Morning Glories 2012 # 07

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Our previous thread

Purple Hige

Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Your no Mai, light Tempest from the previous thread are very pretty Jackie. You also have a pretty nice hige.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena. I thought the light Tempest was unusual.
Just happy to have any blooms at all. :-)

Gautier, MS

Jackie your Tempest is doing what it pleases. I like those kinds of blooms.

To my surprise I found these 2 blooming & hiding among my salvias and 4 o'clocks. We had a few more showers during the night and morning.

This message was edited Aug 11, 2012 9:55 AM

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, beautiful dark purple. Is it Black King?

Gautier, MS

Jackie, thanks. I think it probably is Black King. The growth of everything in this planter is so thick that I can't find the pot, it could have fallen behind it too and nest to the fence.
I took several of my seedlings into the greenhouse b/c of all the rain and they are taking off. Now I'm thinking of putting the rest of them in there too.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, I used to have to do that too. A few I could get up under the eaves to keep some of the rain off.
I had to carry a bunch to the g house but that got old. I don't have that problem now
with this being one of the dryest summers on record. Its # 3 or higher for least rainfall.
At least the temps are down here for a while, just 89 or 90 today.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Blooms are non existant here for the most part.
One here and there

Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Jackie, it really sounds like a lot of work so I've not done it yet and I think I might not do at all. It might be too cozy for the bugs to get to them, getting too warm by the afternoon.

I'm happy to get any blooms now too. Just look at this 6" vine having a small bloom at the end. Your mg blooms have been real pretty. I like your blue tie dye.

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena. Your small blue reminds me of Blue Lav Beauty. A cute little bloom.
I have just a few that I might still get blooms on.

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 8a)

Jackie, Helenahah,you girls are a joy to watch and follow. Keep up the good work!

Gautier, MS

Thanks FLChilders for the nice compliment.

Today I found 2 slightly different blooms on my youjiro vine.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Norfolk, VA

Here is a member of my crew I selected for testing.

Thumbnail by MGMan Thumbnail by MGMan
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Frank. Glad you stopped by, haven't seen you for a while.

Love the Youjiros Helena. Especially that 2nd one.

We had a storm go thru in the wee hours dumping some much needed rain

Was looking thru blooms from 2010 heres an orig Saz Sd bloom from that yr

and finally found my George Strait blooms also in 2010, Sept. Thanks for this one Emma

This message was edited Aug 22, 2012 3:52 PM

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

pretty blooms! I thought I missed you guys..
black king is awsome and I love the yojiro
2010 was an awsome year for me , too, Jackie. We are in draought conditions, and if I wasn't watering and saving laundry water, I would not have anything blooming..
this am gave me a bright spot in my day..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

you know I love those tall mammoth sunflowers for totems for the glorys

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Debra, is the top row of flowers 4th picture a 4 o'clock? That is so pretty!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Debra, I'm so glad someone is getting blooms and beauties they are too.
Love the pinks and the last pic is a great shot, gorgeous purpurea
I like the 4 o'clock too.

Norfolk, VA

Frank, Nice to have you on board, nice blooms everybody!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

2 Purps open for me in the tub out back
I suspect one of these should be the pretty purple hige

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Beautiful blooms Tony, Debra and Jackie. So glad you all are having such nice and lots of blooms.

If I remember to take my camera tomorrow morning on way to drop off kids at school, I'll take a picture of the Pandy, today it was loaded with blooms on a bush along the road.
I'll have to look along a different part of town to see if the other wild mg's are blooming yet or if they got mowed down.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I love the purps, Jackie. I have some vines that I will be wanting to send away this fall. If kept inside where it won't freeze, someone cold enjoy them.
Dmail me if anyone wants a vine or two for the winter.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Gautier, MS

Pretty bloom Debra. I'd take your offer but I'm afraid I'm going to have lots of plants to care for during winter.

Had a busy morning and forgot the camera or even to look for the Pandy's. Had one not so nice bloom but enjoyed my little hummer on the 6 ft tall Hamelia patens blooms (top left corner). Last pic of my 4 o'clock I took yesterday evening.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena and Debra.
Pretty purple bloom Debra.

