HAPPY BIRTHDAY gardenglory !!!!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday Pam! I hope you have a great day.


Thumbnail by Lyle627
Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Lyle, you always send such a nice flower for the occasion .

Hope your week will be as good my day. Well, you might not want to eat as much ;-O

This message was edited Sep 4, 2012 7:24 AM

(Michele) Cantonment, FL(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one!!!

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

Belated best wishes!!!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Hope you had a super birthday Pam!!!!

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes I did. Thanks to all of you for your kind wishes.

I started thinking back, we certainly have shared many at this point. Lots of pictures and nice chats over the years, looking forward to us all having many many...............more. Healthy ones at that!!!

Cartersville, GA

Happy Belated Birthday, Pam! Glad to hear it was a good day. You deserve only the best!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy belated Birthday, Pam. Praying that you have many more healthy ones. Mike

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Happy Belated Birthday - Your day Pam.

Hope you are able to have many many more.


Thumbnail by l2le
Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks you thank you. Wishing all of you good days everyday. Take em when you can get em!!!

Mike are you the heart guy, or did I get that mixed up.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Pam, I am the Garden Guy! LOL!!!! I do have a heart. BFG!! That's another Mike I guess.

Tomah, WI

Happy Belated Birthday!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

What is the name of the DL in the top photo? It is gorgeous!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

The name of the daylily in the top photo is - I REMEMBER YOU

TET (Vintner’s Treasure x Bella Sarah), evergreen. 6” flower, 5-way branching. 30 buds on a 35” scape.
I REMEMBER YOU is a dark purple with a beautiful silver-blue watermark and a distinct silver edge.
Fertile both ways

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

it is stunning.............. nice name to boot!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks Genna!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Happy belated birthday, Pam! Glad you had a great day.

Lyle, I REMEMBER YOU is gorgeous!


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

I loved reading about your various germinating and plantings procedures. Right now I am deeply smitten by
the Day Lily Fever. I have an order that will come in the spring, but I have a light set up (that I built) and
can have another (four feet x 48 ") additionally I can use with only more construction of my pvc setup.
I have been spending hours looking at the Lily Auction. I am thinking, should I buy in one color range
(blue/purple) or should I also buy some of the gorgeous pastels? I am thrilled with the possibilities.
Can anyone advise me how to choose day lilies to cross? What do you look for in making a cross?
I know nothing about the hybridizing part. I don't plan to go above $10 on any one selection of my seeds,
and I lean towards the cheaper even there. Since most of the crosses have 5 seeds, what should
I do? Buy 2 or 3 of the higher priced (I mean below $10) or get cheaper ones and have more
variety? I have day lilies, but those seed crosses are a whole new ball game. Do they bloom the
2nd or third year if I start them in February or March!

This message was edited Jan 26, 2013 10:36 AM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hybridizing is personal to me. I make crosses that interest me and me alone. If I like purple then I will look for the best purples (also I use some reds with the purples) that are hardy in my grow zone, and in the form I like to work with, this goes for the other colors and forms.

Depending on what part of the country you live in, rebloom is important this allows for less bud count, in colder climates where it may be more difficult to get rebloom, bud count is very important. Again parentage is important. Plants with good bud count and rebloom in their background would be a good choice.

The bloom - Some will sacrifice the bud count for the pretty face, only the two parents with very nice blooms regardless the bud count would be right for such cross.

It is impossible to determine what a seedling will look like, that is the fun of hybridizing.

As for buying seeds, depending on dip, or Tet, you have a lot of hidden traits involved, and you may not get what you think from the two parents in the cross, unless you buy seeds from someone with a greenhouse you may be plant bee pod seeds, which may produce seedlings no better than some of your worse daylilies. My recordation is to make your own controlled crosses.

Hybridizers know what traits they want to bring out of a cross, and it isn't always the most expensive parents used,

The first 2 photos are the parents the third is a seedling from the cross


It is always important to set goals when it comes to hybridizing.

Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627
Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Lyle, did you have an idea of what the third one would look like? I would have never crossed those two because I would have thought I would get brown, and I love that seeding. As a matter of fact, it looks almost just like one of Leslies 'birthday' flowers that I liked so much. Ill have to go over and look what the name was....Wheel of Time, or something like that.

I didnt pant as many seedlings this year, however, the ones I planted actually have grown to blooming size. Guess thats what a warm winter will do. This will also be the first batch that either the squirels didt dig up most of the tags or the marker wore off. Im finally going to know most of the crosses. I always thought I could tell from the flower....NOT.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Pam - I like Wheel of Time it is a good daylily for the patterns and SPACECOAST BEHAVIOR PATTERN is a good pod parent and works well for the aplaque throat.

Some crosses one of the parents can be very domant, while othe crosses it is hard to pickup either parent in the seedling.

I think this is a good topic for those who are concerned with what to cross, and the possibilities of a certain cross,,

Here is a cross of:

Sdlg 10075 X KATHERINE CALDWELL - the first 2 photos are the parents in this cross, and the third photo is the seedling

Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627 Thumbnail by Lyle627
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

That is amazing at how different the seedling looks from its parents in the first cross you showed Lyle. I don't think I will ever attempt hybridizing but I could see where it could get addictive too.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I will admit to its addictive nature. On the other hand, I just came in from potting up and moving around some seedlings, trying to keep the aphids and rust in check. Im hot, Im sticky, and Im itchy, Im asking WHY????? Well, all you have to do is look at Lyles seedlings and the answer is obvious ;-).
Even tho I have named ones that I love to see open, its just not the same as seeing a seedling the first time. That is not to say, sometimes you see them and go, I wasted a whole year on THAT??? lolol

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL..... I bet that is bad when an ugly one (is there such a thing in DLs?) rears its head.... or maybe just a plain jane! But, then that special one opens and you know that all the other work was worth it.

I think the word Daylily must translate to addictive................... I don't think there is ANYTHING associated with it that isn't addicitive in some manner! ^_^

Good luck with your adventures!

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