CLOSED: Fall Houseplants / Tropicals REVEALS

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Let's all take a few minutes, in our own words and photos, to show appreciation to our secret Buddy for the new plants they took the time to share!

This link takes you back to our guidelines and is also where you can check your Buddy's preferences:

ahoogstra / Alicia -- > REC'D from strange2u
careyana / Carey --> REC'D from goldhillal / Crystal
chellflower / Chell -- > REC'D from diamond9192002 / Anita
diamond9192002 / Anita -- > REC'D from GAgirl1066 / Paula
FruitOfTheVine / Susan -- > REC'D from hartzell81 / Heather
GAgirl1066 / Paula -- > REC'D from toy747 and chellflolwer / Chell
goldhillal / Crystal -- > REC'D from ahoogstra / Alicia
hartzell81 / Heather --> REC'D from Kim_M / Kim
happgarden / Joyce -- > REC'D from Tina_A / Tina
Kim_M / Kim -- > REC'D from FruitOfTheVine / Susan
strange2u / Paul -- > REC'D from happgarden / Joyce
Tina_A / Tina -- > REC'D from careyana / Carey
toy747 / Lizette -- > REC'D from GAgirl1066 / Paula

This message was edited Nov 27, 2012 7:06 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Mount Pleasant, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Kim_M. These are awesome. I received Tues or Wed. Not sure which day DH had surgery on Mon the whole week is a blur.
She sent:
6 2in pots for cutting (love them I always recycle salad containers from Cracker Barrel)
1 baggie of potting soil for the cuttings
1 Rosary Vine
1 Strawberry Begonia Baby
1 (?) I'd ask the cat but I don't think she read the description before she ate the bag*
1 Fittonia (it's in the cat pot)
1 Spider Plant (pot in the middle with the town scene on it)
1 Nephytis "Butterfly" (teal pot)

The Fittonia & Nephtytis are exotic angel plants. I *love*the leaves on the Fittonia. I love all of them. Plus the cats have not tried to snack on them. So double yay!
I will try to post this pic but I've tried 3 times & the internet is selectively hating me :/
* Kinsey (the cat) did not actually consume the plastic bag. She stole & chewed the heck out of it while I was potting up. That cat has a strange obssession with plastic bags.

(Zone 7a)

Great! There is a detailed list of all the plants in the bag with the coral vine seeds I sent. For the 3 cuttings if you can't find the label :-) Hope all went well with the surgery and all the plants thrive for you.

Happy Growing!

Mount Pleasant, PA(Zone 6a)

Ah! I'll have to snag it out of there. I forgot about the seeds! Surgery went well, recovering @ home now. Fingers crossed that all this helps his pain!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Heather, would you like for me to use the photo you were able to D-mail me?

They all looked great, Kim!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

My package from Alicia came today and it is wonderful!!
She sent;
a bromilead (N. Brandy Wine) and it has a pup!
A beautifully branched draceana. It has such an attractive shape.
Areca Palm. Very attractive. It will brighten the window over my sink this winter.
decorative orange pepper--it was smiling an orange smile at me when I opened the box!
Celosia-I have admired these in the store but never got one. i like it very much and will attempt to save some seed as it matures.

Thanks so much Alicia. Great selection!

Thumbnail by goldhillal
Blackshear, GA

Very nice Crystal! I love the peppers...I just bought some myself.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wonderful boxes guys. Mine will go out today, it is sitting here beside me at the office just waiting for it's flight.

Crystal what beautiful colors and big plants, really really nice. That will liven up the winter for sure.

Harzell your house sounds like mine, way too much help with the plants.

Ok this weekend they are threatening me again with low low 30's like 30....ughhhh. Least it waits to the weekend because I don't have those tropicals in for the winter yet. Been working on it but....not done....ughhh

(Zone 7a)

Today I receive a package from Sue - FruitOfTheVine
Thanks so much I really LOVE the Nephthytis 'Pink Allusion' and Arrowhead Vine

I also received some beautiful Floral lampworked beads which I will make a rosary out of. Thank You!

Plants I received are:
1. Arrowhead Vine
2. Begonia sp.
3. Euphorbia graminea 'Diamond Frost'
4. Euphorbia trigona 'Cathedral Cactus'
5. Pothos
6. Christmas Cactus
7. Nephthytis 'Pink Allusion'
8. Dracena 'Magenta'

Haven't potted them yet but on my way to go by new pots... for my new plants :-)

Thumbnail by Kim_M Thumbnail by Kim_M
Cutlerville, MI

Awesome Box Kim! Have fun picking out new pots!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Since you'd mentioned wanting leafy plants, Kim, you seemed to be the logical choice for me to send to since that's basically the type I have. On the Pink Illusion, there are two small pots of those in my kitchen. One is under a light and the other is tucked away in a corner. It's amazing how different the colors of the leaves get. Enjoy and would love to see the Rosary you craft with the glass beads.

Crystal, your plants look so festive. Very nice, Alicia.

Cutlerville, MI

WOW...strange spoiled me! I will try to post pics on Sunday....but these are my new babies!....Bloody Mary Philodendron (HUGE) Ensete Maurelii Banana (GORGEOUS) Red Milk Bush (HUGE & Beautiful), and...A mini Eyelash Begonia ( strickingly beautiful!) Needless to say I LOVE THEM!!!!!! Thank you so much Strange & Thank you Fruity for hosting such a great swap!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Is there a halloween swap this year?

Buddy should of gotten their plants on Friday, hope everything arrived ok.

Hinsdale, IL

Sorry, I've been playing catchup, and didn't know this thread existed. I did post a thank you post tonight, on the other thread.
Thanks again Joyce, I love everything, and they look great.

