Zone 7 Alert! Bulb Catalog in My Hands!

Warrenton, VA

Oh! It is TIME already! I received, today, my Van Engelen, Inc., Bulb catalog. But, I swear that last year's was full of pretty photographs. This one has drawings of generic types of bulbs. I love looking at the photographs, and dreaming and comparing-especially when pairing colors...
This catalog does not allow that. Glad that I already have my main bulbs in place, and only need to add to what is successful for me.

Warrenton, VA

Addendum. This catalog is a wholesale catalog. Don't know why it came to me, honestly -but I sure did help to support the sister company, John Sheepers, last year. Got an email from them and it appears that my days of dreaming and comparing are nearing...! Yippee!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I forgot to mark the spots where we need to fill in with bulbs, so I might actually manage not to empty my pockets on bulbs this year -- for a change!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Grayce, I received my Van Engelen catalog yesterday too. Usually, the sister company John Sheepers catalog arrives the same day - it is the one that has pictures. They carry the same inventory, and I use both catalogs together - look at the pictures in John Sheepers, figure out what I want, and either order from Van Engelen if I want large quantities of a single variety - they sell in volume (like 50, 100, 500) or from John Sheepers if I want smaller quantities (like 5, 10, 25). Van Engelen's prices per bulb work out cheaper if you want to buy in bulk. My John Sheepers catalog didn't come yet either - hopefully soon! Terri

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I received the John Scheeper's yesterday.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Considering buying in bulk to share at the next swap....

Warrenton, VA

Happy - what an organizational thought! You mean that you actually DO THIS before buying stuff? Jeese, that kinda takes the fun outta seeing the OOOPPPPSSS gardening that comes up in the spring...LOL! (Voice of Experience). Yes, I got my Sheepers catalog today! So a'dreamin' I am...!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I got my John Scheepers catalog today too. Started making my wish list..

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Got Van Engelens. I either need nothing, or everything.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gracye - you are too funny! Alas and alak, I've had plenty of oops purchases....

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