CLOSED: 2nd Annual Mug Swap Reveal (Show us yer Ugly Mug!)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Amanda, looks like they did a great job on the detailing! What does the CC stand for on your plates?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

@ rvnsbrk: :-P

@ Chickory - it's about time!!! :D

@ LK - initially CC stood for "cute car" because that's what everybody called it when I bought it. Then, chagrined, I would tell people (particularly dudes) it stood for catalytic converter or "Crippled Chicken" which we thought would make a good name for our bluegrass band (if we ever started one). Now it stands for Clean Car.

Have a great day! I have to go stand in the line at DMV to see if they will renew the registration or not. Tried to do it online after getting a nice man via email from DMV to waive the inspection requirement because it's out of state. Will keep you posted as to whether this good fortune holds up!!!


I got my box today!!!!!!

Thank you,, Thank you,, Thank you,,

Debbies sent the bestest mug ever. I am going to try to post pictures from my phone. Hope it works.

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Trying one more...

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And one for Ralph!!!!

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Ralphs mug...

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Pops got that one is huge. Cannot wait for Ralph to get home tonight..

Here are Goobers and my fairies!!

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Well glad those loaded.. there was also chocolate covered sunflower seeds for Gryphon and a big Bag of Starbucks coffee...
There were also gluten free oatmeal cookies for Ralph and I share.!!!!

I just love every thing and the fairy grandmother cup is the bestest cup ever.!!!!!!!!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Wow - that's really a thoughtful box Debbie. Kris I love your mug and I hope Ralph enjoys his too. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those cups and fairies! Nice job!

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

Mud Elf very cute =)

I want someone to send me motivation to work in the heat please...


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

My motivation for this heat is to go jump in the pool!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Glad you like everything! I saw that mug and just had to get it for you and then thought 'hmmmm, Ralph needs a mug too! And then found the fairies and had to send one for Goober.....couldn't leave out Gryphon and found those sunflower seeds! (bought some for me and I LIKE'em!). Happy to see it all arrived in one piece too! However, you asked that your swappee take pictures before they send it and I had to open the box to take the pics! hahahaha! I had tried to TAPE everything so you would have to get through all the tape.....but that one backfired on me! hahahaha!


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Hey Kris! There is a small wooden sign in the box too! Did you find it?

Oh head.. I Hung it up right away and then forgot to thank you. Could you post. All the pictures you took to. That way everyone can admire that too!!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Debbie you're a saint. :D

Kerrie - can't help you. The heat is doing something that almost nothing else can - when I awoke at the butt crack of dawn I stayed awake so I could start a little early. Already 79 degrees. Going to walk my little dog now for a nice long walk around the block. :)

xox ALL!

Please take good care in this heat.


Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL Thanks Taters. All I have is a little one for the dogs and they will think I have lost my mind. =)

Amanda Thanks for nothing LOL I was out early today too. I got a nice pitcher plant at the farmers market in Matthews yesterday. Then stopped at Mint Hill, Bought a couple of Callicarpas from a lady for $2 each, they are small but really nice! Should have bought all she had but then i have to take care of them, either in pots or the ground.
Bought a nice purple day lily for 3 bucks, an aloe, and pink iris.
Good day for being hot out.

Hugs for everyone having to work in the heat,

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Come and check out the fairy/gnome swap. It will be closing on the 13th

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Kerrie thanks you reminded me of the pentas, calibrachoa and other plants I bought on clearance I need to get to or they will collapse again in this heat.

The walk around the block this morning was nice till I got to a neighbor's house whose garden I am sort of tending while she is away. She has not less than 3 people besides me who are supposed to be looking in on her stuff and I can't believe how bad it is. I watered some again this morning after at least 3 hours there yesterday afternoon. I am also planting some of my things there - she has raised beds in the back with some room for my vegetables and room out front for some of my seedlings..

She is housesitting for her daughter in Winston Salem. I just have to wonder about folks who are so kind (she's the one who is lending me her car) who get crapped on when they need help from their "friends" - HA! Well there's my life story. No really - she's asked neighbors to help but they just use her stuff when it's convenient I guess. Watering everyday in 100 degree heat - well that ain't convenient!!!

Awright gotta go. before I lose all will to stand up.


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Just got home from Tennessee! It was HOT there too but it had cooled down 20 degrees today here at home! YEAH!

Here is the pic I took of Kris' swap box just before mailing it!

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252 Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Eeek! Love the "never enough" sign - you said it was a board? Something to hang on the wall? another must have! It could go with my old fashioned style tin sign with a smiling 50's era lady from Neener that says "Drink coffee - do stupid things faster with more energy."
Ack. Well I'm awake and going to stay that way. Appreciate the "cooler" temps at this hour. Going to walk the dog and see what needs water.

2 super secret mug swapees still looking for theirs in the wind.

Everybody okay out there?

I took my mug to work. I don't have work today. I miss my mug. :/


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Doing fine here! Just hot!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Cooled down a bit here....only supposed to be 88 today! Drywall is being put up today....maybe by the end of the week my kitchen will start to look like a kitchen again! Cabinets will not be here until the 24th but the appliances are hanging out in the garage.

