ISO Coleus Canina for a friend

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

A friend is having a horrible time with stray cats coming into her yard and peeing around her windows. I noticed everyone singing praises of the Coleus Canina as a repellant. Any of you dear folks have it or spotted at a local place? An ebay seller has it reasonably priced but their shipping is a tad much. Thanks ahead of time for any help with this.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am a believer that some old rags, soaked in clear Ammonia, deter many animals.
It got rid of my Ground Hog---and, what I believe, was a rat digging besides my shed.
For good measure--I also, shallowly buried some Moth balls.

Please tell your friend to try it. What does she have to lose????

Here is a good web-site I have lists ALL kinds of critters.
Sending the section for cats and dogs.

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