After the swap 2

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We came from here:

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby, pass on to John that I planted the daylilly today that I got at the Berkley Springs Master Gardener sale and set aside a division for you guys. I was talking to him about it at the swap. The cultivar is 'When My Sweetheart Returns' I think this one is going to be a beauty.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you for the new Post Holly...

Happy dance today!!! My sister, from AK, sent me a priority small package with 2 very healthy,
green, alive RED Rose Campion plants from her garden. I loved it so much when i was there in 2006.

They arrived in 2 days! Fresh and healthy. I quickly potted them in 4" pots until I can decide where to put them.

They are just as spreading-by-seed as the ones we have here....

Can't wait to see the red ones!!! Here is a picture of them from my trip there in 2006.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Beautiful, Gita!!

Jill - what is 'germination inhibitor?'

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Chantell, I don't know which one Jill is using, but I assume Jill is talking about a preemergent seed germination inhibitor. There are both chemical versions, and an organic one (corn gluten -- see They don't kill weeds, but they stop seeds from germinating. So if you are troubled by annual weeds, they are a fix to consider. (I don't personally use them. I thought about using corn gluten on our grass, but because we overseed decided that wouldn't work for us.)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita the Brugs are doing wonderfully. The big one is putting out leaves like crazy.

Crozet, VA

Gita, I too love getting goodies in the mail. Always lots of fun.

Terry, I will tell John about the Day Lily. Thank you so very much. I hope that you know that you are always more than welcome to some of whatever we have plenty of too, so please never be shy in asking. Most of the Day Lilies here have been planted some years now and are at the point where they are going to soon need to be divided. We will be over run with extras whenever that occurs.

Holly, that is the first picture I have seen of the greenhouse. I didn't take the official tour with John and Ric the day of the swap, but John was very impressed with it and there is talk of possibly doing one here in the future. Yippie!!!!! I would truly love to have one also.

Gosh Happy, I didn't realize until now what we had been missing, education wise with you not being active. You are blowing my mind with all the knowledge that seems to just roll off your tongue. Thank you so much for all that you have taught me in just a week or so. Wowee!!!

The weekend is here and I want to wish an enjoyable and productive one to all.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yah, I "Preen-ed" the flower beds in an attempt to win the ongoing war on weeds. Not sure it did much good, but now I can say I tried it. LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Ruby, So sorry I didn't get you around the yard. After the swap I kept thinking of all the things I didn't get to do. The day was just a blur of wonderful memories. I wanted to thank everyone that talked to my parents they had such a good time.
I spent sometime today getting some of my swap plants in the ground. What wonderful plants.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly, brugs do grow very fast, which is something that I am still getting used to with mine. I got 3 little cuttings from Gita last October. I first rooted them in plastic cups, and then potted them up after they had rooted. Since then, I have potted them up 3 more times and they are huge now. Because the cuttings were taken above the 'Y', they are all blooming this year.

Pic 1 - the rooted cuttings in February of this year. They were sitting by the window in my work apartment in Baltimore. They got sun in the afternoon.
Pic 2 - taken today. All three plants have flower buds, but this one bloomed first. This plant is actually the smallest of the 3. The pot is a probably about 24" in diameter.
Pic 3 - taken today.

Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

donner, you're obviously doing something right as they say!

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, I got this plant from you and the pot was marked as 'trumpet vine'. It looks more like a vibernum of some sort. If you have rooted vibernums, can you tell me what variety this might be? I sure can use a vibernum :-).


