CLOSED: Fairy/Gnome Swap

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris is having computer problems, so I am starting this for her, and when she can get online, she will be here to help with any questions you all may have.
The Fairy/gnome swap is officially open. This swap is for a fairy or a gnome for the garden, (not miniatures) so pick out something that can with stand the weather. You can include a plant or seeds for your partner is you wish, just make sure the plants are wrapped good in wet paper or towels, so they can survive the heat!
Price limit will be $20.00 plus postage.
I will take names till the 13th of July, and mail out date will be the 27th of July!

Start shopping online, or in your favorite stores!

taters55 ... Linda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~either fairy or gnome ... Received
purpbutfly ... Cindy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fairy... Received
ahoogstra ... Alicia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... Received
warriorswisdomkathy ... Kathy ~~~~~~~~ fairy ... Received
CheerMom ... Sue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fairy ... Received
NF2932 ... Nancy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fairy ... Received
ClanCampbell ... Chris ~~~~~~~~~~~~ fairy ... Received

This message was edited Aug 19, 2012 8:47 PM

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Hee Hee how about these Gnomes???? They'd go perfect in my yard!!!!

OK I'll join................I'd like a Fairy please

Thumbnail by purpbutfly
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those gnomes!

Cutlerville, MI

Hi Taters55, and purpbutfly! I would LOVE to join your swap! Please let me know where my gnomes go:)
Looks like SO MUCH FUN!

Hey taters ,, I am at the kids house for the weekend. It is just too hot at the house in Goodwater. So I am using the comuter here for the next couple of days.

You are doing a great job so far.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks Kris!

ahoogstra, please send me a Dmail with your name and address, so when I draw names in a few weeks, I can tell you who your buddy is! Thanks for joining!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi....I need Fairie(s) please........a rain fairy would be good or maybe one for luck!!!! LOL.....

Veronica p. (think it might be Georgian blue?)

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I will add you to the list Kathy! Thanks for joining.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'd like to join - fairy please!

Sue G

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for joining us, I will get your name added to the list.
Please send me a Dmail with your name and mailing address, so when it is time, I will send your buddies info.

Winnetka, CA

Hi Linda....

I would love to join your swap.... my preference is for a fairy.... love that first photo with the solar light.... so sweet!


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for joining Nancy, glad to have you here!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ladies, please pass the word about this swap, we would love to have more participants! Thanks!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

LK, I finally got my computer (or DG, whichever it was) to open the thread and add this to our list.. crazy!

Anyway, please add me to the list - I always love doing this one and I'd also like a fairy this year. Great to see so many new faces in our swaps - welcome to those I haven't met before!

Also - just in case you are ever needing a swap to join, please keep watching the thread I hostess that lists all the yearly swaps by the month they're open. Here's the link to the thread:

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks Chris, I have you added to the list.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Looks like there are just a few of us, I will give names out tomorrow!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I have started to send out names, but I am waiting to hear from one more person. Names will go out soon!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

OK ladies, you should all have your names, please check in and let me know you got your Dmail!
Have fun shopping! If you have any problems, please send me a Dmail, and let me know.

This is a secret swap, so don't post any pictures, or let your buddy know what is coming till it is arrived. For safety sake, please send your items priority, and with a tracking number.

Also, please take a picture of your items before you send them, just in case someone's computer goes down, or are having problems posting!

Thanks so much!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I got my name!!!! Now shopping this weekend!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Got my name and sent my package!

Sue G

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

After searching this WHOLE town I finally found the PRETTIEST fairy. I kept telling myself "Go to LOWE'S", but NO I had to check out other places first. Could of saved myself lots of gas, lol. Now to find a box to put her in....................................

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Always seems to be the last place we look! Wish we had a lowes here.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I got mine!! woohoo :) I was leaving Friday morning for a family gathering this weekend and went out the back door to water my new dahlia plants one more time before going and there's a box out there! It must have come Thursday during the day cause I had been outside on Wednesday and it wasn't there then. Stupid mailman didn't leave me a note that it was back there lol..must have been a sub mailman, cause my regular one knows to leave all packages on the front porch!

Anyway, it was from Alicia (ahoogstra) and it's the prettiest fairy windchime! Yes, you all should be jealous LOL.. she also enclosed a very pretty card (did you make that??) that said "I hope you enjoy your FIRST gift-another one is being shipped directly to you"

And I'm leaving for 3 days! ARGH!! But off I went and had a great time with all my kids, grandkids, ex hubby and his wife..

