The Coconut Wireless - chat thread 3

Virginia Beach, VA

i thank you Jeanne. Surgical procedure is tomorrow at 11:00 AM.

a freaky accident.


mulege, Mexico

What a strange accident. Prayers that the surgery and your recovery go well. hugs, katie

Virginia Beach, VA

Very apprehensive !! I was an OR nurse for years and retired from OR where my procedure will be done. We have 14 OR rooms .At least it will be quiet. The surgeon was nice enough to do me on a weekend.

Please pray for me.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Prayers and positive thoughts going your way, Belle.


Virginia Beach, VA

I am home from my surgical procedure, stayed overnight.
the outer ankle has 5 hole plate and a screw while the inner ankle has 1 screw.

I ha to tell you the new disposables the OR as well as the floor when I have more time.


Virginia Beach, VA

I am back home from orthopedic procedure. Everything went well, placed a 5 hole plate on the outer break while a screw on the inner portion.
I have severe pain so I take pain pills every 4-5 hours.

The best part is a block. I was told that there are 4 young anesthesiologist who does a lot of blocks which lasted ovwe 24 hours of being pain free.I was very impressed.
these new Docs treated patients in Afghanistan where a spinal takes too long.

No wonder the hospital bills are sky high due to the disposables.There are no more basins, they use disposable wipes, looks like baby wipes but bigger and thicker. The gowns are also disposable.

i now have a walker with wheels as well as a huge wheelchair. I called the company that I need a smaller and lighter one.The walker work much better. I love it because it is easier to maneuver.

I will go back the office for change of dressing as well a colorful fiberglass cast. I will get a shocking pink.LOL!!!

Few friends will be coming to visit and offered to bring food so I might not lose few pound. lOL!!!

I had not been out to visit my garden and my pond.

Have a good day!!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Belle, from one healing patient to another: speedy recovery. Positive thoughts being sent your way.

Keep well.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Prayers of healing for both of you.

Virginia Beach, VA

Good morning to all of you!!!

i had my dressing changed yesterday and picked orange cast!! I wish I could take pictures but i have issues with my camera.

I do however have a long incision even after the surgeon promised of a short one. i was very upset at first but DH keeps telling me it could have been worse which is true.

The other abrasions are healing too.

How are you doing?

Have a good day and please continue your prayers and thank you.


mulege, Mexico

Glad to hear the good news. the scar will probably pretty much disappear anyway. Mostly, it's great that you are recovering and are well enough to be concerned about the scar!!! hugs, katie

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Belle, I was glad to read that things went well, although the incision was bigger than expected.

I went for a follow-up visit with my surgeon this morning. The wound still measures 16 inches across the top of my thigh, by 4 inches wide at its widest and 1 inch deep (all dimensions approximated). The homecare nurse needs about 1 hour to change the dressing on the wound. She comes by every day around 7:30AM. She did her usual great job at 7:30 this morning. The surgeon ripped all that out at 10:30, declared that it looked awesome, threw some gauze squares in there and taped the whole thing up. Already,the tape is becoming unglued and I have had to repair it in 2 places. I hope it holds until tomorrow morning.

At first, the surgeon said he would only remove a corner of the dressing, to see the healing process. Then, he proceeded to remove everything. I hate people who can't keep their word. Anyhow, that's visit is over and I'm glad. I'm moving on. Belle, keep your spirits high and don't give in to discouragement. I have a tendency to get discouraged when I look back at all this. Stay away from negative thinking.

Take care, all.

Virginia Beach, VA

Are they going to close your wound eventually or wait to heal by itself? That is a big wound.
Are they applying any ointment or just using saline?

You are lucky that the surgeon went to your home.

I had a manicure pedicure so my spirits is up!!! I am not able to go outside to visit my grden and pond so it is killing me!!! I should be feeling much better next week .

I have friends visiting tomorrow so maybe they can wheel me outside.

Take care Sylvain


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha everyone,

Sylvain and Belle, so very happy to hear that you are both doing so much better. Keep up the good work! You are both in my thoughts daily, and I am so pleased that you are both on the road to recovery. I wonder how hard it is going to be to rest instead of wanting to be up and about now?

