where have all the jack in the pulpits gone

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Many of you know I am moving. Well ..suddenly, it seems; the realtor will be doing photos next week. I had planned on moving my jacks..but with the heat./drought.I didn't get over in time to tag position. I cannot find them. Have dug in the area that hosted the larger brown and the small green.there were.many of them but.nothing to be found, even at 6" dig.
.I did find some red seeds form one ripe stalk that had been kicked around by the chipmunks, Do the bulbs migrate deeper in this kind of weather? The soil is very fine with little compost..jacks did well ..want them ..would be hard to replace that large of a patch.
Any ideas.?

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't know what happened to yours, but here are some in my yard from last week.
I never planted them, they just showed up in my wooded area.
I presume they'll do the same for you!

Thumbnail by Weerobin
south central, WI(Zone 5a)

I found one berried stalk and planted the seeds. Was over there today and dug through the dirt powder (dry dust)/ I did find about 6 and will be OK with that. I will try to finish tidying up tomorrow..ran out of energy today.
The sign goes up this week ....sad to look at the garden now.

Were you able to move a lot of favorites to your new garden? Must be hard to leave a garden behind. New adventures at the new place?

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