Summer is about to begin.. show those blooms!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Blue MG's showed up here a few weeks ago , I have not been early enough to get pic or doing something else.
Lobelia (Red Cardinal Flower grew here for 5 seasons in foundation clay and I have seen wild ones on the Indiana, Michigan border ,

Cuttings of Butterfly Bush and baby Coneflowers (White Swan ) poof .. we wanna grow !!!

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

oops ,, Coneflowers .

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Very pretty pics, lavender!!

Cindy, my Cardinal Flower is doing great in clay, even after drowning this past spring. I think my first ones that failed (from the native plant sale) might have had something wrong with them.

I think you should give them a try. I've also read you can get blooms the first year by getting some cuttings from someone or part of a divided plant. I really should try doing that with mine because I only have two plants and would like more, but I need to learn more about cuttings.

You have quite a lot yet to bloom. Your Hydrangea 'Limelight' sounds beautiful!

juhur, your Butterfly Bush cuttings look teriffic and your Coneflowers look to be on their way as well!! Will you put them in the ground this year or keep them over winter in pots?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Butterfly bush are about to be planted , the larger pot of cuttings anyway , The Coneflowers , it depends on if they get big enough.
Some more from the older ones trying to make a come back . cold now , 90's forecast for next week , weather is at it again ..

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the info, juhur!

I wonder if you can grow snapdragons from cuttings. I really love the 'Rocket Red' I have now that they're blooming and they're doing quite well in part sun. I'd really like to somehow save them for next year since these are so healthy. I'm sure I can buy seeds, but first I'd like to see what I can do with the ones I already have.

The pic is some 'Red Rocket' buds very close to opening:

Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

My Snaps are all sad looking this year , Usually one or two older plants will return here , Where you are I don't know .
I know you all are not any colder than Northern England though , where they Naturalize some .
Where Snap growing supposedly got started ..
It is one of those kinds of plants that I am never sure of anything about , has it's own "roots" or ""leaves"" about what it wants to do
I do know it prefers more shade than sun here , or it "cooks out" during summer .. Not years like this one though .. brrrr ..

I hear cuttings are possible like Agastache , I have no idea of that though ,,
My Firebird Agastache got broken .. I think it's dead .. oh well another loss to try again .. I still have the other .. it might be a pink or rose pop hybrid .. I got one of em , to stay for a while !!! lol Keeping seeds , won't be true , but might be interesting ,, Will have to see what the root does though , .

Nice info about naturalizing snaps as I wasn't aware of that. All I knew was that they can sometimes winter-over.
juhur - you don't think your Agastache will resprout? I bought two Indian paintbrush this spring and they bloomed beautifully (probably due more to the grower than to my skills). Branch fell from tree during high-wind storm and snapped off one of them about 1/2" above the soil line. I was totally bummed but it resprouted.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Sorry about your Snaps and Agastache, juhur, but stay with it (I know you will), and maybe like Cindy said, they'll resprout.

I don't know if my snaps will come back, but I'm going to give my 'Rocket Reds' a shot. I'm thinking of trying several different things and see if any of them work. I once had some impatiens resprout , though that's the only time it happened and it was only a few. Some people say they get leggy, but mine looked so bad by the time I planted them that I cut them way back. I think in the longrun, it may have made them bushier which is something to remember for the future.

When our neighbor's tree broke and landed partially in our yard, it wiped out most of a flower bed and tore up plants like Hostas, Brunnera and Astilbes. They all grew back, though, the next year looking great.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well maybe a comeback , but I will try some non hybrid seeds and see what does . (agastache)
We have all lost and gained plants ,, Anyone care to start a counting contest ,, Maybe it will make us live to say ,,, 500 ?