Stay cool all! It's back to work for me....lunch time is almost over!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

cute mugs and cool stuff everyone!
LK, Do you have a pool? I will be right over.... *sweating*

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I tend to perspire. I am perspicacious. :D

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We have one of those blue pools from wal mart! 12 foot by 3 foot. Not a big one, but it gets us wet, and cools us down. The Grandkids love it too!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

That's all you need LK. Just a place to sit and cool down.

Perspicacious she says...Smart A**. :))

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I had to look up the word to see if I remembered what it meant. It does NOT mean a perspiring fool like I thought. :D

(joking, but I am a perspiring fool anyway).

Cleaning out my closet of all things. I have a very small closet first of all. "My" second closet is in Rita's room blocked by her climbing tower and not usable space. My closet in my bedroom is full of Jones NY and Ann Taylor business suits. And separates from chaus and Gianna and Jones and . . .. .. Funny, the memories that go with clothing. I had wanted to donate my entire "collection" to some organization that gives womens' business clothes for FREE to women who maybe looking for work, whatev.

Nothing exists here in Greensboro - not even thru the women's resource center. Jerks. So as I put together my boxes, my neighbor across the street happens to be getting rid of kids' toys, so she has offered to take mine with hers. I vascilate and then say - YOU HAVEN'T WORN THIS THING IN 5 YEARS!!! And so it gets folded up and on the pile. If I'm lucky they'll get out of the house this time before the cats get them full of hair and decide to pee on the pile. Fockers.

Fantastic rain last night. We needed it, but that's how it was last year - everything gets dry and crispy and then we have a deluge so we are never really in "drought" conditions, but everything still ends up looking drought-y.

Back to work here. and MORE COFFEE please. :D


Hey Amanda,, funny you are talking about getting rid of your clothes. They are adding Alexander City to the end of the Worlds Longest Yard Sale!!! It is going to be on the 2nd though the 5th of August and I just may have to make a trip to the house to get stuff to get rid of at this. If I donot get it this year I will do it next year as this will give me a once in a year chance to unload all my extra horder stuff!! and we all know folks love yard art!! So I will be finishing up a bunch of trash to treasure stuff over the winter that I was going to throw out and sell if for cost!! that way I can recoop the few $$$ I have in it all. I may make a few mini gardens and take some plants to sell each year too. I am going to try to get Crysatal / Goldhillal to come and jooin me for this.. Should be fun!!

I am at the laundry mat today,,,sigh.....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I wonder if GSO is involved. But these bags have GOT got to go. I can buy this stuff at a thrift store for a fraction of what it would cost at consignment. I just need to part with it, I guess. "If these suits could talk . . ..." :D


Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)


What kind of suits are they? Many dog show people buy used suits to show dogs in because if they get ruined they don't care.

D mail me if you want to sell them, I belong to a yahoo group that sells used dog show stuff I know someone would buy thme.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I finally have a picture to share. It took me forever.. I know. I hate to boot up this computer but it is the only one I can use to upload a picture with and not have it end up sideways! When I use my phone and the other computer it seems to always turn them every which way. Her is a picture of the cute mug I received.

Thumbnail by LhasaLover
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love that mug and goodies. Looks like there are still a few waiting on their mugs?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the picture Tammie - I LOVE the shape of that mug. Something so comforting about a big round warm mug. Nice Froot! :)

LK - I've inquired about the couple of mugs outstanding. I'm not running a very tight ship, but I let the ladies know that they could contact their secret swappeeees if they wanted to communicate about what will be in the wind and perhaps when.

I sure have had a hard time getting my own trades out. I know folks get bogged down with trade requests - a not so secret fact is that I'm behind on sending birthday cards too. EEEEK.

My secret is out.

Hope you will all forgive me for cutting this short and passing out. I am back to work after a false alarm for jury yesterday. The one hour commute is a little stressful initially and today particularly today with the rain and stupid drivers driving too fast with poor visual conditions. AND then the critter chores. Holy heck it sure was nice to have the year off. ha hah ahah


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

LOVE the mugs and thought going into the boxes. I have much much bigger plans next year!!! I found a lovely pottery store that will custom-make orders, so I'll have to dream up something fabulous for next year! (If not, I've got a couple put aside just in case!)

Debra, I've cycled through all the mugs (except the toddy - been too hot at night to think about that one...and now it just struck me that it would make a great cappuccino mug or iced coffee mug. HMM) and I've started on that Black Silk. That stuff makes a fantastic first cuppa in the morning!

Elfie, I for one would miss you greatly in the swaps!! I wasn't offended you couldn't post pictures! I was more worried whether you liked everything! Please ignore the grumpy bums...they're just jealous. :)

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Black Silk is wonderful coffee for store bought, radily available. Love it too. No worries to my buddy about getting me a mug. I have a huge collection already. Just played along to support my buddy Amanda, the hostess with the mostest!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes I am a Black Silk afficionado as well. Glad we all agree on SOMEthing. :P

p.s. You all have been so forgiving of me this year in my haphazard trading - who among you do I still owe a birthday card to?! ha haha ha - I have a whole stack of them in my bag I am going to be sending out this/next week. ;)

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

Amanda ,

I think getting a late birthday card would be cool. It would be like having a birthday again ! I would make a cake and re-celebrate. LOL (OK just trying to have a reason to bake a cake and eat it) I would have that Black Silk coffee with it too. ;)


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

ha haha a- Kerrie - do I owe you a birthday card too? :D

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

No but if I did get one I would be baking that cake ASAP LOL


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