Got home this afternoon and I see it right away - it's standing up INSIDE my screen door lol.. I'll have to take a pic of the 'box' as they just took 2 pieces of cardboard and made a sandwich of what was inside. (Not saying it was messed up, that's just the way the 'box' looked!) Inside was a wowser, let me tell you.. it's a rustic (LOVE IT!) fairy made out of metal and she's on a metal rod to put her into the ground to make it stand up. I know exactly where it's going to go - right beside the fairies that Kris got me a couple of years ago. Alicia, the best part of this - I had seen one very similar to this at a flea market and didn't buy it, which I regretted as soon as I got home!

I haven't taken pics yet, but will tomorrow night and get them on here so everyone can see what she sent me. I just wanted her to know that they both made it and are intact. Lady, you done good!! :)


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh, someone was fast on the shipping! Can't wait to see your photo's!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok, they're not the best pics, but you'll see why I'm so happy. The windchime is a double, which I've not seen before- the sound is different because they hit 2 different chimes at the same time. I kind of cut off the top part so that you could see the bottom lol!

And the rustic fairy.. very happy! :)

Thanks again Alicia - I love them both!!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oh my missed out on this one so sorry LK not sure but guess the alzimer fairy got me I saw it posted one time then forgot to sign up so forgive me & next time kick me good :)
I see ali_c is hooked on swaps already :)))) hehe

Cutlerville, MI

I am soooo glad you're happy! Sorry I haven't been on this thread! I am soooo happy you liked them! Enjoy them!
Have a wonderful week everyone!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Chris, those are sp pretty! They will look so nice in your yard!

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi Ladies,

I was gone all week and just got home today. Had this pretty little girl waiting for me ^_^

Thank You Sue/Cheermom

I love it!!!!

Thumbnail by purpbutfly Thumbnail by purpbutfly
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Cindy, she is adorable! She looks so nice in your garden!

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Thank You LK.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Very pretty, Cindy!

I forgot that I'm in the North now.. I had a heck of a time finding a fairy as the stores here are now intent on putting out CHRISTMAS stuff.. seriously! But after about 5 stops, I finally found one and it's one that I like - now the box hunt is on LOL..

I had even looked online and didn't find much - found one on Ebay but they wanted to send to me - silly people!

Anyway, I will have it in the mail hopefully no later than Tuesday at the latest. Be patient, my buddy - you're going to love her when you see her!

Cutlerville, MI

Hi everyone!
Just wanted to let you know that Deejay(Susie)'s dad passed away this am, so please send your thoughts and prayers to her!
Thanks everyone!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for letting us know!
So sorry to hear she lost her dad!
Susie, sending you lots of thoughts and prayers! (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh no.. so sorry to hear that :( Sending hugs and prayers her way..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ladies, I would like to show off the fairy I got from NF2932/Nancy! She is so pretty sitting in her swing. I also got a beautiful fan, some wonderful note cards, which I always use, and some seeds for the garden.
Thanks so much Nancy, she is beautiful!

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY All For signing our guess book & All your best wishes . we Had a BEAUTY FUL GOOD BYE Today .
special TY"S To THERE WERE SO MANY OTHERS that I didn't know was reading about us so thank you for the kinds words also :


(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Wished my buddy would check in.........................packaged was delivered Aug 02 ^_^

Winnetka, CA

Hi everyone!

I am sorry to be lagging behind.... my sincere apologies... my excuse is that my peer at work and my boss are both on vacation and I'm supporting them both while they are gone.... I have been playing 'catch-up' with all my 'to-do's' and taking and posting pictures of my beautiful fairy were on that 'to do' list!! -:) Please forgive!!

I received this sweet, sweet girl and a wonderful soy candle that smells so good!! I understand the scent is 'Snow Fairy'? Did I get that right Cindy? I can't exactly describe the scent but it's just lovely... elusive like a fairy!!

Cindy you made a wonderful choice and I'm thrilled, thrilled with my fairy.... thanks so much... Please forgive me for being so delinquent in my posting!

Here she is everyone....


Thumbnail by NF2932 Thumbnail by NF2932 Thumbnail by NF2932
Winnetka, CA

Not sure why my photos posted sideways.... when I previewed them they were upright..???? Anyone know why that happens?

Well... you ladies can still see how sweet she is.... -:)

Thanks again Cindy!! Nancy

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