Brugmansia in Australia - Spring 2012

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Me impetuous
Thank you

West of Brisbane, Australia

I mean, you choose who to swap with after they've contacted you via Dmail saying what they would like to swap in return.
So, initial offer on the thread.
Responses privately via Dmail.

It seems to me that every time you offer to give something--whether a freebie or a swap--you might come up against the problem of sore losers who miss out. What's the alternative? Just to approach a select few people directly via Dmail?

Merino, Australia

Chrissy and everyone. I think anything to do with seed swapping etc should be done via Dmail between persons.
It is noones business then who receives what.
We can list that we have seeds to swap without listing them by name, then do the rest via Dmail or personal email.
It will stop anyone knowing who gets what and then wanting same.
I am quite happy to swap any extra seeds when they mature. . Some will be going to the seed bank on BGI.
Its easy to simply say you have run out , when you dont want to send any .

You are right of course cestrum.

Shaun are you ! lol

Nice pods Jean ...aren't the shapes interesting. It's part of the fascination.
I hope you have some beautiful Brug babies in there, it's such a thrill to grow something from your own seed, or watch someone else's grow one of yours too. Good luck with them.


West of Brisbane, Australia

Quote from 77sunset :
Chrissy and everyone. I think anything to do with seed swapping etc should be done via Dmail between persons.
It is noones business then who receives what.

But that means you're only limited to swapping with a few pre-selected people each time ...?
I'm just wondering: do we need to have a rule for everyone? Perhaps those who feel comfortable (with saying SORRY, NO) could use the general forum, and those who don't like doing that could Dmail people privately? Would anyone object to that?

You and everyone should do whatever you feel comfortable with ^_^ it's all good.


Brisbane, Australia

Chrissy wrote....
Allan ...blessings upon your pod, I hope it produces lots of lovely brug babies for you.

When I get a few more pods ripe on Fernando I will list what crosses I have and offer seeds to evetyone, so I hope not just brug babies for me!

I gave my Fernando bush a light prune yesterday and by mistake cut off a branch with a seedpod. Yikes!!!! It is Fernando X FFA. As the pod is probably only 2 weeks away from ripening, I placed the branch with seedpod attached in a large jar of water so all may not be lost. In any case I think I have another pod on the bush of the same cross.


"I gave my Fernando bush a light prune yesterday and by mistake cut off a branch with a seedpod. Yikes!!!! It is Fernando X FFA. As the pod is probably only 2 weeks away from ripening, I placed the branch with seedpod attached in a large jar of water so all may not be lost. In any case I think I have another pod on the bush of the same cross."

I have seen it done OS Allan ...good luck.


This message was edited Sep 12, 2012 2:34 PM

OMGoodness ! getting to the point where I wish some of the pods were empty ! moving into the formal dining room to dry on the 8ft table's getting a bit out of hand ^_^ ...theme from the Twilight Zone playing in the background !


Cairns, Australia

The seed pod so fa are holding, the heat is on its way. ( Buck Fizz is the parent seed and pod holder, the Pollen was 2 Red Hot Pink & 1 Mango Cornet & 1 Apricot noid ) and there is a pod on Mango Cornet, the seeds I got last year ( Lucas and Cestrum etc ) that the ants eat and I was left with 3 Domain x Buck Fizz, and one past on, one is going to flower.

Thumbnail by Gena1234 Thumbnail by Gena1234
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

as all of you know i don't have the varieties that you have yet but in the next 12-18 months i will have some quite lovely plants that you guys have helped me get ''''''I thank you'''''
however i do get seeds from my plants and when available i will also share buy placing a list on this brug thread then all you need to do is contact me!!!
when i ask for some thing and i have nothing you guys want at this point i always offer to pay i don't want to be treated as a leach or free loader.
I dont know what is the best method for the trade swap or give away of seed and cuttings but im sure every one has there methods but Dmail is a good way of keeping things a little on the down low.

Cestrum Jx.B looks great i bet she has a reasonable fragrance??? would this be correct>>??