Every morning I watch the weather channel and check out the areas that you all live in - the drought and high temps are just awful - I hope you all get some relief soon.

We have been very busy here as we have decided to put the house on the market and down size. We do not expect a sale soon as the houses in my neighborhood are taking over a year to sell for the most part - that should be good timing, it's going to take me that long to get rid of "stuff" and tidy the garden! If anyone is interested in seeing the listing its: "" - go to "our listings" - then MLS 352908. Akala Drive. I wonder if you will see some changes Christi? Remember the huge hole in the garden when you visited? I believe that the RE Agents are going to be doing a video that will show more of the garden in the near future, I do hope so as I think that will be so much more interesting than the house which is kind of plain.

Off to have a cup of tea with my Mom.

Have a lovely day everyone!


Virginia Beach, VA

I thank you for the kind words.My accident is 10 days old and surgery is 8 days ago and it will be a long summer. I am taking a day at a time but slowly getting better , taking pain meds every 5-6 hours instead of 3-4 hour.
I am staying downstairs because it is takes time to go up stairs. I am able to go around with a walker and uses wheelchair to go outside.

Few friends had been visiting and yesterday I was wheeled outside to visit the pond and the garden.

I hope you sell your house fast, are you going to buy a smaller house.DH brother lives in Kihei. Good luck to you.


How are you ?
Have a nice weekend !!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We got rain Wednsday night/Thursday morning finally!! We got anywhere from 1/2 inch to an inch. Not enough to ease the drought but enough to provide relief from the hot temps for a couple days.

Marco Island, FL(Zone 10b)

Jenn-- looks wonderful from the two pix! I'm trying to get the courage to move again, but, after all the work that has gone into the yard, I'll think we'll just stay in our way too large home. It's so perfect for the dogs and the thought of packing and weeding thru stuff is daunting. Good luck!

Virginia Beach, VA

What a beautiful house!!!It is a dream house for someone who has $$$

Good luck to you!!!


mulege, Mexico

Jenn, I do not envy you getting ready to move. I've told Tony I'm here til I die and then he can toss me on the compost heap.

Just got word of some foam insulation at a good price near LA so I'll be headed to Ca. next week. Building supplies are hard to get and terrible expensive here. Many things are. While on the road last time I got Tony a used tired for half of what it would have cost him here.

Tony's oldest son, Luis, with his wife and six month old son are staying with Tony and his family which consists of wife Fely, second son Antonio (home from college for the sumemr) and daughter Barbarbara, a high school student AND Tony's parents who are both in their eighties. They are all in his two-bedroom house Tony is building a separate room for his parents. I've been able to give him some materials like windows I got from a friend of a friend in LA and tin roofing that we hadn't gotten around to using here. The room is almost finished. Tony, as usual, is very calm about the situation. Luis hurt his right hand and has had two operations and still has very limited use of it.

It was 110 here yesterday morning. Very humid. We have electrical blackouts allmost every night for a few hours. Tony does not get enough electricity at his house to use the a/cc I gave them.

Life in Mexico. I have survived several summers here now (with brief trips north) and know I'll be OK even when the air is so hot and humid I feel like I need gills. Tony staying calm with all he has going on helps me to stay grounded even as my sleep pattersn are totally messed up. I took two naps yesterday aftenoon, then was up from 11pm to 3am. Used the time to do some house cleaning it's too hot to do during the day.

Glad to hear Belle and Sylvian are recovering well.

hugs, katie

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh goodness, so much going on here with the peeps. Agree with all that it is good to hear Belle and Sylvain are on the road to recovery. Jenn, your home was and is beautiful. If there were a way I would buy it in a heart beat. You and Frank have made it an absolute paradise. Still one of the greatest times in our lives. Cannot be topped or equaled.

It is a typical Texas, hotter, hottest.....along with dry, drier, driest. Went with more Texas natives this year and even they are withered and dry.

Virginia Beach, VA

Thinking f you, you had very quiet the last few days. Are you okay?

I am feeling better and pain meds are are less often. i am able to go up stairs with out being afraid of falling. I have 7 more weeks.Friends had been coming to bring food and to wheel me outside.