I received Silver Lace Begonia, Peperomia acuminata, Bromelaid Tillandsia, upright elephant ear, and Stingray Alocasia.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Glad they arrived safely Paul. Nice to mail close to home it gets there fast regional postage is cheap...rofl. those are my favorite plants hopefully the leaf emerging from the big upright made it without damage there wasn't anyway to get the opened leaf in the box.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What a neat variety you got there, Paul.
Thanks for another great box, happ.

Cutlerville, MI

OK here are my babies I recv'd :)

Thumbnail by ahoogstra Thumbnail by ahoogstra
Mount Pleasant, PA(Zone 6a)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
Heather, would you like for me to use the photo you were able to D-mail me?

They all looked great, Kim!

Oh yes please! I haven't had a chance to just breathe this week much less mess with my ridiculous phone.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Here's Heather's loot from Kim.....

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow those are really nice plants, so glad you could post a pic for her.

(Zone 7a)

Aweeee Nice Pots!

Hinsdale, IL

I'm really glad you like your plants ahoogstra.

(Zone 7a)

Here's the Rosary I made from the beads I received in my box :-)

Thumbnail by Kim_M Thumbnail by Kim_M
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

How beautiful and elegant, Kim. Can only take credit for sending the lampwork bead on this one though. You have a great eye, very tidy work.

(Zone 7a)

Aweeee Thanks!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thought I'd update here and also on our chat thread with the list of folks waiting to receive. If you haven't already mailed your Buddy's plants, please do so one day this week!

chellflower / Chell
diamond9192002 / Anita
FruitOfTheVine / Susan
GAgirl1066 / Paula -- > Volunteered to trade with toy747 and has received; waiting for another one in our group.
happgarden / Joyce
Tina_A / Tina
toy747 / Lizette -- > will receive from GAgirl1066 who is planning to mail tomorrow

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

OMG I just got the bestest box from Tina and it is full of things I wanted and love, plus a special is so darn cute and since my living room couch is denim it couldn't match is a planter than looks like a cowboy boot and it even has a spur! darn cute.
Plant wise the list just goes on and on and really big plants!
1. amorphophallus from Tejas tropicals....I am so excited and the bulb is really good size, these are one of my favorite plants!
2. jade plant and it is really full and nice
3. crassula argentea hobbit, 2 pieces of that one, also really nice.
4. aspargus fern and two really really big pieces of it, that is one of my favorite ferns and my very first apartment a million years ago that is what I had.
5. portulacaria afva - love the dark stem and the varigated leaves really attractive and two good starts of that.
6. and an envelope of morning glory seeds.
7. echeveria "sleepy"...rofl. That's me.
8. graptoveria "moonglow" - another wonder plant.
Hope I didn't miss listing anything and everything arrived in great shape. I am so darn lucky and Tina what a great box you sent me. I just got home from work but wanted to post and will post a pic as soon as I get everything out and sitting pretty!
Edited because I did miss listing 7 and 8....knew I would do something like that!

This message was edited Oct 15, 2012 4:11 PM

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Here are the pics of the great plants, I am shocked I have them all planted...rofl.
The plants in the boot are some great plants I got from other friends....but look great I think in the boot. Does anyone know what that skinny narrow plant is?

Can't tell you how much I appreciate the plants they are great and packed beautiful, couldn't be happier with the selection, I love them all. I saw on another forum where they put decorative rock on top of the soil on their succulants, that will be the next thing I do.

Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

happ, those look awesome! And am impressed you already have them planted. Mini gardens are so much fun and missed Elfie not being able to repeat hers this year. We have matching Blue Myrtles :) Mine has a new top knot from being on the deck all Summer, just brought it in and oh how funny it has white pebbles on top of the soil. I bet using them with succulents works well too. Really like that boot planter, a neat reminder for you that it came from Texas. Is the bulb in the ball one of those 'stinkies'? I never knew you like them.

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

my partner's box went out today.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Fruity it dawned on me why I got so much done the day I received my plants, DH was gone...rofl so I was home alone....rofl....

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

I recieved my box yesterday from Anita. She sent....

jade plant
ardisia red
pepperomia rainbow
alocasia poly
anthurium red

these are all nice sized plants, I especially like the alocasia poly and the anthurium.
Thanks Anita for a wonderful box, and thanks to Fruity fro hosting yet another great swap. Looking forward to our spring round!

This message was edited Oct 20, 2012 11:40 PM

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

Oops! forgot to load the photo...been a long day, LOL

Thumbnail by chellflower
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Those are really pretty. Nice sizeplants.

Blackshear, GA

My box came Thurs., but I was heading outof town and I just got back. I will post pictures later or tomorrow. Really tired......11 hour drive.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Great selections and very nice sizes, Chell. Thanks for another great job, Anita.

If you haven't mailed, time is fleeting. Please do so no later than Wednesday. This will ensure folks waiting receive by next week-end. Not sure about the rest of you, but we've already had several nights in the low 40's.

Waiting to receive or check in to let us know they have:
diamond9192002 / Anita
FruitOfTheVine / Susan
Tina_A / Tina
toy747 / Lizette

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Chell I'm so glad those came in good shape. I always fret over shipping.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I've received word that your plants, Anita and Lizette, are on their way. Both of you should receive them by the week-end if not before.

It's hard to believe another year has slipped by and is time for our Annual Christmas exchange. It's always popular and you're all invited to participate!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Did anyone receive plants today?

Heather, would you please check in. TY

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

My plants came in while I was working on Wednesday. My son picked them up on Thursday. Hopefully I will get a chance to see them today. As soon as I am able to I will send pictures.

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