Chrissy & Jean those pods look so full and im sure your going to have plenty of time for those babies

Gena WAY to go GIRL see the cooler weather has helped in the production of seed pods and im betting that your so raped with them

I went to get a cubic meter of Hort Potting mix today and it cost around $150 but its well worth it, I have also had a chat with them about developing a soil mix just for Brugmansia so i can have it in the future,

here is a new hot Box i got from a gardener that used it as a compost container it is Fibreglass and i have done a 1/2 ast job to get it to work i have to buy a sheet of Perspex to fit it and gil will add hinges to it. It reminds me of Monika Gottschalks hot box and it holds 6 trays and it is about 30-40cm tall so the plants can be in there for a while.

This is my latest seedling batch the pod came of early and i didn't think that the seed would germinate hahahahahah
Tantra x.Ecuador Pink

Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan

Shaun, even white corked seeds will germinate if you plant quite soon after harvesting so long as they are reasonably advanced.
If you have a special cross that came off too soon, for whatever reason, plant them if you can see a reasonable little seed in there and they are a few months old. I had a wonderful swap with you, straight off. Check your feedback ! ^_^

Just wondering why that box would be better than the big polystyrene box ? I used a glasshouse sheet cut to size to keep the humidity up on mine, the first year I grew out the seeds from overseas.Looks good though, just don't let those little kids get too warm or they might go into shock if it's much colder outside.

Gena, I have sent seeds to you, I don't know how long ,mail takes to get up there.
Those buds and pods look good.

Have a great night everyone.

Clifton Springs, Australia

That's really good going Gena, did you get any free seeds from the BGI bank, you are entitled to some every 3 don't forget to check them out....

Chrissy, Shaun leaves you far behind in the ' Enthusiasm for Brugmansias' stakes, I never thought anyone could want them more than you......your's is a passion, his looms large as an obsession...poor

I'm not too popular with Ray at the moment, Brug cuttings on the window ledges, seeds on the available tables, I can't put them outside yet, they all like the warmth of the house.....A very large piece of Fernando in a vase, like about a metre, it was growing too tall and lanky where I had it, so I cut it in half and left half in the put out nubbies in record time, now I have to find a pot and a stake to support it.....oh the trials and tribulations of a Brugmansia grower.

Forgot to mention, a friend gave me a copy of Gardeners Gazette and there is an article on Brugmansias by Steven Prowse in there......Did you know that brugmansia seeds require special treatment and are slow to grow?......Someone should have told the seeds on my window ledge.....lots of interesting facts? in the article...

This message was edited Sep 12, 2012 7:58 PM

Yes I think Shaun is a Brug Warrior/Hunter, I am just a devoted ...

Angel's Trumpet ...
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´♥ ♥´¸¸♥´¯`•->❥❥❥❥

Devotee ! (aka Brug Nut)


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

I have been so in to Brugs for over 20years but not just Brugs SOLANACEAE
Brett Robertson & myself were collecting Solanaceae since 1989 and we had at one stage the Worlds largest Private collection of over 800 species and almost 1500 varieties, we had 90% or 78 species of Nicotiana not to mention we had over 50 genera buy the time we parted friends in 2000

we had around 60 different Brugmansia varieties and with in that there probably about 10 OA and 5 suaveolens 15 candida aka: Knightii then we also thought we had probably 5 versicolor but turns out to be OA

I would probably not be as ADDICTED if not for finding all of you as my passion was waning my thanks goes to Chrissy for finding me

Clifton Springs, Australia

What has happened to your collection Shaun, I hope that it's still intact..or at least the rarer species?....

Cairns, Australia

Thank you Chrissy, will let you know here.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Dianne due to the bad parting and the collection was trashed i tyred to collect as much as i could but to not much avail
i have seed to about 400 varieties and many Nicotiana & Solanum but that is it i also did not store them well between 2000-2005 so the viability of the seed could be shot, I am trying to germinate as many as possible at the moment and just have my fingers crossed

im now looking at variegate Tobacco which i find interesting i have ATM 'Nicotiana langsdorfii 'Cream Splash' i have also bought from US 2 other variegates that are in propagation right now so im praying

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Looking forward to seeing how your 'Tantra' x's go Shaun.
Here is 'Tantra' x 'Frilly Dilly' (FD = 'Muskateer' x 'Fernando').

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

'Coral Reef' - pics taken yesterday. This flush commenced in August. The next flush (spring) will see the blooms colour up to the usual over-ripe rock melon colour.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter Thumbnail by WayneCarter Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Merino, Australia

Bad luck on the collection, Shaun, but thats how life treats us sometimes. At least you still have a chance of some seeds germinating. .

