Cool drinks and eats

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

What are your favorite cool drinks and for this hot weather?

Iced tea, always.
I like lemonade made from bottled lemon juice, sugar and water.
I feel like I drink water all day long.

Cool eats- I haven't had a snoball yet this summer. When I do I like black cherry.
We had ice cream for dinner yesterday. Mine was Key lime pie- its yummy! Lime with sugary graham crunchy swirls....I usually get "something chocolate with nuts" but they also have a chocolate with choc coated pretzel balls mixed in and that is awesome too...for the sweet n salty lovers.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Amazing how delicious ice water can be on one of these hot days. We treated ourselves to the frozen mochas at Sheetz yesterday when we were out. Ohhhh, they are good.

Just reading the title of the thread and before I read your post, Sally, my thoughts were of ice cream for the eating part. The dairy where we get our milk also has ice cream and right now that is the best part of going for the milk. So many yummy choices yesterday, but ended up with black raspberry. I think AspenHill would vote for ice cream, too.

For more sensible food, I'd go with chicken salad with a couple of slices of bacon on garlic Tuscan bread.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Lovely pic, Sally.

I make sangria for summer parties. Everybody loves it :-). I myself drink loads of bottled Starbucks Frappuccino when I work in the garden, which is not a good thing to do. I do eat a lot of watermelon to keep myself hydrated.

This message was edited Jul 9, 2012 11:59 AM

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

I feel there is nothing better when it is so hot out than ice cold water (unless it is an ice cold beer after cutting the grass).
Sally- really, ice cream for dinner? Is that a part of "Life is uncertain, Eat dessert first"?

Haven't had a sno-cone in years, gonna put that on my list for this week.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Mm chicken salad is delicious. I love it and rarely make it.

You do recognize your baby don't you donnerSally?
; ^)
They're doing well!
Mm sangria!.
I have found Mango nectar in aseptic packaging at the store, for a buck a qt. Sounds pretty good. That plus white wine makes a nice cooler.

Yup Catbird, gallons of ice water. I like plenty of ice in my ice water. My dad does not like much ice in cold drinks. Seems weird to me LOL.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

YAY for ice cream for dinner!!! My kind of dinner

Def iced tea, I do drink lots of water

I like eating fruit esp cold watermelon

My mom used to make a cold spinach and cucumber soup with chopped boiled eggs on top, great dinner on hot day(but hubby doesn't like it so I never make it)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

BLT s !!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

BLTs yeah!

I have one of those hubbies, too, Jen, that thinks soup is not dinner. Esp cold soup. Its taken years to get him to eat black olives.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Love when you finally get them to eat something and now they like it and they say "I've always loved it" uh huh, yeah my hubby with spinach and mushrooms

Crozet, VA

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one trying to please the palate of another. I have been cooking for John for almost twenty years and still forget at times that he hates anything with vinegar. He too doesn't like meals with out meats, and even though I like meat, I don't have to have it at every meal.

Oh well........Just this past week I have been making large pitchers of a punch that my mother used to serve only at holiday celebrations. It is a mixture of frozen orange juice concentrate, frozen pineapple juice concentrate, sugar added to taste and ginger ale. I have been topping off the pitcher with some ice cubes and this has been such a refreshing drink to have after working up a sweat. Everyone in the house just loves it.

I have a watermelon in the fridge waiting for me to slice open and possibly make watermelon balls later today. That too is a yummy treat on a hot day. For some weeks now I have been trying at least a couple of times a week to slice and dice up all sorts of veggies to have a toss salad with my meals. Top that with some Russian Dressing and a hand full of shredded cheddar cheese and it is very pleasing each time I have it.

Good topic here Sally. Love to talk of food. I have been on a popsicle kick for some months now too. Right before bed time each night I have at least one orange cream and one chocolate. Yummy!!!


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

A number of you all know Darius. She posted a link on a "summer squash" thread to a recipe for

Crabless Crabcakes!! at $35 a pound here I hust had to try. Delish.

She grated the zucchini medium-size so there'd be a little texture. and also used the egg whole, not just the white..., so did I.
Crabless Crab Cakes

Chantell, et al, I hear tell the Old Bay is good on pop corn! I like to sprinkle nutritional yeast on mine, too.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I couldn't get the link to work -- try this:

I wonder why the author of that blog just stopped cold? Last post was in early 2011....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sounds awesome. We just finished up the last of a batch of crab cakes I made- 12.99 a pound for the meat at Shoppers. I thought Mark was gonna faint..... but one pound made five nice sized ones.

