mid/late summer blooms

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I was out of the yard a few weekends due to a multitude of factors,
not the least of which was an aggravating case of plantar fasciitis,
making stooping in the garden less than pleasant.
At any rate, picture #1 shows what happens around here if you turn your back for a second.
My cute oxalis is being overwhelmed by weeds! Let's just say, he's not the only one...
How do those darned weeds thrive so well in our heat wave?? Exasperating.
But there are a few tough perennials which are doing fine in my shady woodland.
#2 is gentiana clausa, a bottle gentian. It usually blooms into October.
#3 is cyclamen hederifolia. Just starting to come up. They're leafless flower stems now.
Foliage will come up later this fall and will persist through winter, before going dormant next spring.
I like having some contrarians in the garden!

Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin
Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Dear Wee,

I am very sorry about your plantar fasciitis. I've had dancer and runner frinds who got it and it is not pretty.

But what gorgeous pictures you managed to take. Your cyclamen is gorgeous!

weerobin - OUCH! Hope you're on the mend. And glad to know that you've got some blooms despite your horrible weather down there.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I especially love your cyclamen hederifolia photo. I have never gotten it to grow for me. It is such a lovely plant.

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