Aspirin Treatment

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

I only recently discovered that amazing article by LariAnn dealing with the use of aspirin to stimulate an acquired immunity or resistance to various diseases in plants. So I'm planning to "inoculate" a variety of plants to see what happens. I'm curious as to what results other folks have had with this treatment.

North Hills, CA

A few years ago Aspirin was pushed as a treatment for helping plants fight or resist diseases.

If I remember right the whole thing started with using birch bark Tea as the treatment.
It has a chemical in it that , from what I remember was said to be aspirin.
Then I read elsewhere that it isn't just the aspirin stuff that prevented diseases but the combination of stuff in the bark tea that was supposed to work.

I've read several of peoples tests with using aspirin and it never seemed to do anything for their plants.
I've never read it hurt them either if used as directed-not too much,can burn plants.

Here they say aspirin works.

For me,snd several others, it did nothing as far as we could tell.
The same thing in the picture is what brand the 99cent store sells.So I even used the same brand as pictured though I have no idea if it was used in the study...

It's also said to be a preventative,not a cure.

This message was edited May 28, 2012 8:34 PM

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