With Your Help - Here 'Tis!

Warrenton, VA

Hello Fellow Green Souls,

With your help, I have achieved the look that is appropriate for my 1950's cinderblock cottage. Basically, everything is new, from paint on the house, to paint on the wrought iron railing (I painted it and please do not ask to hire me out-you couldn't afford the price! LOL), to the custom shutters.
The Lozita Japanese Maple sits in front, on its own island from the Virginia Red Clay, the Trident Maple is carefully sited from the house and to maximize shade, the "Castle Wall" hollies are either side of the humble front porch, I also have globe blue spruce, and on the outside, some new "Soft Serve" False Cypress.
Please realize that, two years ago, there were two mis-matched and dying big boxwoods (and American and English) on the right of the porch, and some horrible WEED SHRUB that made me dig a trench down to the foundation to get rid of it and all the shoots, on the left of the porch. No other landscaping in the front, and basically the raised look near the foundation is all new dirt.
Now, all I need to do is water away. Thank you, one and all! This is my little piece of Heaven - we're retro, down to the antennae and well.

Thumbnail by Gracye
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Great color combo
Good job!

Hillsborough, NC

What a sweet looking cottage -- great paint job, great landscaping -- love it! :-)

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

That is the CUTEST cottage! And the plant choices are great! Good job!

Tiffin, OH(Zone 6a)

Adorable-looks like a doll house!! Did you do the interior in retro too? Takes us back to a simpler time without the McMansion look so popular now!! Mw

Warrenton, VA

I thank all of you for your support and kind words. The interior is basically the same as when it was built. Hardwood floors were redone, but only sanded and oiled. Gorgeous. The paint chosen was all historic colors, and the trim work is just unbelievable-interesting what the original owners thought they could not live without.

I had white appliances put in. I steered clear of latest fads, but did get stacking, eco washer and dryer. Unbelievably, the bottom-freezer, one-door refrigerator was popular in the 50's! I did not know this, but you see it in the retro shows...now, we are on propane...serves us well in the one kinda splurge-the biscuit colored Vermont Stove which replaces the make-shift heater that replaced the wood stove...LOL What a journey!

The kitchen floor is a humble sheet vinyl. I LOVE the functional, REAL, folding attic ladder. It even has a rail!
The more I look around, the more I say "There's no place like home." The older we get, the more we realize the great value of one level.

I hung my laundry on our (new) umbrella-style clothesline today, and all I can say is, that scent of fresh air when you slip into clothing that has been air-dried...
Please keep your McMansions. This home is a real home, with simple, solid, amenities. I can THINK in it. And lots of room to plant stuff! LOL! And not so stuffy that it can't take a bang!

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