Apple tree leaves dying and turning brown

Baltimore, MD

I have a new pound sweet apple tree that was doing fine . I did not expect fruit this year but there were two small apples growing on two of the branches. Three weeks ago the tallest branch began have brown leaves. Since the weather was hot, I thought it may be heat stress. I monitored the soil at the base of the tree to ensure that it had adequate water. Now, as you can see in the pictures, the dying leaves are spreading. I looked and I did not see any signs of aphids under the leaves. There are no brown spots on the leaves that I could see. If anyone has any answers, please let me know. This is my first fruit tree.

Thumbnail by Soulsecho Thumbnail by Soulsecho Thumbnail by Soulsecho Thumbnail by Soulsecho
Wakefield, RI

Because there are so many diseases that effect apple trees it is difficult to determine what the ultimate culprit is here. If I were a betting man I would suggest it may be crown rot for which there is no cure. Dig away some of the soil to expose some of the roots and root stock and scrape away some of the root bark. If you see roots that are rust colored and seem to be waterlogged it is probably crown rot. What leads me to believe this is that you mentioned you were checking the base of the tree for moisture and if you have poor drainage and you were applying water it would only exacerbate the problem. Again this is only an educated guess and the best way to get an accurate diagnosis is to speak to a co-operative extension person. In the future try to purchase resistant apple trees but remember resistant does not mean completely immune. The tree you have is an old variety and very high maintenance.

McMinnville, TN(Zone 6b)

It looks like your tree has a disease called Fire Blight. This is extremely difficult to control.
It requires special chemicals sprayed at just the right time of year. Very hard for someone with just a few trees to do. As suggested earlier, contact your Ag Extension office for help.

Walsenburg, CO

My wife and I recently took apples from my grandmothers tree, dehydrated the seeds, and placed them in the refrigerator for 2 months. After they sprouted ( 3 out of 15), one really took off. The other two started great but are now turning brown from the roots upward. Now I notice that the one that was doing great is starting to have brown fringes on its leaves. Any idea what I am doing wrong, or what can be done to save them?

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