Peaches today ! yep , I got a few ...^_^

Thumbnail by juhur7
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Just an update on Mom (this is her daughter Amber) Mom was admitted on Monday the 12th for confusion and dehydration. She had pneumonia and developed a pulmonary embolism. These two things combined put her into acute heart failure and she spent a day in the icu. She was moved back to the oncology unit on Thursday, and was making progress. Today we had a set back as the on call dr said it "appears" that mom had a stroke today. She is alert and oriented, can move her legs and stand/turn/walk. She knows what she wants to say, but has extreme difficulty speaking, slight left side facial drooping and slight left hand weakness. Please pray for my Mom.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Amber ~ Oh my gosh...we hadn't heard from your Mom in a while, but sometimes people get too busy to visit so that's not uncommon.

I can only imagine how tough it must be for you right now and I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say Thank You so much for updating us on your Mom's condition.

If there's a good side to any of this it might be that she was already in the hospital when/if she had a stroke so they were able to treat her quickly. Based on your description of her current condition it sounds like she was very fortunate in that.

Please tell her how much we all miss her. We'll definitely be praying for her speedy recovery...and Amber, PLEASE take care of yourself. Your Mom is going to need your help more than ever.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

We will definitely do prayers and hope for a speedy and well recovery , for your mom and all of you ..
Sad to hear , hope to, and for all of you

Amber - really sorry to hear of your mom's condition. Do hope for a good recovery.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Today's pics
Cardinal flower
Burgundy Gaillardia
Black-eyed Susan (Rubeckia)

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

more of today's pic's
First two Peaches
Light yellow Great White Tomato , only true yellow Tomato I have ever seen
Black Krim

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

remainder ;

Juane Flamme
Autumn Clematis
Gardener's Delight
Rudbeckia Lancinata (cutleaf coneflower)

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7

juhur - love your gaillardia. I'll have to check my autumn clematis to see if it's blooming yet. It's down towards the back of the "lower" garden.
Ach - still have the JBs and it's pushing 8 weeks. Thinking about taking out the porcelain berry vine as I can't see doing this all summer every year. 'Course, they love DD's raspberry plants in MI. Probably can't win.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

We lost cece this morning.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I posted this talking with people on the night owl forum , Also we may keep this thread in memory of cececoogan; cece as many here had talked with her as ;

Her daughter was on a thread I frequent talking about the treatment and the illness , next morning it was all over ,, Very sad ...
While I only threaded with her a very few times I enjoyed the company and a few of her articles here also .
Delightful company , a memory will be kept ,, always disheartening to hear one so many loved and cared for has passed or crossed over ,,
May prayers and solace be with her family ..

Read more:

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by juhur7
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Kooger, Thanks for letting us know about Cece and also the link.
I was stunned and couldn't respond right away. My deep condolences to her loved ones. I posted in the Memory Garden thread for her.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

You are welcome. It was a horrible shock to everyone.

Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

We FINALLY have rain.

Only a light shower overnight with a few sprinkles today here. I have been doing some watering with the sprinkler though but probably not as much as everything needs. Always fearful of the summer water bill.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

We had thundershowers Wednesday night and it rained steadily yesteray all morning and part of the afternoon.

We needed it badly. The rains we had for much of the season were great, but the lack of it for a while, now, was really starting to take a toll. I did a little very light watering Wednesday morning even though the forecast said rain that night. Some plants were wilting and I was afraid they wouldn't make it.

nuts - don't you know that you have to water to bring on the rain? :) I know my soil is getting dry further down so I wouldn't have minded an all-day soak. One of my hydrangeas was drooping in the shade. Used the sprinkler on it but I think it needs a good soaking.
Surprise lilies just finished blooming. I'm still fascinated by stalks of flowers with no foliage. Getting a few various peppers from some store-bought plants, crammed into very small spaces in my "sunny" bed. Getting ready to edit out that bed to make more room for veggies next year. Did eat some nice 'Black Krim' tomatoes last night in a cauliflower gratin. 'Wisconsin 55' hasn't produced much although it was the earliest. It is growing in a huge pot so maybe that had something to do with it. Did some canning this week, getting ready for big tomato canning session with DD in a couple of weeks.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Yeah...just like washing your car :-)
The corn growing all around the area got rain early when it needed it and was mostly looking beautiful. Lately it looks a little yellow near the bottom, but maybe it doesn't matter at this point. I think a lot of it is seed or feed corn, anyway, that they let dry.

