Fall swap at Sally's, HAVES AND OR WANTS

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Here's where we describe what we HAVE to offer, and what we particularly WANT to get. Then there will be another thread for discussion, like ' So just how big ARE those redbud trees?'" or what have you.
For fall, I don't think we're going to have as much action as spring (no annuals!) but perennials, bulbs, woody things, and houseplants are in play.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


(I get to go first) ; ^)
Look up names under Cultivar in Plantfiles, or look at my Jurnal


Seedlings Parsley 'Gigante' a large leafed italian variety


Plumbago (Leadwort)
Petasites, variegated
Rosemary plant, nice qt potted, (a baby from Chantell's plant of three years ago to me)
Sedum Blue Spruce, vigorous creeping blue foliaged sedum (in case you didn't get it in spring)
Hardy Geranium macrorhizome Bigroot Cranesbill, pink
Vina major variegated,
Vinca minor green Periwinkle ( my old favorite crayola color)
Daylilies- a clump of the one with many smallish red blooms
" - Frans Hals type- three pots
Liriope- variegated clumping
Siberian Iris, same purple one I always have
Pussytoes- small makes creeping silvery mat
Maypop passion vine
Iris, couple kinds- Large blue,; my noid 'Lucy' a very nice medium size purple one with good habits; " Wabash ' (white tops purple falls)

Catnip plants

Potted plants:
Tropical hibiscus with deep red, cut foliage almost like a red maple, got this from coleup two years ago, rooted cuttings looking good so far. 4
Sanseveria Moonglow- 3 of them, qt pots with couple 'sprouts' 2 for ssg and made two more yesterday
Brazilian Snow Ctenanthe which sadly is all green no longer variegated and I don't know why. 2 of them.
Pig's ears aka Kalanchoe fedschenkoi- just made couple small pots of cuttings.http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1272751/

Daffodils, a bag of two mixed varieties; in other words, there are a dozen or so and of two kinds together
Daffodil Tete a Tete

Yellow archangel groundcover
Baby native dogwoods- the darn things are always sprouting up here.
Baby Sycamore tree- for holly jamie grow a native champ from scratch!

**A ten gallon freshwater tank complete set up with two goldfish and can of food for them** sorry was on craigslist and got sold

DESIGN ADVICE for my backyard. Perennial sunny bed is 90% horrible, veg garden like to expand, am I on right track with woodland area...What should I remove? Is --- too crappy looking? How close to big trees can I plant blueberry or gooseberry bushes?
Gita Foxgloves- 3 please
Terp Canadian ginger
Acorus variegated 'Ogon' from donner
Terp- Paul- wood hyacinths next spring... no rush!


aspenhill- Hardy Geranium macrorhizome Bigroot Cranesbill, pink

Holly/Ric Fig rooted Brown Turkey., Liriope- variegated and a Tropical hibiscus . and sycamore for Jamie

Pippi...Frans Hals daylily
TerpPaul- petasites, hardy geranium?
greenthumb99 Petasites ? Brown turkey fig rooted
ssgardener- ' I'd love a pig's ear. How pretty! And some daffodils, too, please." Sally, I'd love 2 of your San Moonglow and a gigante parsley seedling.

Chantell, catnip, Rice hulls!

donnerville- Catnip, plumbago, rosemary

This message was edited Sep 14, 2012 4:07 PM

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

HAVES - still available
Coneflower (pink flowers)
Shasta daisy (don't say I didn't warn you if it grows crazy in your garden. LOL!!!)
Agastache 'Golden Jubilee' (lemon green leaves and lavender flowers)
Brunnera (dark green leaves and blue flowers)
Veronica 'Royal Candles' (blue flowers)
Hardy Hibiscus (either dark pink flowers or white flowers with red center. 2nd year plant in pot. )
Acorus 'ogon' (have LOADS)

Blue hosta (any variety)
Heuchera (any variety except for 'Palace Purple')
Heucherella (any variety)
Oriental Poppy (any variety)

Coneflower - Chantell
Shasta daisy - SSG, Terp, Happy
Calla 'Picasso' - SSG, Ruby
Bleedinghearts - SSG
Brunnera - Terp
Acorus 'ogon' - sallyg, SSG, Holly
Agastache - Happy, Holly
Veronica - Holly
Gaillardia - Pippi

This message was edited Sep 13, 2012 8:46 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

So far-----

HAVES: Will update if I have anything else.


