Question about German Giant tomatoes

Ripley, MS

I got 3 German Giant plants this year, I got one ripe one and it is a wonderful tasting tomato. My question is this, do they normally bear a lot of fruit or just a few to each plant. I think between the 3 plants there are only 4 tomatoes. My other plants have average crops on them, nothing spectacular . I would like to grow more of these in the future if they normally produce better than one fruit a plant.
Thanks for any help and opinions on this

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Apparently they are compared to a Brandywine that matures a bit earlier, deep pink fruit up to 2#, but not always as abundant in fruit for everyone. They might acclimate with planting in following years, but I don't know about your soils you are planting in, and all that particular stuff that tomatoes take notions about. So that really isn't an answer you are probably searching for, but all I can tell you.

Ripley, MS

I was hoping someone that had grown them would give some ideas, thanks for your answer anyway!

Hopkinsville, KY

I am growing one plant this year; maybe we can post on here and compare notes.

Ripley, MS

I could eat a dozen right now, they have a wonderful taste to them, have you eaten one yet?

Hopkinsville, KY

Mine are just blossoming. I have had the seeds a couple of years but first year to grow. The plant is potato leaf and I have read that GG can be a regular leaf. Which version do you have? My plant so far is not as vigorous as I would like; so hope it is not having problems.

I grew it mostly just to compare it with a couple of other varieties: German Striped (from seeds I got at the Berea meet) and Striped German.

This message was edited Jun 29, 2012 12:52 PM

Ripley, MS

Mine is the potato leaf also, I think one of my plants is dying, but I don't have any idea why, the other two look great.

Danbury, CT(Zone 6a)

I'm growing one this year for the first time. Mine is potato leaf. I have a few fruits set. I haven't counted. Maybe I should! I've been using an electric toothbrush every 1-2 days to help my tomato flowers pollinate this year. I think it is helping. I even have some brandywine fruit set!

Danbury, CT(Zone 6a)

Okay, I went out and counted my German Giants today. There are 12 baby fruits that I can see so far. Most very small, like pea sized stage. A few golf ball sized or a little bigger, so I have a ways to go before I get to taste one. 2 plants down the row is a brandywine, it is hard to tell the difference. I think it has about 9 tomatoes that I can see. In between the GG and BW is an Indian Stripe with lots of fruits, I haven't counted, but more than both of the others. I counted my Cherokee Purple and that had 20 that I could see on one plant and the plant is much smaller compared to German Giant and Brandywine. I planted out May 19. So still early in the season for me.


Ripley, MS

Yes, I planted in early April, we got too hot too early this year is one reason I suspect the plants only had a few fruits, but one of my GG is blooming again, don't know if they will make or dry up, we are over 100 for 7 straight days, it is hard to keep enough water on them when it is this hot.

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