NOID blooming shrub being sold in zone 8 (SC) Walmart

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

My apologies for the less than stellar photos - taken at night with cell phone. Generic label on side of trade gal nursery pot read 'blooming shrub' - would love to know what this might be. My hand in one shot for size comparison (my hands are on the petite size). Of course the plant is not in bloom nor with any buds so I can only guess its 'time' has passed - plus it was marked down. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just love hitting the Walmarts when I'm 'down south' - you can score plants that we in zone 7 have to order and have shipped not to mention incredible prices!!!

This message was edited Aug 15, 2012 11:06 PM

Thumbnail by Chantell Thumbnail by Chantell Thumbnail by Chantell
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gosh- what IS that? Not familiar at all. Some cv of elderberry, possibly?? Note opposite foliage. I didn't think ederberry would be sold primarily as a blooming shrub.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Stumped here, too, but I love the foliage! Did you pick it up? You might post in the plant ID forum...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

When I went back it wasn't where I 'hid' - ummm, I mean placed it....LOL But I did score a few sweet olives... $3 for 1 gal sized....whaaa whoooo Jill I had posted both here and on ID forum - only got one response over there before I left mom and dads.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Too bad we can't solve this- just out of sheer curiosity.
Yeah I so LOVE finding plants helpfully identified as, say, Foliage Plants ROFL.And don't we all know how many extremely diverse "cultivars" and "species" there are of the genus Angel Plants?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL exactly

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

In the plant commodities business, filling trays/pots, planting seeds and plugs is all automated. All growing requirements/functions are also fully automated. All is mass produced and many plants arrive at Garden Centers never having been touched by a human hand!

Labeling or identifying a for sale plant is a customization that costs money because it requires human labor more than other operations even with preprinted pots or the slap on labels with bar code that often detatch due to customer roughness/weatheror whatever. Pot size/color/ design are used to distinguish one grower from another, shade/sun, annual/perennial or special brand of plant. Vigarow, for instance prints all plant info on its pots while promoting its brand,

Newest thing in the industry is the QR which is that scanable square now appearing on more generic labels to drive traffic to a website for more info on a plant/shrub.

"If they see it, they will buy it" forget the details seems to be the rule of the day. If it doesn't grow, they will replace it. Plants are 'loss leaders' for big retailers/ impulse purchases, that help drive 'hard goods' sales.
Live goods have high losses (so volume is key) and there as yet is no way to tunr left over plant material into salable product on site like left over rotissary chicken becomes 'salad' ! The perishable problem still remains as well as the waste stream from perished plants and again, the man hours to trash them.

I'll repost this over on the ethics thread, too.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Very sad...course I guess folks like me that snatch up the $3 'bargains' don't help deter them from doing their 'business' in this manner, I suppose. In my defense though - my local plants (local nurseries), ones from friend's yard, and yes my Walmart are the ones that tend to thrive v. some of the 'well known' online nursery orders I've been less than thrilled with. I get why my local nursery's plants and ones from friends do well but you'd think I'd have issues with the Walmart stock just b/c of what coleup mentions above - yet, they're generally happy plants. Sheesh....

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