Baggies of bulbs: mixed reg. Daffs.-- Tete-a-Tete daffs--Grape Hyacinths
Shasta daisies if anyone still wants any--Will dig up...
Euphorbia-4" pots--rooted. Three 4" pots
Mini blue/purple Iris starts--2-- 4" pots (smallish)
Wintersweet Shrub--3yr. old plants--in 5" pots.---3 pots.
Starts of Campanula "Elizabeth" (from David and Pat)--8--- 4" pots.
Alaska Daisy clumps--4--. Will dig up if anyone wants. (one promised to "Terp")
Foxgloves--many growing....can dig up and pot up. white....(Sally)
Endless Summer Hydrangea--just took cuttings and potted them up. 10 pots. (Holly--one)
Have taken cuttings from all 3 of my neighbor's Fig trees. They are rooting....

HOUSEPLANT type of plants:

Thanksgiving cactus-4" pots (fuchsia/white--Red--Salmon--maybe pink??. (Hasn't bloomed yet).
Curly Spider plants--4" pots.---6 pots
Swedish Ivy starts--potted up--11 pots. (WHEN is the last time you saw a Sw. Ivy for sale???)
Angel Wing begonias--5" pots well growing--8 pots
Pregnant Onion--lots of "marble babies"--and 1 potted .
Ric-Rac Cactus--two rooted ones in 4" pots. About 2-3 yrs. old.
Night Blooming Cereus--one--in a 4" pot--about 3 yrs. old...small...
Red Easter cactus-- just divided...just started....NOT ready for sharing yet. Next May....
Wandering Jew--just potted up 9-- 4" pots. These will root in a few days.
Curly Spider plant--4" pots; rooted and growing...6 pots
Regular Spider Plants---4" pots---have about 6 pots.
Swedish Ivy--(when is the last time you ever saw these for sale???)....just potted up 11 pots.
These root amazingly fast! Beautiful, shiny leaves. Great HB's.....

***Have a lot of seeds for summer blooming plants. Can bring to you.
Most are biennial and need to be sowed NOW---so you will have some blooming next summer.
D-mail me--or go see my "Trade List" and i will be glad to bring any along for you.

WANTS: I have very few....I have posted them on the "Haves/Wants" discussion Thread.


Chantelle--bulbs from fragrant, Double Daffodil--"Erlicheer"; "Herbal Remedies" book.
BIG Ficus Tree--as well as the "Bush one" rooting cuttings......August Lily Hosta.

Pippi--Red Day Lilies (Will dig up)

UMD_Terp--Wintersweet Shrub (2yrs. old); AK Daisies (will dig up); Mixed Daff. bulbs
Swedish Ivy; Wandering Jew; Dr. Seuss Brug cutting; Fig "Bush" cutting--rooting;
"Big Fig tree" cutting; AW Begonia; Alabama Sunset Coleus;

Ruby--Small Clivia; Curly Spider plant; Salmon CC; Pregnant onion+babies; Easter cactus;

SSgardener--Angel Wing Begonia--2--; Ric-Rac Cactus start. Wandering Jew;
Alab. Sunset Coleus; Shasta Daisies-dug up;

Speedie---4 'Oclock seeds. ***Send Brug cuttings to her in the fall. NOID or Maya.

Donner--Purple Oxalis

Jill--Wandering Jew; Cuttings from "Bush" and "Large" Figs.

