New Nepenthes

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

These arrived today and very pleased.
1st PIC Nepenthes Momoka N. insignis x merrillana
2nd PIC Nepenthes Red Princess N. tobaica x campanulata
3rd PIC Nepenthes Temperance not sure of the cross
They came from Leilani I was honestly shocked and delighted.

Thumbnail by LoveBrug Thumbnail by LoveBrug Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Florala, AL

very nice :)

noonamah, Australia

They do look good. I particularly like the last one, N Temperence.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Very nice plants!

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from tropicbreeze :
They do look good. I particularly like the last one, N Temperence.

Me too. Belive it or not Temperence was my free (bonus) plant from this vendor.
Was in a Vodka void writing the last post I made. This cross is Spathulata x maxima

Ugh I what more.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2012 7:42 PM

Florala, AL

you and me both LB :)

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

More plants from Leilani .
1st PIC is my bonus plant N. Taras ( N. petiolata hybrid )
2nd PIC N. Laputa N. sanguiea x merrilliana I honestly can't wait to see this baby grow up.
3rd PIC Melvino N. spathulata x bongso.

Thumbnail by LoveBrug Thumbnail by LoveBrug Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Florala, AL

Awsome pics LB :)

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

I really want this one

Went ahead and ordered it so I cheated on Leilani ! This vendor is not on DG's WatchDog so it's a gamble and will be interesting to see what I get for the money.

Florala, AL

WOW... i def need a piece of that one :)

noonamah, Australia

Beautiful plant, but OUCH! at that price. Although, yesterday I paid $60 for a palm tree (but in my defence, it was much larger than that Nep. LOL).

Peristome aside, the pitcher does look a lot like Winged Bean.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from tropicbreeze :
Beautiful plant, but OUCH! at that price. Although, yesterday I paid $60 for a palm tree (but in my defence, it was much larger than that Nep. LOL).

Peristome aside, the pitcher does look a lot like Winged Bean.

I just sorta closed my eyes at the price the only other ones I could find for sale would have needed about two import permits and CITES to get here to the USA . I just didn't want to go there so bit the bullet and bought this one.

What sort of palm did you get ? I live in zone 9a now but did live in 10a for decades and miss my fun palms .

noonamah, Australia

It's a Kerriodoxa elegans,

I worked out the ideal spot for it a few weeks ago and prepared it. Then it was left to settle down and after that I bought the plant which went straight into the ground. Now it's just a matter of waiting for it to get big :O)

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

That's a beautiful palm I love the under story trees that one looks like it has black stem ribs ?

Well Mr. overpriced Gold Peristome deluxe has been shipped should be here by midweek . This company IS on the DG Watchdog Looks like they're legit only complaint seems to be PRICE !
I've seen pretty big NEPs in a 6 inch pot so time will tell .

This message was edited Jun 11, 2012 5:02 PM

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

OH MY ! It came and wow I'm pleased.

1st PIC size of trap
2nd PIC plant has another big trap on it
3rd PIC growth point (what a furry thing)
It has lots of new pitchers forming all over they really packed it well as the box looked like the USPS punt kicked it into the truck and no damage at all to the plant. Re-potted it right away and the root system looks good. The color is much more gold in person then my antique camera shows .

Thumbnail by LoveBrug Thumbnail by LoveBrug Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Florala, AL

JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats all i have to say about that! :P

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! You re-potted it right away…What is your "soil" mix? I too need to re-pot, but I'm not sure what to use…. :-)

Florala, AL

i think i need to make a late night trip into florida ;P

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from tlm1 :
BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! You re-potted it right away…What is your "soil" mix? I too need to re-pot, but I'm not sure what to use…. :-)

Hi tlm1

As I'm sorta new to Neps too I've read everything I could about them and it seems each grower hobbyist or professional has their own recipe and that it really doesn't matter as long as it's appropriate media. I've gone for a mix of Orchid bark, peat , coarse perlite and chopped LFS and hope it works everyone so far seems to digging in. Read in the UK that people are using something they call (burnt earth) with great success to shy to join a UK forum and ask as best as I can figure it out is it's those clay pellets that Orchid growers and Hydro people use ?
Thanks for then nice comments all ! I honestly didn't think it was going to be this nice and was a little apprehensive that I'd have buyers remorse when it got here .

This message was edited Jun 13, 2012 12:22 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Love, I guess I'll just jump right in and keep my fingers crossed! I do grow some Orchids so I have Orchid bark and some Sphagnum moss…I guess I'll start there! Thanks much! :-))

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

tlm1 not sure how much you've read on potting mixes for Neps but if you didn't know don't use Miracle Gro peat or perlite it's full of fertilizer and will burn the roots. It's a shame as everyone sells it and they in such a convenient size. Instead I had to buy the mega bail of Canadian peat and enough perlite to give a Third World country lung cancer! I did find a place in Jax that sells 12/20 screen Silica sand 50# or was it 100# ?, for five bucks they are down on E.8th street I'm going to brave it and go get some as this stuff is wonderful in any CP mix .

