyway, chellflower sent:
Mum - Country girl
Tradescantia blushing bride
dracaena - lemon lime
christmas cactus
aloe vera
philodendron micans
spider plant
hoya wayetti
and a beautiful stained glass lampshade. It matches perfectly with my house.
Thank you Chell, I love it all. I am so sorry I haven't posted before or let you know I got it.
I am scrambling to move all my plants and to try to figure out where I am going to put all of them.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Heather, oh my gracious, these are all lovely plants!

Look everybody at the Exotic Angels that arrived today in super shape already potted. How nice was that?! They are...
Gynura aurantiaca "Purple Passion" with soft beautiful velvety leaves. Never have seen this one offered locally and did a little research. It can become a very long vine and is purported easy to propagate from cuttings or leaves.
Love any and all Philos. This one is named 'Silver' with cool leaf markings and lots of new growth.
This huge healthy Fern named 'Delilah' can be hung and may do so near the shower.

Thank you so much, Heather. These are already on my light stand enjoying their new home. You did a super nice job and the kitty card is extra sweet!

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Mount Pleasant, PA(Zone 6a)

Yay! So glad they got there in good condition. I thought the purple plant was super it's on my hint hint list for the hubster. :)
I love the EA plants & the way they have their website set up. You can go there & just type in the plant # from the tag for detailed care instructions. That fern was the first thing that caught me eye. It pretty much screamed "Buy me now!" the hanger should snap right back in no problem (except for finding the slots under the leaves. I couldn't send them not potted :) I don't trust my wrapping skills or my cat that much.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

One more box to go and we'll look forward to our next Houseplants / Tropicals exchange in the Spring.

Thank you so much, Tina, for your patience!

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

GAgirl, so glad you like them.
I totally understand about trying to get so much done at once....we just got new carpets and still don't have all of our furniture back in place so the house is still in shambles and I haven't even begun to get all of my plants indoors yet.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

The chaos that result from painting, remodeling, etc is enough to put me off doing those sorts of things till I get to the Have to.

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

yea, we waited a long time for the 'have to' ..... I ripped the old caarpet out of the living room a year ago - been walking on bare plywood since. Still haven't finished replacing wall trim from our last project..... guess I'll finally get it done AFTER we finish the guest bathroom (took that one apart 6 mos ago) ....the more we try to do, the behinder we get, LOL!

Smiths, AL

Hello every one

Blackshear, GA

hello goober....are you out for the holidays yet?

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

It's no surprise who's the slacker here - Tina should have her box either yesterday or tomorrow. :)

Thankfully a few weeks break so Christmas swap shouldn't be a problem. *whew* Midterms are NOT enjoyable!

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Carey, you are so not a slacker at all. I hope you did good on all your midterms. Last week was my bad week, I had 4 test in class and tomorrow is the last day to take the test online. That's what I'm doing next, right after I plant all the wonderful presents that I got from you. I promise to post pictures before tomorrow. Tina

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Tina I hope everything arrived in good shape! I was hoping to send at least one other, but it *still* hasn't rooted so that was a no-go.

Thank you for being so understanding. Good luck with the rest of your semester! :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You ladies amaze me going back to school and still being responsible for your households and furbabies. What I could retain now wouldn't fill a thimble. I'm so proud of ya'll!

Heather, the Fern you shared is doing great in our upstairs bath, as is the 'Silver' Philo. Purple Passion was struggling, not sure why. One day the soil looked too wet, another too dry. I've moved the pot to the back of my kitchen sink where it gets bright morning light and noticed today a wee bit of new top growth.

From my cane Begonias, Devil's Backbone, and larger-leafed Philos I've taken cuttings, hoping they'll take and will be able to share them our next round.

Happy growing, my friends, and look forward to our next round in the Spring.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I didn't take a picture but kept a list of everything I sent to Tina:

Colocasia "Black Magic"
NOID Dragon Fruit cutting
Stapelia gigantea
Ric Rac orchid cactus
Sanseveria (I haven't tried to figure out what cultivar yet)
Tillandsia (I forget which one)
Leopard Quill
Silver Squill
Aloe "Midnight"
White hoya
Red Christmas cactus
Huernia schneiderianna
and a few fragrant double daffodil bulbs.

This message was edited Nov 27, 2012 9:57 PM

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Cary, has your dragon fruit ever bloomed? How about your rick rack cactus?

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Crystal, I only just got the dragon fruit this past spring and the seller said I had just missed the bloom. The piece I sent to Tina wasn't a very large one but it was the only new growth mine had put out (it was pencil thin and about three feet long?????) but it blew over in a windstorm and broke off. Ric-rac just has never bloomed for me. Still looking for ideal conditions for it - although it's been growing strong all year.

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