CLOSED: July Birthday Thread

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Fruity, I love that photo!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the reminder, it was my turn. Here is the link for the party to continue!

Follow the cake crumbs to the new thread...

Thumbnail by taters55
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

HI ALL......... sorry I've been such a lousy July hostess, especially after the wonderful June posts with all the interesting facts and tidbits that we learned. Has just been a bad month for me all around, then to top it off, I've been sick since the 15th. Had the DGD's from July 4-15 and they kept me busy!!!! As soon as they got up they wanted to know if they could get in the pool. lol We spent a lot of time outside in the pool, playing in the yard, and playing on the tire swing DH (THEIR Papa. lol) made for them. Now that big......and I mean BIG ..... old Cottonwood tree is going to have to come down. It looks like it got hit by lightening. At first we thought it was just dying off one branch at a time, then thought it was going dormant from the extreme drought we are in, then one day I noticed on the back side of it what looked like a lightening strike that ran down the trunk. So sad. I can't even reach around the trunk on it. I can go about 1/2 way around it. DH thinks he can cut it down branch by branch, but I have my doubts. Just renting the lift for him will be real expensive, and it is right by the house. Don't want to have to call the insurance agent and tell him I have a huge limb in my garage, or worse yet .... living room. Anyway, we are trying to find another branch in the backyard to put the swing on. I have some kind of funky tree that the limbs go straight up then get real thin and bend over, like a weeping willow. So they won't work. We think we have found a spot where 2 branches are close together that we can tie around both of them, for strength. Have to take off a lower branch, which won't hurt my feelings any. I wanted it cut anyway. It is below the fork in the tree, and I don't think there should be any limbs there.
ANYWAY, I hadn't been feeling 'up to par' the last couple days they were here. Started getting a sinus infection. I can usually get those cleared up myself, but then the coughing set in. Sleeping setting up in the bed, the whole 9 yards! Then it went to my chest. Holy c**p. It kept getting tighter and tighter and coughing harder and harder. Then, (lots of then's huh? lol) I noticed a little blood in the sputum and didn't know what it was. Thought it might of come from my nose because it started bleeding when I blew it, from blowing so much and so hard. At that point I decided to call the Dr. (Hey, I only waited 10 days from the start of it to go in!!!! ^_^) Still had sinus infection + bronchitis and weakness. Not good things to have, especially in the heat of summer. Not to be indelicate, but I had 'another' situation going on from the start of all the rest of this. Let's just say I have been eating a lot of yogurt to try and get it cleared up. lol I think that part is about healed, but still eating the yogurt because now I am on antibiotics. So, I'm using an inhaler twice a day plus taking a handful of pills twice a day. She also gave me some cough relief tablets (it looks like those little round gel thingies used to fish for trout) to take as needed. Needed a lot right at first, now not so much.

This is probably more than you wanted to hear, but that is how my July has gone. Haven't been on DG very regularly due to the girls being here and then being sick. All I wanted to do was sleep after the girls went home. Hope you all had a better July than I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Love ya!

Athens, PA

Geeze Patty, sounds like you ended up with walking pneumonia. I had that a number of years ago - it took my body about a year to get back to normal. I found I could not breathe the next summer when it was humid. Not fun stuff. Feel better soon.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

That is what I was afraid it was too. She told me not to be out in any dust, near aerosol paint or fumes, anything irritant. DH started to mow that back yard yesterday and we still have some bare spots. I saw the dust flying and grabbed a dust mask I had on the back deck. I'm still tired and weak.

Athens, PA

You may be for a while. Take care of yourself.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hope your feeling better soon!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks Carolyn and LK

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