Holly--Swedish Ivy; Endless Summer Hydrangea;

Sallyg. Fig cuttings--"BIG" one and "Bush" one; Foxgloves (3-4);

Greenthumb Cuttings from all 3 Figs;

coleup Any spring bulbs available; Two jars of pickles.

--Something for the Gift table---
--A Plant Gift for Sally--as usual to whomever holds a Swap.
--Pink or purple pots for Joyanna's BR + late B-Day gift--
--Mini blinds
--Meatballs and Pickles
--Lawn chairs and table--2 crates.
--Pick up Tom....??????
--Rosemary in baggies.

This message was edited Sep 9, 2012 6:15 AM

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm a beginner here so I don't have much. I'm an easy, uncoordinated/unplanned garden person.

Have: the monster NOID sedums..
3-4 foot JM bloodgood seedlings.
Wild Columbine.
NOID green hostas that self seed quick
lavender azalea
Lioripe (monkey grass) variegated and non-variegated (quick spreading)
I'll have some named azaleas (Hersheys Red) and rhodos come spring time.
Christmas Fern
Wild Columbine
NOID potted Peony.
Lily of the Valley
Creeping Jenny :)
Canadian Ginger (very neat, grows in complete shade and forms a circular mound)
NOID Coral bells (green leaf, pink flower
I also have some epi cuttings from a few months ago (not even sure if they are viable)
Mother's tongue
Strawberry begonia (first year for me but I have heard they are hardy here)

Summer bloomers
Love hostas, rhodos, and ferns.
interesting shrubs, perennials.
tropicals requiring easy overwintering (little care during winter).

Ruby - Mothers in Law Tongue, Persian Shield, little crock pots
Holly - French Iris (yellow), Lavender Azalea
Terri - NOID Sedums, Creeping Jenny, Christmas Ferns, JMs
Pippi - Persian Shield
Speedie - Hostas
Sally - crock pots, ginger
Owe Jill - $14, Coleup - $?

This message was edited Aug 8, 2012 3:15 PM

This message was edited Sep 14, 2012 8:44 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

-cactus potting soil (tapla's recipe; I'll bring 2-3 gallons)
-coleus cuttings (green and red NOIDs)
-various ground cover sedums (will know varieties later)
-small jade plants
-raspberry (2-3; NOID, but everbearing variety from HD)
-blackberry (1)

-Stoplight heuchera, sedums, and CC ajuga to greenthumb (I forgot to bring it to the spring swap)
-Stoplight heuchera and CC ajuga to UMDterp
-Dwarf Cavendish banana pup(s) to Chantel, as long they survive transplanting!
-Dwarf cavendish to Jill
-Jade plant to Gita
-ajuga Chocolate Chip to Holly

-asparagus/foxtail ferns (houseplants)
-any extra shasta daisy
-any extra plain ajuga
-ajuga Burgundy Glow
-any heat/humidity-tolerant heuchera
-any carex/sedge grass
-Sweet Flag grass
-brunnera Jack Frost
-any cold-hardy sempervivum
-Joe Pye Weed, preferably the tallest variety
-coreopsis zagreb
-native ferns, any variety

-ajuga (from Happy_Macomb)
-culinary sage and lavender ("lady" from greenthumb)
-tall bamboo stakes (from Holly)
-shasta daisy, bleeding hearts, and calla lily (from donnerville)
-variegated grass (from Chantell)
-Christmas fern, peony, JM seedling(s) and tall sedums (from UMD_Terp)
-daffodils and pig's ears (from sally)

This message was edited Sep 1, 2012 8:54 PM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Reserved 'God willin and the creek don't rise'
Assorted garlic bulbs
Assorted Semps and Sedums
Assorted elephant ears/taro: Black stem, portadora, illustries, Elena, frydek
Assorted bananas: ensete
6+ blueberry bushes in search of a patch (n containers)
Loropatalum 'suzanne'
ostrich fern

