Collecting Moon Vine seeds

Chillicothe, OH(Zone 5a)

We've had frost already and the seed pods on my Moon vine still haven't dried. When do I collect the seeds?

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Snuggles, I have had alot of moonvine's this year and we have just started having our cool weather here too, but I have collected seeds from mine all summer long. I pulled the pods off whole, like back towards the stem part of it, and I let mine dry out on paper plates. I have had much luck in doing this too. If I were you I would wait until the vine is somewhat dead and then just pull the seed pods off and let then dry out. but don't open the pods just let the whole thing dry out before you open them up. I think they will be fine. My sister sent me seeds last spring from her's and that is what I used for planting this year. she done her's the same way so I know they will be fine if you do it that way.

Chillicothe, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks a lot for your info. I'll get out there today and get those pods.

(Zone 8a)

Hi Snuggles,

If you take the pods off before they dry and turn brown then you may have non viable seeds that are not ripe...if I were you I would leave them on the vine until they turn brown...We have had a couple frost too and hurt the vine some but my pods are still greenish-purple and the vine stems still look healthy enough to ripen the seeds...

When they turn brown if you shake the pod you will hear them rattle and they have turned loose of the pod and are ripe!

Hope this helps!

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