Wayne your Coral Reef is looking lovely even if a bit paler.
Dont we all get a bit pale in winter ?
I love the name you have for your baby, Frilly Dilly.

Lots of rain here overnight so all my brugs are well watered.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Wayne That pod of T x.(Mx.F) looks very plump, hope you get some nice plants from it
Even tho Coral Reef is pale the plant looks great and the bloom interesting.

Thanks Jean, life is a struggle at the best of time and we just get on with it

Oh Shaun that would have been devastating, sorry to hear that. You have a great attitude about it ...just keep on keeping on mate.
We get knocked down but we get up again ...right ? Good for you.

Wayne that pod looks full of promise favourite pod shape :) and Congratulations !
Love Coral Reef.

Gena I posted all the seeds at the same time ^_^


Cairns, Australia

They are here, Thank you very much Chrissy.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Quote from DeadlyNight :

Cestrum Jx.B looks great i bet she has a reasonable fragrance??? would this be correct>>??

Soft but very pleasing fragrance of talcum powder and something else ...
I wonder if the pollen donor of Coral Reef might have been Pink Panther, given that this brug seems so ... fecund?

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Yes I suspect PP has been a very busy Brug !
that is very pretty cestrum.

You are most welcome Gena ^_^

I had to pop in and thank Jean for showing me the place to buy my winged beans !
They arrived just now ...don't you just love new veggies. This one is supposed to give great Nitrogen boosting !
Don't suppose I will get beans though , it looks awfully tropical, has anyone grown them ?
Just hope the seeds are fertile ...seems way too good (the price at 2.50 a pkt included post).
Still the supplier states that there is only her, no staff, maybe low overhead, but probably buys in bulk and repacks and sells,which sometimes means "old". Guess I will find out. I like the sound of Lime Basil too ...anyone grown that ?
Thanks Jean.
Here they are ...

Thumbnail by Thumbnail by

Oh dear having just posted that remark about tropical seeds ...checked the weather because I feel a bit of a cool breeze, of course ...2C expected by morning sigh !
This is why I always consider the October long weekend our true Spring (no more frost) here in my garden.
Must not complain of course after some lovely Sunny weeks now, might not plant those tropical beans just yet though lol.


West of Brisbane, Australia

I was just marvelling at the low cost of a book just arrived from the UK's Book Depository: a new small paperback for $7.20, including postage. How do they do it? Postage alone would cost almost that much in Australia! I've often noticed that it can cost less to post an item from overseas (esp. the UK and the US) to an Australian address than to post the same item between two Australian addresses.

Can't help you with the beans, Chrissy ... but I *miss* the variable weather! Our last day of frost here is generally believed to be 1 Sept (although the first week of this month almost set a new record this year). We're now in the middle of a few weeks of warm, dry sunny weather without much in the way of mozzies, almost no flies and low humidity: pure heaven--well worth the supplemental watering required!

Thought this would interest you, Chrissy--remember my Michelia figo cultivars (Lady of the Night and one, mislabelled I think, Coco) that set seed? Well, two of the seedlings have flowered and they look pretty much like the cultivars (LofN/'Coco'): left is the parent, right is the seedling (which had lost a petal or two by the time I got around to photographing it). The seedling flower does look larger but I think the parent cultivar has some larger blooms on it too (might depend on how many blooms are growing on the stem; there are far fewer on the seedlings, possibly because they're growing in more shade). I think the seedling *might* be every so slightly more fragrant, like the species M. figo. But honestly I doubt you'd tell them apart if they weren't labelled.

Oh, and while I was at the PO the lady who knows me there waved a padded envelope at me and said she'd held onto it until I showed up, as it had been sent to my old postal address. (Chrissy??!! I will of course have to sow at least a few of them LOL) So people, please note that I have a new postal address and there's no guarantee that this same lady will be doing the sorting on the day mail addressed there arrives!

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
barmera, Australia

Thank you Chrissy. A lovely surprise. Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

Chrissy, this number of seeds is perfect, it allows me to grow them all out this spring......thank you very much..
There has to be some gems in these crosses....
Sorry Ray, there goes the top of the fridge..... :-)

Cestrum, it doesn't seem very long ago that you spoke about the tall are the seedlings now?

