Growing TRUE BLACK BRANDYWINE TOMATO with green freckles

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

I am growing: True Black Brandywine Tomato for the first time this year after reading so many good reviews.
The plant is loaded with very large green tomatoes ... and they look all like in this picture: with green freckles ...
I am guessing and hoping that it is a characteristic of this variety ...
Anybody has grown this tomato before?

Thumbnail by drthor Thumbnail by drthor
Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Freckles are not a common trait of the variety as far as I know and I've seen no one mention them. I've seen many pictures of it at the message sites where I post nor mentioed in listings for it in the SSE Yearbooks.

It could well be Fruit Pox which can be inherited in the same way that Gold Fleck can sometimes be inherited as evidience by Depp's Pink Firefly.

I think it's the third row down, above is a Google IMAGES link, and I think I see some white spots on the one from Diane's Seeds.

I didn't link to any articles for Fruit Pox but I know they pop up when one does a Google search/

And it's a variety I'll never grow, despite some folks saying they like it b'c I and quite a few others do not believe ONE word of the history that Will Weaver indicated for it. I do admit I'm a stickler for proper histories as well as proper variety names, I guess my problem/

If you want me to transfer to here a link about the discussion of it at Tville, I can do that, but if it makes no difference to you whether it is or is not a Brandywine and you like the taste, well, then that's all the really matters.

Right? ( smile)


Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much
I do see the freckles in some of the pictures on Google, so I am ok now.
I will post how is the taste of this tomato. I never grown any Brandywine tomato (this variety is from Baker Creek)

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