I also keep meaning to make zucchini cakes.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Crock pot pepper steak with sauce over steamed rice blend. To hot to cook. I need to make some potato salad, chicken salad sounds good also. Just found an old recipe for crab and corn bisque ( got that from New Orleans cooking school).
I probably drink a half gallon of lemonade and a half gallon of peach tea most every day in this heat. A pot of coffee, sometimes iced, as well as some water before bed.
I made a cold soup with cantaloupe, oj, lime, and Penzeys Vietnamese cinnamon, it sort of reminded me of a dreamcicle. keep cool! Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Ruby, somehow I had missed your post!
My mom never used vinegar or had pickles of any kind in the house. I got out on my own before rally finding anything with vinegar I like, and it's not many things for me.

Your fruit drink sounds luscious..We cut a watermelon with dinner tonight.

Yum. We had crock pot pepper steak last week.

Pasta salad can be pretty filling with beans and cheese added.

Have I forgotten to mention my idea of liquid ice? Gin and tonic.

I really avoid the oven in hot weather. If we're trying to do without AC that heats the house so much, and if we have the AC ON I feel like it's wasteful. Oh well.

Crozet, VA

You folks sure are talking about some very tasty treats. Yum, yum!!!

Coleup, Darius is a frequent visitor to my home. She and Fruitofthevine visited here last Tuesday evening. Darius brought along a Rhubarb Barbque sauce that she made. I haven't tried it yet, but she said I will like it because it is very sweet.

I am a person who used to always, always, always carry around some liquid with me. I only noticed a couple of months ago that I am no longer drinking as much during the day as I used to. I have had more than one person ask if I was diabetic due to the amount of fluids I would take in each day. No to that thankfully.

These days it almost seems as if a drink that I fix late morning is still a bit in my glass by dinner time. I was warned at the doctor visit for my last urinary tract infection that I need to take in a lot more water than I do. I have never been a water drinker, though my father went through a couple of gallons a day it seemed.

I sliced open the gifted watermelon last evening and made bite sized balls of it. By the time I finished doing it and tasting a few bites during the process, I didn't feel like eating any more of it later. I did have the idea to fix a bowl of the watermelon balls and slice up one of the good looking bananas we have here and eat that, but may do that tonight. In the mean time I might chill a can of pineapple chunks and I have seedless white grapes and make that combination to have later on today. Yummy........

On Saturday evening John grilled twelve chicken breasts on the grill. I cut mine in to bite size pieces last evening and put in my toss salad and covered with shredded cheese and that was a very refreshing sort of meal. Yum......

Anyways hearing everyone's ideas for cool meals. Keep em coming.

Oh yeah Sally, is there vinegar in the yummy cole slaw you have brought to past swaps? I remember that as being heavenly.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Ruby, I have to remind myself to drink more.

Grilled chicken on a tossed salad, great!

Yup, my trademark crispy coleslaw has vinegar plus a hearty helpin of sugar to offset it...

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Just caught a segment on "The Chew" that had a taste test for a new product made from pickle juice

Pickkle Pops !!!!!!!!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I try to have water with me all the time. We drink a lot of iced tea in the summer. I like it with lemon or lemonade.

Love a chicken salad with grapes and pecans. Watermelon is very refreshing. I love ice cream also!!!!!

Just remembered my mom made a vinegary carrot recipe. When I get home I'll have to look for her recipe.

We went out for dinner last Night and I had lobsta Mac/cheese. Pretty good.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just FYI----
I am missing from commenting on this Thread because I really actually cook very seldom.
I grab whatever is in the fridge--or whatever better get eaten--or else.....
I do not have qualms about eating something a few days old....

Now and then, if I have bought something on clearance--It may be a reason for me to
create a dish just around that. My biggest incentive to it on SALE!!!

I suppose the "cool" food I enjoy the most often is a ripe, cool Cantelope, Strawberries, or Watermellon.
Grapes are good too--just a bit pricey.
A small treat of Ice Cream--just a few tsp.-full. Any time? A glass of wine over a pile of ice cubes.....:o)

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oh, girl, that is my biggest incentive also. SALE!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh, Jan, for a second there, I thought your biggest incentive was that glass of wine over ice! ROFL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


And, what would be wrong with that???.........AHEM.....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Nothing wrong with that Gita!
Mike's Hard Lemonade is quite the thirst quencher too.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


Crozet, VA

The twelve chicken breasts that were grilled earlier in the week are now gone. That means that I will need to come up with an idea of something to prepare this evening. I don't have any meat thawed out, so may just end up making tuna fish salad and we can have sandwiches and chips.

