Help with ID of Two Lilies - Species? & Gift of Asiatic Lily

Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

I would appreciate some help with ID my lilies if possible.
I will thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

Thumbnail by dlefferts Thumbnail by dlefferts
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

How along have you had this martagon, and any idea where it came from? The only possibility I can come up with is Arabian Night. Claude Shride doesn't have that yellow center.

How tall is the buff lily?

Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

I will get back to you on the height of the buff lily, raining too hard today in western MA.
Martagon lily, I've never purchased Arabian Night. I did purchase Lilium dalhansonii in 2010. Which never bloomed-do you think that this lily could possibly be it. I purchased 3 blubs and now I have 3 of these lilies. I never saw any evidence in this spot of the garden, of any lily before. I'm trying to keep better records of where I plant things. I do appreciate your help in ID(ing) these lilies

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

There you go! It's not uncommon for marty's to sulk and make an appearence in year 2. I have three doing just that this year.

As for your 'gift lily', you'll probably never find a name, so give it one of your own and enjoy. We all have lots of NOIDs and love them just the same. :)

Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Moby, I will.

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