Helena your 4 o'clock is beautiful. I like your mg too with the blue color on one petal, very nice,.
I miss my Hamelia patens. Mine got huge and I think I gave it away. I should have
kept it, my poor hummers are looking for flowers and I have so few mg blooms. I keep their
feeder full. I have so many, we're having to re-fill every day or every other day.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Jackie. I have a yellow 4 o'clock from S A, a white and yellow had a red one but it died, too much rain I think. A couple of seedlings I'm looking forward to see what color they'll be. You are so lucky to have lots of hummers. I only have a few now but hopefully I'll have more during migration. I need to get the seeds off to you soon, the little red morning glories will be great for the hummers along a fence. I have Hamelia patens seeds in the fall if you want, glad you are feeding them with feeders,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

4 o clocks? I have tons of those tubers.. all colors ...

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

what is a Hamelia patens?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Pretty blooms Debra. Look 4 posts up at Helenas pics. The one in the center is a Hamelia patens bush.
The hummers just love it.

Helena, yes if you think of it. send me a few Hamelia patens sds when you send the little red sds.
My Lowes had 1 gal sizes of Hamelia in June and I didn't get one, really regret that now.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have never heard of that. I would trade you some of the 4 o clocks you may not have for some of those Hamelia patens seeds. I love shrubs. Helena does it grow like a shrub? Is it cold hardy?
Jackie, the spotted ( speckles) is from your seeds..Helena these are from your seeds..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Gautier, MS

Debra, I love your 4 o'clocks. Yes lets trade for the hamelia patens seeds.

This is my Hamelia patens bush. It's in the ground. How cold does it get in KS? Mine gets killed by the frost but comes back every year. This bush might be around 5 year old.
Some can grow it in a pot for winter protection. You could also cover the bush with leaves and a tarp if you want to try growing it outside. The seeds are tiny but they grow fairly fast.

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Gautier, MS

Your mg's have beautiful blooms Debra. I like those a lot too, glad they turned out really nice.

Had one pink fuchsia bloom youjiro. I was able to remember to look for the Pandy blooms this morning but had to go home to get the camera. It was loaded with blooms, so nice to see that the neighbors aren't cutting it down.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Debra, those are beauties. Mine must have come from the unk blue in the tub out back last yr. It had
some lovely speckled blues and mine are all open pollinated. Your bloom from Helenas sds is lovely too,.

Helena, pretty fuschia. Your Hamelia patens in the ground is very impressive. If I can get mine to do,
I would like to plant one in the ground next spring. More nectar for the hummers.
Hopefully your neighbors are enjoying the pandy blooms too

OK now where is my browse button. to send a pic. I had several open this am including my tree mg.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

looked it up, I would have to over winter ins garage, but can grow it in large tub..
None of my pandsy are doing anything, can't even trell which is which at this point, hope to find a tuber somewhere.. lost my i lantesis due to over watering I think, boo hoo!
love the yojiros, I have the pink and blue, so pretty!
lobata is slow to grow this year, prolly wont see seeds from it either.
my water bill jumped up 60 bucks last month... no rain to speak of, we are in a drought, Joes says be ready , it is the new norm for a few years. what does that mean?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Debra, sorry you lost your platensis, I lost mine too.

My water bill is 225.00 cause we watered the horse pasture trying to save their grass. Oh well

I;m afraid to think about Joe being right. I certainly hope he's wrong, lol
Joe saying be prepared to put up with drought conditions for several yrs, the pattern has changed??

This message was edited Aug 16, 2012 4:11 PM

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Had this lovely Blue Lav Beauty and Purple Tie


Unknown maybe a Purp

Unknown white, maybe a hederacea?? growing wild

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Pretty Youjiros on fence

Purple Hige

Roosters Comb

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

My tree mg. blooms beat up. Don't know what did the damage, bumble bees or hummers.
Hope it makes sds this time. It's only made sd pods one time in all these yrs I've grown it.

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Jackie, those are really nice mg's. Very pretty, quite a nice show. I've never had much luck growing the tree mg, seem to plant it in the wrong place. I might want to give it a try again.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Lovely show of blooms today, Jackie. Thanks! am hoping my tree glory blooms this year for me.
National news says no relief in sight for draught conditions for kansas, nebraska and oklahoma until next Spring, and that was a maybe they said.
Love your rooster combs. A few of my red celosias are up and a few of the yellows and fuschias, but not too pretty right now.I am going to collect condensation water from the gutters at work and fill water bottles and jugs non stop every day. I brought 8 home today, taking back 16 bottles. they set up a tub for me and a plastic oil catch pan and it fits under the gutter. when it is full they empty it into a tall bucket and I get that before I go home. My cabinets and garage are going to be full. LOL wish my a/c condensation drained outside, it drains into a sewer drain downstairs. ugh.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena and Debra.
Debra, I really have enjoyed the rooster combs. I will try to carry this one thru winter in the g house.

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