Heavenly Blue MG blooming, but not growing

Syracuse, IN(Zone 5b)

I have always admired Morning Glories and decided this year that I had a good spot to try a couple of plants out to see how they would work for me. I'm in zone 5b, Northern Indiana. Well, so far, they have not worked very well.

I planted three Heavenly Blue MG in mid-May that I purchased at my local nursery - they were very healthy and approximately 8-10" in height. Unfortunately, they are still 8-10" in height. The good news is that they are blooming beautifully and the plants look healthy. The spot I planted them in gets approximately 6-8 hours of sun and I have been watering the area 2 to 3 times per week. I have not fertilized or done anything special. Our growing season this year has been unusual in that it has been unseasonably warm - mostly in the 90's all this month - and we have had NO rain (less than 1/2"). We aren't used to this type of weather in Northern Indiana. Neither are my poor plants!

What has gone wrong? The only thing I can figure is that they aren't getting enough sun because they get some shade from some neighboring lilac bushes. I'm obviously not an expert re: morning glories, so I thought I'd ask the experts. Thank you in advance for your advice!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Gina, no experts here so I'm sure thats the reason no one has tried to answer. Its not a lack of sun,
my glories on the front porch bloom for over a month with no sun.
90 degrees is plenty warm enough so its not the temps. I'm puzzled about the lack of growth in height. I guess it wouldn't hurt to add some fertilizer, a balanced type, 20-20-20 and see if that helps. You can switch over'to the bloom booster fert after you get vertical growth or the 15-30-15 that I like to encourage blooms.
Be sure and let the vines dry out a little between waterings
Very perplexing, 1st time I've ever heard of such a thing, ;-)

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