Ruby Red aster

Speedie Dr Seuss Brug via Gita ,noid pink brug via Gita
Holly ee'Elena', ostrich fern, blueberry?
ssgardener asparagus fern, ostrich fern, 5gal bucket
Gita coleus cutting, blueberry?, pickle jars
Greenthumb garlic (4 Chesnok, 4 Musick ), Deutsia ? Sedum 'ogon'?
Sally blueberry
Chantell ensete banana baby? garlic Georgian Fire!
Critter garlic 3 of each hardneck (send with Happy), Razzle Dazzle crepe myrtle (leave at Sally's)
Ruby Persian Shield. large cc white, large cc pink
Donnerville blue hosta
Jan23 Razzle Dazzle crepe myrtle
Happy garlic (3 of each), acuba, ostrich fern
UMD Terp garlic (one of each), EE or Banana ?

This message was edited Sep 13, 2012 4:59 PM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Agastache ‘Honey Bee Blue’ –
Anemone virginiana –
Campanula ‘Bellringers’ –
Campanula ‘Elizabeth’ –
Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Linearis Polydactyla’ –
Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Bevan's Variety’ –
Platycodon ‘Astra Semi-Double Lavender’ –
Saxifraga virginiana –
Scutellaria integrifolia –
Tricyrtis hirta ‘Moonlight’ –
Absinthe Wormwood – Artemisia absinthium
Aquilegia ‘Winky Purple And Yellow’
Aster/ Symphyotrichum cordifolium – Blue Wood Aster
Aster/ Symphyotrichum turbinellum – Turbinate Aster
Browallia speciosa – American Bush Violet
Hieracium venosum – Rattlesnake Weed
Mentha Pulegium – English/European Pennyroyal
Physostegia virginiana – Obedient Plant
Pineapple Sage – Salvia Elegans
Golden Culinary Sage – Salvia officinalis ‘Aurea’
Sage Of Bath Culinary Sage – Salvia officinalis ‘Sage Of Bath’
Extracta Culinary Sage – Salvia officinalis ‘Extracta’
Berggarten Culinary Sage – Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’

-SSGardener – ‘Berggarten’ Sage, ‘Lady’ Lavender, Pineapple Sage
-Donnerville – Kenilworth Ivy, Heuchera ‘Marvelous Marble’, Heuchera villosa, Greek Oregano, Berggarten Sage.
-Chantell – Lemon Catnip, Agastache ‘Honey Bee Blue’, Geranium macrorrhizum, Extracta Sage
-UMD_Terp - Campanula ‘Bellringers’, Campanula ‘Elizabeth’, Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Linearis Polydactyla’, Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Bevan's Variety’, Platycodon ‘Astra Semi-Double Lavender’, Tricyrtis hirta ‘Moonlight’, Winky columbine, Physostegia, Wormwood
-Holly - Platycodon ‘Astra Semi-Double Lavender’, Browallia speciosa
-Jan23 - Blue Lobelia

This message was edited Sep 14, 2012 8:13 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

4 Portadrora Alocasia - SSG, Ruby, Coleup,
2 Imperial Taro Illustris - Critter, UMD_Terp,
1 Very large solid green hosta
2 Very large Hydrangeas (if I can get them out of the ground) for a more southern location than my zone 6
3 Wine Red Daylilies - Pippi,
4 Burgundy Glow Ajuga - SSG

Artemisia Silver King -
Astilbe -
Bloody Dock -
Columbine - Happy,
Common Daylilies
Fern - SSG, Terp,
Hellebore - Happy,
Hosta NOID Variegated
Hosta Blue Mouse Ears - Critter, Donner
Dwarf Crested Iris
Ivy- Happy,
Lamium Silver Beacon -
Ornamental Grass Variegated (runner type not clumping)
Sedum Autumn Joy
Sedum Yellow creeping -
Sweet Woodruff - Terp,
Vinca Major Variegated -
Vinca Minor
Woodpoppy -

