What are you eating from your garden?

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I saw this in NE Gardens, so thought we could use one here, although I think most of us are eating just about everything right now.........

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello! I usually have a big vegetable garden, but this year have too many other commitments so I'm sadly not eating everything about now. However, I do have lots of garlic, and we are eating it in everything.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

No veggie garden for me but I'm thinking of doing a small one next year. Just wanted to say hello and welcome.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Tomatoes and blueberries. Carrots. I didn't plant too much in the way of edibles, must get better at that. Welcome Carrie, and thanks for the new thread.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Welcome also!
Lots of blueberries and plums. Tomatoes are still growing and green. Peas have been over for a few weeks. Things are always late in my part of Western Washington here in the foothills.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I did find out I have some sort of domestic blackberry. Got a handful and them the scrub jay enjoyed the rest. I put them up on a trellis and will see what happens with them.

Lake Stevens, WA

Tomatoes and blueberries for me. Yum, I love them. Lady down the street gave me yellow plums. So good.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I have had three pickings of swiss chard,yum.. a dozen or so cherry tomatoes (more to come)and several pickings of lettuce. A better question is what you haven't had. I had lots of damage to my blueberries by a hail storm when they were loaded with blossoms. One bush (that faired the best from the hail )as of last week was getting ready to pick until some critter got into my netted (deer proofed 6' netting) and ate all the blueberries and branches . I was so mad. The bugs have had their fill of my broccoli,spinach and brussel sprouts. I pulled the spinach tonight as it also bolted with the high temps we have been having. I finally have 1 zucchini (6 inches) one of three yellow crooked neck squash looks promising and I found blossoms finally on my pickling cucumbers.
I grew several patches of dill to make pickles with the cucumbers. Haha! I did buy some Safeway cucumbers this week and made 4 jars using my dill. Being from CA , vegetable gardening has been the most frustrating. I am determined to win his battle next year.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

ahh, Beahive, you will find it easier and easier - hard to get used to a new climate. WOW - I didn't realize Dallas, OR was zone 8a! I'm in zone 5b.

I have an overabundance of ripe tomatoes right now - all kinds, and my peppers of various types are just going hog wild! Also, my Oregano, Chives, Basil and Cilantro are edible now too - the home grown cilantro is a little strong - ouch! That is all I planted this year. Next year I hope to expand and grow some radish, brussell sprouts, carrots, eggplant, squash........ maybe some melon.

Renton, WA(Zone 7b)

I have been harvesting my Stupice tomatoes for a couple weeks now. I am still waiting for Brandywine to ripen. Zucchini, basil, lettuce, kale, and broccoli have been on the menu for while now too. Nights are chilly again (in the low 50's) so don't think the tomatoes like that.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello and welcome to you also Lseattle.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

My "spring" Bok Choy went in late (direct sown) and never came up or pooped out, so none of that.

My "spring" Snow Peas also went in very late, and have been producing for a few weeks. Oregon Sugar Pod II always do well for me (if the seed doesn't rot or get eaten as it emerges), and did well again this year.

I also tried some fancy Indian heirloom "Golden Sweet" Snow Pea Pods with pretty two-tone purple blossoms and bright lemon-yellow pods. VERY pretty, and tall (they ran right up to the top of some 6-7-foot strings and nbow are waving in the air above that). But they are nowhere enar as sweet as the Oregon greenies. The flavor is milder (less "green" flavor), but a snow pea pod that isn;'t sweet doesn't get grown a seocnd year by me!

The Oregon Sugar Pod IIs are so sweet that even when thick and bulging with big peas, they are still very sweet and not starchy. Even fairly tneder!

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

I planted Oregon Sugar Pod II to share a trellis with some flowering sweet peas, very colorful and fragrant with the bonus of crunchy bites. A delight for the senses.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

My one zucchini was picked and eaten last night. Good but think that is it for this season. Very pricey produce if you ask me.
Waiting for two yellow crooked neck squash,no green beans yet on the vines and my pickling cucumbers are about 1/2" now. Planting a new batch of kale, spinach,chard, Pak choi, and lettuce today and I am hoping & praying I have a harvest of these before the first freeze. Say a prayer!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Planting a new batch of kale, spinach,chard, Pak choi, and lettuce today

Hurray! Good luck!

I've been thinking for weeks that I had procrastinated too long for this year.
- Bok Choy big white ("Round Leaf San Tong" marketed as "Taiwan" Bok Choy)
- Bok Choy baby green (hybrids or 6" Tainong #5001 "Ching Chang")
- Italian leaf broccoli hardy down to 25F (mine overwintered last year, THEN bolted)
- maybe some Komatsuna, Mizuna & Tatsoi

If the Italian leaf brocoli will keep bearing down to 25F, I could have leaves as late as mid-December. But I seem to recall it stopped putting out new leaves after a heavy frost. Synonyms:
Spigariello Liscia
Broccolo Spigariello
Brassica oleracea var. 'Spigariello'
Cima di rape Spigarello or Cavolo Broccolo Spigariello

I never thought to take pictures of the leaf broccoli until it showed it would overwinter, and then bloomed profusely.
(At first it didn't occur to me thqat I had to focus on the YOUNG leaves and COOK them. I thought it was pretty but too strong-flavored for me!)

Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA

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