Nice that your getting some veggies. I haven't grown any veggies for a while. I miss it. Going to have to find some room or maybe go back to pots.

Some of my plants that never get eaten have had nibbled leaves this year. With some it's been big bites and with others, little holes all over...weird.

By-the-way, juhur, didn't mean to miss your earlier posts. Your veggies, fruits and flowers are looking super-gorgeous (and the edibles look yummy)!

I'm liking to tuck veggies in among roses and perennials. I've been growing rainbow chard in a pot the last couple of years but I think I'd like to try it in the ground as an accent plant.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

My (Garden?) is now a jungle of vines , Lemon cucumbers a foot from the top of an apple tree .
Those wooden giant sawhorses ? covered with beans ,
Tomatoes not as much so .
Giant Luffa vine is everywhere . Huge vine , Red runner beans , Honeyvine milkweed and the Luffa vine are hand you the Machete Hack your way through the jungle time .. The vines of these all grew together , looks like a big green compost pile 8 to 9 ft tall .
You have seen these '
Great white Tomato
3rd or fourth Lemon cucumber , Last year only two cucumbers , this year White wonder Lemon , I hope to have more.
Last year and this year really , have been about a joke , growing these , not a funny one either as I know these are easily capable of producing 100's of cucumbers in a very small space ..

Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I had these the other day on another thread also , grape juice ending now , until I pick more .


Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7

Wow - grapes and peaches? How big is your garden? Are you getting the gourds on your luffa? An acquaintance had problems with the male and female flowers not blooming in synch to produce the gourds.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

I agree, your garden must be huge...or well-packed! Your pictures are lovely, as well...but, seeing all the pics first thing in the morning is making me hungry...and I've already had breakfast!!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you all , size is 1/8 of a city size lot , not huge ,
Might as well be the Amazon when it get overgrown ....
Didn't do a thing today ,,lazy ol me ...

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Flowers '

# 3 IS GUARA "THE BRIDE " from seed ... first bloom ^_^

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

More flowers;
#3 is mums ...Already?

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

oh well . try , try again

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

A few more A little clearer .

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7

I like the way you garden, juhur. So many various colors at this time of the year is really nice.
My mums don't have flower buds yet so I think this will be a late year for them. It varies depending on the summer weather. And my autumn clematis isn't blooming yet. Question about that - my vine is at least 12 years old and I normally don't cut it back because it grows up over a copper pergola. The stems at the bottom are looking pretty ratty and vines are growing pretty unruly and I was considering trimming it back this winter or next early spring. Any experience with that?

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Very Nice, juhur...Congrats on the Guara!! Wow, is that your baby Butterfly Bush with blooms? I agree with Cindy. You have so many colorful blooms for this time of year.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Cindy; The Autumn Clematis , grew in the yard , from seeds from the hybrids I did not deadhead , I let it grow there , built a "Wanna Be trellis" around it . It looks like a bush .
Never has there been a dead branch or discolorated branch . in the time it has grown .
All I know about trimming ,is it was lawnmower mowed over a few times until it got a few feet tall Weaker or ratty branches you could probably trim away , I don't know though .
The hybrids are another story .
nutsaboutnature; Not one of the babies , only some re-bloom branches . That was second try and third year for the Guara from seed . It is easy to sprout , getting the plants transplanted where they will grow was the difficulty ..
I am still jealous of your Agastache .especially the Evelyn . What a nice color .

Thank you both ...!!! It nice to have fall coming blooms ..
Next stop for fall blooms ( Is Daylily !!! ^_^

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