FSK Iris Sale July 21 in Frederick, lunch & ? to follow

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Our local iris society (Francis Scott Key chapter of the AIS) is having their annual rhizome sale (= loads of varieties at low cost + great info from members).

Location is Dutch Plant Farm in Frederick, MD (familiar to many of you who have come to one of our midwinter events in Frederick).

The sale is in the morning; will have to check the actual times, 9 to noon maybe?

I figured after we'd pigged out on irises for our gardens we could have lunch together... I'm open to suggestions as to location... we can "do" Chef Lin Buffet (again familiar to those who have been to the midwinter seed swap), or there are a couple of places right up the road from DPF (Fahita Grande is great, so are Clay Oven (Indian) and Thai Rice, and there are other options like Denny's... hmm, a stack of pancakes sounds yummy...)


Thumbnail by critterologist
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill - :-( My folks will be up from SC next week to visit and we're celebrating my nephews bday on the 21st...maybe next time - Mmm mmm sushi!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm sorry, not this time for me either.

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

I am scheduled to work on Saturday so I will not be able to make it either.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

So far I think there are just a couple of "definite maybes" that sound more maybe than definite LOL... we might skip the workshop part, just plant to enjoy shopping for irises and have lunch after with anybody who makes it in for the sale. That might work better for us anyway this time... I thought the Saturday workshop would be a mid-visit event for my niece, but I recently discovered she'll be going home Sunday morning rather than Wednesday, so we'll be finishing up various projects and getting in "just one more" pool session, shopping errand, etc.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, Just wanted to let you know that Ric and I won't be able to come. We had such a good time at the last event. Hope your group has as much fun as we did at the last event.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We'll have a fun morning with the "irisarians," but we'll miss you! LMK if you want particular colors or whatnot with the irises (or if you want double hellebores; I'm already placing fall plant orders LOL).

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