Even though I have publicly admitted to being a pickle lover, I believe I will leave the picklecicles to others who are more daring. Try as I might, I cannot wrap my brain around that being a good eat. Actually pretty disgusting to think about. hahaha

We too eat what is on sale. I plan our meals on what the local grocer has on sale from week to week. The last time the grocer had tuna fish on sale, I ordered two cases of it. I also buy canned veggies by the case when on sale too.

Will be interesting to hear what folks are eating with the heat that is upon us once again. Take care and stay cool all.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Grilled cheese with tomato inside.

Do like my kids- sleep till noon and let mom make pancakes and sausage for 'brunch'. THat only leaves one more meal to figure out! THat ended up being lunch for Mark and I too, after breakfast of fruit and coffee and cereal, and hours of watering.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Last Saturday--I decided to treat myself, my daughter and her DH to crabs....

I buy "cold crabs" from my local crab house. That means--the ones left over from the day before...Cheap!

Usually--cold crabs at his place run $12/dozen. But--I wanted bigger crabs than small and medium--
so I got some L. and XL for $15 a dozen. Got 2 dozen.---$30.

Well--my daughter woofed down about 6 of them. I had about 3--(too salty!) and my SIL--had about 2.
Geez! I could have just bought ONE dozen and we all would have been happy....Save $15 too!

SO--I ended up with 10 crabs left--which I shelled out Monday--and fixed some crab cakes yesterday.
I made them small--like the size of a golf ball....Made about 10 of them. SOOOO good!
Had 4 for breakfast--with salad. Now I have 5 left for dinner tomorrow.

If I may--let me share my Crab cake recipe. It is beyond simple--and the best!!!
I got it from the newspaper eons ago--from a woman called Mrs. Fahrling's Crab cakes
from the eastern Shore. I have never used any other recipe. These are so simple--and so good.
Not a bunch of fillers....Please try it. It will please you a lot!

My Crab Cakes are simple--and quite good.

1lb, of backfin, or lump, Crab Meat --fresh, if available.
2 egg whites--whipped to soft peaks
2Tbs. Hellman's Mayo
1 Tbs. yellow mustard--mix all into whites...
Add 2 slices of day-old bread picked apart and mix into egg white mixture
(I use good bread--like Italian, French, Keiser rolls, etc--NOT that soft stuff!)
1tsp. Old bay seasoning

VERY gently mix all together and form into round balls by
gently tossing the mix between your hands a couple of times.

Fry on both sides in hot Veg, oil, turning gently once.

Drain on paper towels. makes 6 nice Crab cakes.
Serve immediately.

PS---So as not to waste the egg yolks--I sometimes smear it on my hands and coat the crab cakes with it.
No harm! Tastes good!
Some recipes call for using the whole egg in the mix. I have never done that.....May work???

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I like the idea of using just the whites -- I think it would make the crab cakes lighter!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Just make these once! I guarantee you will love them. You can even make them the size of
large meatballs--and serve them as appetizers. That is what I just did.
Had 3/4lbs of mixed crab meat (from the steamed crabs) and got about 10 small crab cakes out of it.
Other than being a bit too salty for my taste (they were from steamed crabs)--they were very good.

Yes! I do believe the egg whites in this recipe is what makes them 'fluffy" NOT dense--
as in so many crab cakes that use all kinds if fillers and crackers and herbs....Nada!!

Smearing the yolks on the finished crab cakes does absolutely NO harm! YUMMY!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmm. In my family, crab cakes are just crab, an egg, a dab of mayo, and a dash of old bay... the mayo & egg are just enough to make the crab stick together... my dad doesn't add the egg, but my brother & I do, because otherwise they are just too hard to handle. Egg whites might just do the trick, but I'll skip the bread. Once, I dipped each side lightly in bread crumbs so they'd be easier to fry/turn and have a nice browned exterior... you'd have thought I did something really extreme, like substitute zucchini for the crab LOL. (Actually, that sounds like a very nice little appetizer; Darius is a wonderful cook!)

I could probably live on bread, cheese, fruit & vegs in the summer... especially on hot days.

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