Herbs and Veggies
Choclate Mint – Terp,
Comfrey -
Horseradish - Terp
Lemon Balm – Terp

Water plants
Pickerel Weed
Yellow Water Iris
Corkscrew Rush
Chameleon Plant Houttuynia cordata
Mini Cattail
Water Celery

Mondo Grass Dwarf Black

SSG Bamboo Poles 6-4ft, Portadora, Burgundy Glow Ajuga, Fern (?)
Pippi - Wine Red Daylily
Ruby - Portadora
Critter - Blue Mouse Ears, Illustris
Speedy - Hosta, Big Hosta
UMD_Terp - Illustris, Big Hosta,Hosta, CocoMint, Horseraddish,
Sweet Woodruff, Lemon Balm (?) Fern (?)
Happy - Var Ivy, Columbine, Hellebore
Donner- Bamboo, Gold Zebra Heucherella,Blue Mouse Ears
Coleup - Portadora

This message was edited Sep 13, 2012 10:43 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Various tropical cuttings, Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore Pleno',
Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Mohawk' cuttings http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/56116/ - Terp
Daphne odora 'Aureo-Marginata' cuttings http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/79487/ - Terp & Gita
Lily - Gita
Oregano-Thyme Mint - speedie
NOID Plumeria - that I will be cutting this weekend and prayfully turning into 3 plants - Terp - sorry going to have to wait for spring :-(
Dwarf variegated grass (Miscanthus sinensis "Gold Bar") and vine seeds - ssgardener
CC cuttings - Pippi
scented geranium cuttings - Pippi, Ruby and Terp
sweet olive and jasmines (if avail at Lowes)
'candy' mint - David/Pat
Vine seeds (cypress & sm MG) - ssgardener
Orchid supplies and Black Jack Sedum - Holly
Coir - don't remember - whoever wants some to try

Ceramic 'rose' type pots - set aside for Jill and a couple of the 6" miso pots - check for any hanging

Sensitive Fern - I believe that's what it was ID'd as
Prickly Pad pads
Yucca (shocker, I know)
Rosemary cuttings - culinary use or root em'
Eyeball plant toddlers http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/58049/ courtesy of Podster who gave the seeds last month
Misc gardening/plant 'stuff' - will bring - those that want - take...how's that for generic?
False Red Yucca (Hummers love blooms) http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/31558/ have plant and/or seeds (just harvested seeds)
NOID Dwarf Variegated Weigela
Black Jack Sedum

Medicinal Herbs
Smelly goods
Banana pups - SS
Coneflowers - Donner

This message was edited Sep 13, 2012 10:31 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My spot! (see note at bottom... not able to attend after all... )

I'll have loads of Obedient Plant (Physostegia) -- pinkish lavender blooms, 2-3 feet tall, only "obedient" in a vase, but shallow rooted so it's easy to pull if it spreads too far.

Will try to pot up some divisions of thymes, oreganos ahead of time if there's interest...

Bee Balm (Monarda) -- probably just a couple extra starts of 2 or 3 types (new plants), going to SSG & Terp (hopefully can deliver at daffodil dig rather than at swap)

There's at least one potted up little start of honeysuckle (L. americana, not the invasive japanese one).

Black Stem Taro (from water pot) -- Holly

And I'll be hosting a "daffodil dig" probably in October... in return for helping me dig & divide the daffs, the extra bulbs will be shared around, and there will be loads!