Went to church this AM and even our priest came to talk to me after church.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

I am doing wonderfully well. Oh, there is not a lot of energy to spare and I do tire easily. However, I watered my philodendrons yesterday. After that, I took the car for a spin on our little circle. Tonight, I will go to a drive-through to get an easy dinner. Gail likes that kind of thing and she's been doing without for 6 weeks now. I'll buy something healthy (probably some kind of salad) and drive all that home. And Voilà: dinner will be served. It feels funny to walk around with my wound vac around my neck, but them's the breaks. Thankfully, there is no pain and the healing process is going well.

Take care, all.

Virginia Beach, VA

I am glad you can drive!! I am still being chauffered around. Dh has been very patient.

Take care and enjoy your dinner.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hello Everyone!!

Glad Belle and Sylvain are at home! Will continue to keep you in our prayers.

The past few months has caught up with me and I have been down in bed resting. I do the minimal and lay back down. Watching the Olympics!

Joanne is doing OK. Having lots of tests run. The Dr's are still very concerned with her kidneys so please continue to pray.

God bless all of you!


Virginia Beach, VA

Good morning Jeanne,
You had gone through a lot this year!! I am glad you are doing much better and taking it easy.You deserve rest!!
I will continue to pray for Joanne.

My stitches came off yesterday and it was quite painful!! such a baby!! LOL!!! I was kind of upset that the incision is 4 inches on the outer and 2 inches on the inner portion.The incision looks clean but whole foot is still swollen. I was told that applying vitamin E oil will lighten the scar. I have however purple cast this time.I will see the surgeon again in 4 weeks and will take x-rays if I can get a walking cast.
I can not drive until the cast comes off!!! I was told that in Virginia one can be liable while driving with a cast if there is an accident.I am not that certain if this is true because DH drove when he was in a cast for 6 weeks.

What is killing me is not being able to go out to check my veggie garden. i do not want to take a chance hopping with my walker.

Have a good day to all!!


mulege, Mexico

Glad to hear you are recovering even if it's not as fast as you might have hope. I will leave tomorrow for CCa. and on the 14th will have my knee susrgery and join the others who are recuperating. I've lost fifty-five ounds and don't have as much pain as I did but it's time to get the surgery done. My right knee seems to be fine so I'm reminding myself I'll probably only have to do this once.

Had a headache all night so I didn't get a lot of sleep. Tony is here and washing dishes so I can cook a big pot of chicken for the dogs. Makes feeding them easier

Today will be about packing so I can leave early tomorrow morning.

Steve, the man I bought my van from says I can stay at his complex until I can travel. That's the biggest worry I had. He's very bright and we've become friends so that' a big worry taken care of. He had a "minor" heart attack a few weeks ago and can't work for three months. Usually he works a lot (contractor installing floors, sellign cars he buys at auction, etc, etc). He needs to lose weight so I ordered a copy of the "Fat Flush" book for him and will tell him what has worked for me.

Will keep you posted.

hugs, katie

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

DH has an appt with the orthopedic doc in the morning concerning surgery on both knees. The cortisone shots no longer help. Our daughter just had a lot of dental work done in preparation for double knee surgery. I had spinal fusion 4 years ago and by the time I nurse the both of them back to health.....well....don't know how my back will hold up.

Once heard, "after 40, it is just patch, patch, patch.". I believe it. Will be praying for you Katie. Is this repair or replacement?

Virginia Beach, VA

Praying for a successful procedure . Is it a knee replacement?

I did not quite understand about your husbands procedure and your daughters dental work.

( I had spinal fusion 4 years ago and by the time I nurse the both of them back to health...well...don't know how my back will hold up.)
What kind of dental procedure is daughter having?
Will your husband be having both knees done at the same time?
An ortho bed with overhead trapeze and other equipment are normally rented to make it easier for patient and care taker.
Good luck to you !!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Learned recently that one must have a clear dental record before having knee replacement surgery....maybe for all surgery I don't know. Both DH and DD need knee replacement. She had a lot of dental problems that have now been resolved. DH went to surgeon today and now must visit PC for the ok for surgery. Going to replace just the right knee for now. Thinking all of this will actually take place in September. Don't know about DD's schedule yet.