Thumbnail by donnerville Thumbnail by donnerville
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I use corn gluten a good bit. It can be very effective in gardens and perennial beds. It's natural and breaks down to a mild nitrogen rather quickly. Doc told me about it about 3 years ago, Bless his wisdom!
The price is right, I get 50#s for about $20 at Agway. It's the active ingredient in Garden Preen and the only drawback is perennial beds reseeding themselves. When we want seedlings, we simply don't use it. I use it at Holly's parents all the time since we only get to garden there maybe once in 2 weeks. I'm not totally sure of it's action, I did lose 3 Asparagus crowns this year, but they were easily 10 years old. The crowns I received at the swap are already throwing up new shoots and filled the bed quite nicely. Ric

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Donner, that was a leftover from the fall swap, and I don't know who brought it... I thought Holly saw it though and said, oh, trumpetvine.. ?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Happiness IS seeing your first Brug bloom!
Your bloomer is the Dr. Seuss. See the serrated leaf edges? That is a giveaway.
Are you inhaling deeply as you walk past it in the evening?
Good job!!!!!
Looking out your office window--what is "The Greenhouse" Building you can see?

What is an Agway? Don't think we have it here....Is it like a Southern States?
I simply have to find out where my nearest S. States is here.
I KNOW where there is a Tractor Supply. Half hour drive away, though. N. on I-95 to the Aberdeen Exit. Rt. 22 (?)
Would they have the gluten?

Lookie what is blooming for me!!! The first Red Epi! The fronds are ALL covered with buds!!!!
#3--my Wintersweet shrub is regrowing SOOO full it is crazy! Remember I pruned it back
last fall by a good third?

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

donner- Gooseberry baby!
At least it looks very much like mine. They came from Jill's friend Teresa 's brother? (Not Teri, Terri, or Terry ssgardener LOL)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

donner- Gooseberry baby!
At least it looks very much like mine. They came from Jill's friend Teresa 's brother? (Not Teri, Terri, or Terry ssgardener LOL)

Gita I have a few buds on my Epi too. Yay!

My Wintersweet bush is also growing very well, too.

Crozet, VA

Wow, some really gorgeous blooms shared here. Same as Holly, I have spent the last two days working on Swap plants. So much fun recalling the fun day and the fantastic folks who shared all their lovelies.

Pat gifted me with a Bromeliad a few months ago and it too is getting ready to set bloom. I was super excited upon seeing it earlier this week because I had very little faith in my ability to get it to bloom. I also noticed some tiny yellow blooms on the Valley Sunset Oxalis that I got from Coleup. That was exciting and I got it potted in a larger and more decorative pot yesterday in honor of it sprouting its first two blooms.

I too am especially loving the pale violet color of the Purple Oxalis from Gita. Gita, the pot you have me last fall and which completely went dormant during the winter has really put on a beautiful show the past couple of weeks. Gosh, so many things are at their best currently, that I don't know where to start naming them all.

Needless to say.....I thank each and every one of you for all that you shared with me. You have certainly added to my pleasure and joy of gardening.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Nope, not Trumpet Vine. Critter I do remember looking at something and saying that, maybe a big to hasty. Could have been the leaves weren't fully open but looking at those leaves in the picture I wouldn't say that now.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ric: Regarding your comment on Garden Preen, per the label the active ingredient is 1.47% Trifluralin (Treflan); it also contains carriers agent such as corn cob or attaclay. See and

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Gooseberry was my first guess too. I have a Gooseberry bush, but it does nor bear fruit much.
It lives 3' away from the Maple next to my :YUK" bed.

This is a separate, raised bed that used to hold my N. Sea Oats. Trying to kill keeps coming up.
Originally, it was where 2 Whiskey Barrels sat. In ONE season--the Maple roots invaded them
through the bottom hole and made digging in there impossible. In a couple more years--it was no use.
So--we peeled away the pieces of the Wh. barrels and then I asked my then DH to just build a bed around them

At one end of this bed is my Gooseberry bush. How it survives--I do not know!
Want to, somehow, dig it up and pot it in a lg. planter to grow free of all the choking tree roots.
I "inherited" this G. bush from an old Estonian man who is long, long deceased. It makes tasty Gooseberries....

I need to remove all the rotten landscape ties supporting this pile of junk (somehow...) and then de-construct this bed.
Then level it out a bit--put some paver blocks on top and it will give me a place to put some pots on.

