Milky Spore in our Zone?

Warrenton, VA

Hello All. My father raised me in his garden, and for that, I am forever grateful. I can talk to YOU because of his lessons! One of them was "conversations" about the "Jap" beetles and the Mason Jars just FULL of them - can't imagine how many I caught for him. All the while, there was the vague reference to something called "Milky Spore." And "$." So, never appeared in his garden.

All these years later, I bought some. Weird way of treating the land, with that cardboard tube and the occasional "stab" at the ground with the stuff...I did this in March.
Have to say, last year, when working in our garden (first year of using this patch of soil for a vegetable garden), almost every other spade-full of earth dug up a fat, white Japanese Beetle grub. I chose not to address it. And I had many Beetles. Now, I never knew that they ate roots! I had some naive thought that they just got big (on what?!), and magically turned into flying, voracious Beetles.
Now that I have been educated, on went The Spore in March.
One month later, turning over my garden earth, I saw mostly brown, dying, Japanese Beetle grubs. I'm sold.
We'll see what happens this summer.
Can you share with me your Milky Spore stories? If you MUST, you can throw in some Japanese Beetle stories, too. (LOL)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

No stories here. A few years ago, I did apply milky spore, but then I forgot about it -- I never checked for results. But I hadn't had a major Japanese Beetle infestation -- I was just worried that it would get bad. As I think about it, I haven't seen many Japanese Beetles of recent, so it must have worked. We've planted more grass out front -- you are reminding me that I should treat that as well to be thorough.

Several of my neighbors are big on insecticide misting systems (see We don't use them, and don't want to. So all the bugs come to our place, both good and bad.

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