"Group purchase" prices on

Industrial Sharpie
1 Ruby, 2 Chantell, 3 Coleup, 1 Gita
Silver metallic sharpie
1 Ruby, 1 Gita

polymer moisture crystals
Chantell 1 pound med, half pound powder
Ruby 1 pound med
Catbird 1 pound med
Terp 2 pounds med, half pound powder
Holly 2 pounds med

Well, rats. Looks like we can't make it after all. Still planning to do a daffodil dig this fall, we'll see what date ends up working best.
I should be able to send the pens & crystals with somebody coming from this area. So far, I haven't ordered the powder... a little goes such a long way that we should probably split it into quarter pounds. I'm still working on using up my first pound of it LOL. I can send along a little sample to play with, I think.

This message was edited Sep 1, 2012 9:45 AM

Crozet, VA

So far and definitely will be added to later on......we have to offer:

Red Aster - can get four feet tall......more of a fuschia color


Butterfly Bush - standard purple

Lily of the Valley

Pink Astilbe

Creeping Jenny

Sedum Sarmentosan

Mary Todd Day Lilies - grow between 24 and 26"

Lambs Ear

Rose Campion

The houseplants I have to offer are:

Mother of Thousands

small Sedums, several varieties

Hawaiian Spider Plant

Purple Wandering Jew

Wax Begonias

Green Oxalis

Rootings for
Henna Coleus
Electric Lime Coleus



Pippi wants Mary Todd Day Lilies

Chantell wants Henna and Electric Lime Coleus

SSgardener wants Sedum Sarmentosan, Pink Astilbe, Creeping Jenny, Shasta Daisy

David and Pet - White Peony, varigated Hosta

Happy McComb - Prickly Pear

Donnerville - Blue Hosta

Terp - Houseplants, Oxalis, Henna Coleus, Wax Begonia, Aloe, Mother of Thousands

Ric and Holly - Prickly Pear and Hens and Chicks

This message was edited Aug 7, 2012 10:46 AM

This message was edited Aug 7, 2012 10:57 AM

This message was edited Aug 27, 2012 12:37 PM

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)


Verbena Homestead Purple
Agastache Tutti Frutti
Platycodon "Sentimental Blue" (I believe, but not 100% sure)
Alaska Daisies
Sedum "Autumn Joy" (I believe, but not 100% sure on this one either)

Promised (so far):

Agastache (Roses-R-Red, Greenthumb99, Chantell, UMD-TERP, Critterologist)
Platycodon (Roses-R-Red, UMD-TERP)
Verbena (Chantell, Critterologist, Ssgardener, Gita[2], Happy-Macomb)
Monarda seeds (UMD-Terp)
Sun-loving Coleus (Chantell)
Alaska Shasta Daisies (Terp, Ssgardener)


Perennial Geranium(s)
Hosta(s) - Any size/variety
Any pink, yellow, red, or white blooming perennials (need to give the purples a break)

Will be back to edit as I wake up more. ;)

Finally edited again, more up to date now. Did I miss anything? Please D-mail me if I did! :)

This message was edited Sep 5, 2012 4:11 AM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

How do you edit a post on DG forums?

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from Pippi21 :
How do you edit a post on DG forums?

I will D-mail you with the explanation Sweetie.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Sally, if nobody has spoken for your Frans Hal, I'd be interested in it. Rec'd that from Gita last Fall and they were so pretty this Spring/summer(whenever they bloomed!)

Ruby..my hand is up high for some more Mary Todd daylilies. They were spectacular this Spring..if nobody has spoken for them.

I took some cuttings yesterday and took some transplants and will post those later..want to make sure they make it!

If anybody has any beautiful Christmas Cactus that they can take cuttings or plan to root for the swap, I would love some. I won't be picky about color. I just learned the difference between Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas in a gardening book last night. My neighbor's must be the Thanksgiving Cactus..I could read in the book about the difference in shape of leaves but what about flower blooms? Is there a difference in those too? Like I said, I won't be picky about color or season.

I am reading where some of you are offering bulbs..have these bulbs being in the ground or are they brand new bulbs that have never been planted? Just curious!

AspenHill(Terri)if you ever take any cuttings/rooting from your "Vivid Rose" from your Grandma's bush, I would love to have just one start from it. Fell in love with it from viewing your pictures of it.