Fencing problems part deleted.

This message was edited Jun 4, 2012 9:58 AM

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally and Gita, you were right. The plant does look like a gooseberry bush.

Gita, I do not know what that Greenhouse sign was for. I think the building is an apartment build. I should take a closer look when I get back tomorrow. With the brugs in my garden now, I very rarely open the window blinds now :-).

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: I'm really sorry to hear about the fence. Usually neighbors talk about such things before erecting them, but thety might have thought it a gift to you if they are paying for it themselves. Have you asked them to reconsider, if only the height, and explained that it will interfere with your garden?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ROFL! Sorry, Donner, I sure thought it was trumpet vine that I had for you. Tom (Theresa's brother, who has also attended a couple of our seed swaps) did bring some gooseberries last fall, but I'd forgotten what they look like. I'm sure you can find a spot to try it... it will for sure take up less room than a trumpet vine!

Gita, so sorry about that fence.. solid panel 6 footer?!? wow. Sometimes I don't mind so much having a homeowner's association.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Gita, I think she has no clue how it will affect your yard. So sorry, but maybe it will open up a whole new shade area. Just trying to look for a silver lining.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Contents transferred to another Thread.

This message was edited Jun 4, 2012 10:00 AM

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: Maybe you should start a separate thread, since this one is a follow-up to the swap.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sorry Gita, There is quite often some cross over between neighbors yards. How changes in one affects the other. I remember a few people talking about neighbors cutting down huge shade trees that provided the shade for their gardens. Some with established shade gardens left with nothing but bright sun light. I just hated the way the neighbors cleaned out the hedge row along the other side of the lane. It did open up a beautiful view that I didn't have before, so maybe there will be a silver lining to the fence for you, too.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Someone got a less-common Sanseveria from me on the gift table. It had buds to bloom, They say they are very fragrant. I was wondering if they have opened.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK! I will stop all my tales of woe. I know it is not fair to the Thread. I did apologize.....

No need to start a separate Thread. It would be of NO interest to anyone--but me.
No one would post anyway.

Thanks for listening--and your support---those that did......Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That's Ok Gita, I know how upset you are over this issue. How about over in the Your Neck of the Woods threads. That's a pretty wide open discussion.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Sallyg - I ended up with three pots of variegated liriope, at least that's what I think it is - were they from you?

This message was edited Jun 6, 2012 8:34 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

My variegated liriope has yellow variegations, and was in bundles with newspaper, or plastic bags, not pots; I don't think I potted any...

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Gita, sorry about your neighbors fencing. I personally hate big fences, but you can't really do anything about it. My cousins neighbor put up a bright white vinyl fence, that was horrible, directly along where he planted his dahlias. That row of dahlias did suffer from the new shade. Their fence later got holes poked in it from falling tree limbs in a storm, cheap quality, not as durable as wood or chain links I guess. On a personal note, even though it is just first names, you may want to edit the names and workplace identity of your neighbors out of your post. Confidentiality and personal rights laws and such...anyhow, good luck.

I've been slowly, but surely, planting our swap plants. Have most of Critter's tomatoes in (thanks again!). Today, I'll try and get more plants in. The cuttings we got seem to be surviving. The Mexican lily's from John are sprouting now too!

Happy Gardening!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Wind----I have done so. g.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Well, my first guess as sally as the liriope gifter didn't pan out. Any idea who was the gifter that I can thank and think of when I see these on my garden walk abouts?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

FlowAjen offered some liriope -- could it be she? And Greenthumb99 brought me some as well.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Mine wasn't varigated though

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh, I misread it -- I thought Aspen's was NOT variegated. Going too fast....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

aspen--it is possible that I did have some potted, just not sure . Meanwhile, today I remembere that 'tose' lilies about to bloom in my bed came from YOU. Do you recall sharing some small lilies with me last year?

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