Because of my back surgery we already have safety bars and other things to accommodate handicap. Two years ago one of the local furniture stores had an unbelievable offer on adjustable bed with foam mattresses. We jumped on it and have been very happy with them. Necessitated twin beds in order to accommodate the two of us.

Visited with next-door neighbors this evening and we exchanged our health woes. Goodness me, the old adage, "Old age is not for sissies" is certainly true.

Sure hope all of you are recovering with little to no complications.

I am nervous about the anesthesia. I had never before had actual anesthesia.....only twilight sleep. Did not come out of it and had a code blue episode. DH has never been "put under" either.

What I know: God the Father is in charge. We shall lean on Him and trust Him that all is His Will.

mulege, Mexico

My knee surgeon asked about dental stuff. No oproblems. I had to have my first tooth pulled (not counting wisdom teeth) last year - at age 70. I've taken care of my teeth.

I'll be having knee replacement. Don't 'know what it has to do with dental stuff but I was not asked before hand or eye surgery, though they were all relatively minor. My right knee seems to be good. I'm hoping having the left done will be all that I need.

hugs, katie

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Sad news....

Sylvain fell, hit his head and now is back in the hospital. Will get more details later today.


Virginia Beach, VA

Oh no!! Sylvain fell, hope it is not that serious. He need our prayers.

Lou C,
The newest is putting a block where they inject medication to the nerve which will last depending on the length of the procedure. This prevents the patient from getting narcotics for pain which has some untoward effects like nausea and vomiting not to mention effects on the heart rate and respiration. Anesthesia will probably offer this option.

I had a block on my procedure so i was numb for 24 hours and it was amazing.

Good luck to you and you too can ask for a block if it is not offered.

Good luck to all of you!! Sylvain--- prayers from all of us.


Marco Island, FL(Zone 10b)

Sylvain--prayers for you and all good wishes

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh no. Poor Sylvain. Please keep us informed, Nancy.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh no!! Hope it's not too bad!!!

Katie, good luck on your surgery!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Friday morning, I had just stepped out of the shower when I remembered I had to mix myself a protein shake. I headed to the kitchen. While measuring the whey powder, I noticed that my hands were shaking uncontrollably as if I had Parkinson's disease. I had a seizure and Gail found me naked on the kitchen floor with my skull cracked, blood everywhere and me unconscious. I awoke with 4 or 5 EMT guys surrounding me and getting me onto a stretcher. I am still in the hospital, although doing better. I could be getting out tomorrow. I'm OK.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sure pray that this is a very short hospital stay.

Virginia Beach, VA

Thank you for the update. I am fairly new with this group but I find you guys are very caring with lots of empathy.
Glad you are recovering.

Perhaps hypoglycemia?


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Sylvain, Sylvain, what thou doest?

Will call when you get home.



mulege, Mexico

Sylvain, PLEASE take good care of yourself and don't antagonize any nurses.

Ii'll see my surgeon on Thursday afternoon and have the surgery next Tuesday if all goes well. Saw my GP this morning and gave him some weight loss advice, a book (The Fat Flush Plan) and a dried fruit juice mix (no sugar). We have to take care of each other. He is delighted with my progress and thinks the surgery will go well.

I'm feeling good right now. Had car trouble again in Techate. Same as last time, different vehicle. %$#@*&(&%$# Homeland Security and their useless border checks that hold people iup for 6-10 hours and never catch any terrorists. I did help to calm an irate motorist while my ambulance was waiting for repair - got laughs out of him and his wife and he chilled. A Mexican man who had helped with the last breakdown reappeared and helped me again.

Anyway, all is well now I think. I have a couple of sores on my leg and I know the doctor won't like that but I'm hoping it won't delay the surgery as I am mentally prepared (I think).

big hugs to all, katie

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow Sylvain!!! Glad to hear you are doing better!! Take it easy and don't overdo. You'll end up back in the hospital again. But I'm beginning to think you are liking the hospital now. :~p. Just kidding!! I know you much prefer to be at home. :~)

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