This message was edited Jun 13, 2012 5:21 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow, thanks LoveBrug…After I responded to your post I wasn't sure if the 'peat' was Sphagnum, or Canadian peat, which I have used in the past to try to improve the 'sand' that we have here. As to the Miracle-gro….I stay as far away from that stuff as possible!

Where on 8th do you find the silica? I might just have to venture there myself….
BTW…What is LFS?

I'm a little new when it comes to this lingo….Like BTW…Took me a while to figure out what that was!!!LOL!:-))))))

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

It's at,
Standard Sand & Silica Co
600 E 8th St
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 355-0516
Took forever to find somewhere here that sells it ! I called and they sell to the general public . The pool filter sand I have is just to fine of a grain (screen) to any good.
Sorry about the LFS that's Long Fibered Sphagnum, Home Depot has a very good brand . But LFS also works with fish people on the net as Local Fish Store ! ugh I refuse to text on my cell over this stuff I swear my Niece and Nephew speak something other then English when they (text) me.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL! My niece and nephew know better than to even TRY to text Auntie!!!!
So I guess the Sphagnum I use for my Orchids would work well! I like the idea of Silica too….Thanks, I'll keep that in mind!

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Red Princess put on her first homegrown trap . What a shape!

This message was edited Jun 16, 2012 5:57 PM

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

What a beauty!!!!

noonamah, Australia

Looks like it's firing away on all cylinders.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Quite the Lady, isn't she?

Arlington, TX

Puts my spindly Nepanthes to shame, are they growing outside? Too hot here for that so they are under UV lights in the house. Love the color of that pitcher.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from newtonsthirdlaw :
Puts my spindly Nepanthes to shame, are they growing outside? Too hot here for that so they are under UV lights in the house. Love the color of that pitcher.

We pretty much have the same hot humid weather as you do here in NE Fl . I do grow them outside (will overwinter in my greenhouse) but before I ordered wrote a couple of e-mails to Jeremiah Harris one of the partners of this nursery with my concerns about the heat here. He helped me pick out the first order but also told me that most of the hybrids will do just fine here , he must be right as they're growing like weeds. I only have two species and made sure they were Lowlands and would love to add more to my new collection but it seems most vendors only have Intermediates or Highlands. I know you can get pretty much want you want from that tissue culture place in Germany that has a trans-shipper here in the states (so no paperwork ) but I really dislike TC plants .

Thank you all for the nice comments I'm really having fun with this new hobby .

Arlington, TX

It is not very humid in the Dallas area and I am not certain but I don't think you get 2 months of temps over a 100 in a row? The one thing I have learned after moving here was that its lack of night time cooling that really takes a toll on plants. Combine that with months of no rain potentially each summer and its a brutal climate. There are times here in June, July and August when I dream of being in humid climate.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Sorry my mistake I've never been to Texas and was going by your weather report today. That is brutal ! We hit 100 here once in a blue moon for a day or two but it always rains 90- 98 is pretty normal here in the mid-late Summer but then again it always rains . So I'm guessing the hybrids are more forgiving of the heat with abundant humidity present ? Winter is going to be a challenge for me with these plants as my greenhouse is not automated and can heat up dramatically in the winter without a watchful eye.

Arlington, TX

We have mild winters with an occasional cold snap. All the plants I grow outside stay outside and have never been killed by frost, snow or ice. Sar., VFT's and temperate Drosera do just fine. I only have a couple Nepanthes and they stay indoors year round. They have yet to reach any appreciable size indoors. I guess I should figure out why.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from tlm1 :
Quite the Lady, isn't she?

tlm1 time will tell not sure if this is a cutting or seed grown ( they do list the gender on some plants) . I just don't have the greenhouse space to cross this plant and raise my own hybrids . I have crossed and raised my own Brugmanisa but think that's a whole other art-form .

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Nepenthes veitchii (Golden Peristome) is digging in here's the growth point now . It now has new growing points in two places.

This message was edited Jun 18, 2012 9:34 AM

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

ugh I ordered another one from a new vendor.
n. merrilliana x trusmadiensis , a dream cross for sure ! This vendor has wonderful feedback and can't wait to add one more n. merrilliana X to my growing collection.

noonamah, Australia

So how many is it now that you've got? You must be beyond the collection stage, at the plantation stage now, LOL. Pity any poor insect that stunbles onto your property.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Only ten that's not much compared to some of the grow lists I've seen on the CP forums ! It's fun as I have a greenhouse that has been empty for a few years since I got out of Brugmansia . Fortunately I only have to use the GH for three short months here to overwinter my new Neps .

noonamah, Australia

Ten is still a pretty good number. I still only have the one, mirabilis. It's in the shade house now because it's our dry season. I do have other CPs, Drosera and Utricularia. Some species of those also grow naturally on my place.

Other than that, I have such a diverse interest in plants that I don't specialise on too much, other than palms/cycads and aroids.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

"I don't specialise on too much, other than palms/cycads and aroids " .
Did this guy make it to the land down under ?

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