Sally..did you mention anything about the gift table yet? That is always a lot of fun.
Have I missed posting of the food Or does that come later?

This message was edited Aug 15, 2012 10:31 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I will reply to your questions over on the "Haves and Wants DISCUSSION Thread.

Here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1272812/ Come over here......

This Thread is strictly for posting you lists of "Haves" and "Wants".


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Have the following:

Bronze Mums
raspberry wine and I think I have one Jacob Cline seeding bee balm.
several NOID hosta
1 Cherry Brandy rudbeckia
Celadine poppy( I was able to divide one plant and make many into 4 in. pots)
3 Pink/purple coneflowers "Magnus" I can dig up a few more.
1 "Tickled Pink" Pink/dianthus

I deleted a few items because I'm not happy with them.
I hope they all survive the transplanting in time for the plant swap! I hope to add more to this list of what I have to offer.

Can anybody use decorative wire border fencing? It hooks together and I think I measured it to be 32 in. There are 3 sections that I'm offering..It's black; good for hold tall plants from flopping over..

Wish List of wants:

Daylilies: Mary Todd, Heart a fire, and Frans Hal or any Red or wine colored ones
Kim's knee high or Pow Wow berry euchinacea
Rozanne hardy geranium
"Goblin" gaillardia
Hershey Red azalea
"Powderpuff mix" hollyhock
Candy Mountain foxglove
Lithodora "Grace Ward" blue
Basket of gold alysssum
Liatris spicata (Gayfeather)(purple color only)
Mixed colors wood hyacinth bulbs or Virginia bluebells

This message was edited Sep 13, 2012 2:21 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, if nobody has asked for one of your wine red daylilies, I'd be honored to have some of them.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gotcha, Pippi.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


When you edit your post--delete all the previous "edited...etc" lines. They just clutter up a post.

That way--you will always have just one "edited" line showing.....Gita

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

bumping up

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I've been notably silent, because WAY too much has been going on at my end to do any prep for the swap.

But I can offer:

Tinantia pringlei (smallish starts -- but it is a good spreader. This is the first year I've had it.) -- UMD
Sedum Ternatum (small starts)
Stylophorum diphyllum (Wood Poppy) -- UMD
Tiarella cordifolia ‘Eco Running Tapestry’ -- UMD, SpeedieBean, Donnerville
Saxifraga stolonifera -- Donnerville?
Begonia Grandis
Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) -- Jan
Sedum Autumn Joy
Ajuga -- SSGardener
Perennial Geranium -- SpeedieBean
H. Ginko Craig for SallyG (other hosta?)
Turface/fines -- Chantell
Eupatorium -- Greenthumb

This message was edited Sep 14, 2012 5:37 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

I just did what you said..Thanks Gita!

This message was edited Sep 3, 2012 3:44 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Organizational detail:
I hate to sound like an ogre but-
To post questions about these lists please open the part two DISCUSSION THREAD
Then ask questions there. This way it is easier for people to read through these lists.

Thank yew!

Thumbnail by sallyg
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This message was edited Sep 13, 2012 10:56 PM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

The garden has been a mess this summer, and I don't see much that I can bring this fall. Sorry for the slim pickings... Also, I probably won't have time to do much planting this fall, so what I want to take home will be limited (yeah right.... I love the end of the day where SOMEBODY needs to take things that are left, lol)

small leafed korean lilac 'palibin' (qty 1)
purple crested iris (qty 4)
phlox 'Katherine' (qty 3)
hosta 'Krossa Regal' (qty 3)
daylily 'When My Sweetheart Returns' - for John and Ruby
will attempt to get a root of my Peony 'Vivid Rose' - for Pippi

sallyg - Hardy Geranium macrorhizome Bigroot Cranesbill, pink
ruby - lily of the valley, creeping jenny always welcome at my place!

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