Shaun, so sorry that you lost so much of your collection.....
I had a look at your Nicotiana langsdorfii 'Cream Splash', It's very unusual isn't it...I don't know much about Nicotiana except for the basic garden variety....When you have them all up and growing you must start a thread just for them......

Merino, Australia

Thank you Chrissy. Lovely seeds.
Dianne, mine have to live in the greenhouse.
I told them they are not coming inside. They all seem to grow out there okay and are out of hubbys way too.

Hi everybody,
Hubby celebrates his Birthday tomorrow,
been cooking up a storm all arvo.

Back tomorrow after the dust settles ...
Very happy everyone has their seeds, remember, you don't have to grow them, pass them on to someone who might like to if you don't want them..
They are yours and I hope perhaps there may be a pretty Brug or two in there.

It's cold tonight ...dry too so probably frost eek !
Enjoy your evening ^_^


West of Brisbane, Australia

When I was writing the labels for Chrissy's seeds last night, I smelled something very pleasant ... perfumed envelopes, Chrissy? I'm pretty sure a friend of mine has that same perfume although I can't remember its name.

Here's the latest Aztec Gold x unknown seedling to flower. That's not a trick of the camera--it has a definite pink tinge. When I smelled it last night I could have sworn it had the classic oriental-lily perfume of my white suaveolens but, as it is actually growing underneath that white suaveolens, I'm now wondering if perhaps the perfume came from the white suaveolens itself. But I sniffed the flower up close and I'm pretty sure that's where the perfume came from. Anyway, I've dabbed a bit of pink pollen on it but didn't want to ruin the flower by tying it up--am hoping the colour might darken to more than a tinge--so covered it with a stocking. Hope the weight of it doesn't pull the entire bloom off! It's not as exciting as a double, I know, but as it's my own seedling I find it interesting :-)

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy those seed lot were pritty cheap but good luck with them, I have never grown the beans but i used to grow about 30 different varieties of basil all reasonable easy to do so good luck with the lime basil it was probably developed from the same people that did purple & Green Ruffle basil from the UK

Chrissy say Hi and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to hubby and hope there is a great day installed for him

Cestrum that Michelia flowers look very similar to each other but the color is slightly off great to see some other plants being bought throw also

CESTRUM Aztec Gold x unknown what to say other then CONGRATS love the pale tone of the bloom could the pollen parent be Pink Panther???? i really hope that the color stays pale but your hoping for it to get a bit deeper what ever way very nice

cold here yesterday and looks the same again today
Have a grea day

West of Brisbane, Australia

Pollen donor can't be PP because I don't have it. I assumed it was white suaveolens because of the perfume. (Remember that my white suaveolens appears to be a hybrid, so I guess it could be carrying pink genes.) Then of course there's Old Apricot and Ecuador Pink (assuming the seedling got its oriental-lily perfume from the suaveolens side of Aztec Gold). The only other brugs I had back then were aureas and it just doesn't look like it has any aurea in it.
Funny that you prefer the pale colour!
This was it last night before it started to colour up: looks pretty much like my white suaveolens.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. Before I get going to Hamilton, I have a request.

I did have Ecuador Pink here a few years ago, but it was a poor plant to start with when I bought it and it never recovered. and went toes up.
I desperately want him for breeding so it would be much appreciated if anyone has any nice above the Y cuttings....please .. pretty please...

I am quite willing to pay postage, just Dmail me.

thank you

West of Brisbane, Australia

I'm not surprised it went belly up for you Jean, because in my garden it has been such a poor performer after the initial flush of flowers back when it was molly coddled. That was back when I fed and watered it religiously, as I had so few brugs. Since it's had to rely on maybe once-a-year fertiliser and mainly rain, it's barely flowered. It's not a tough one like OA, white suave or the aureas!

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Jean iv gone a few cuttings and can have one to you soon as the pot gets better roots on it

Hi everyone ...just a quick look as we are about to have a Birthday lunch ^_^
Loving the pics later,
enjoy your day.


Merino, Australia

Thank you Shaun.
I will look froward to getting one and will put it down near the shadehouse with the other larger brugs.
He can grow under them and learn how to be a good brug..


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