a house plant question

Crozet, VA

Someone asked me about house plants that will live under artificial lights. I know that I have often seen Pothos in offices without sun light and am wondering if anyone else knows of some other plants that might do okay under these conditions. I would appreciate any and all feed back. Thank you folks.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Check out these guys for some awesome houseplants that will do well with low light

Crozet, VA

Thanks Jen.....I always forget that I am quite capable of researching my questions, but some how automatically come here and ask first and then feel foolish for even asking. Thanks so much for the direction.......much appreciate it.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I have one of those Bonfire Begonias in the GH waiting to get put in a basket. They sure are pretty. I was thinking I would pot mine up with a Diamond Frost Euphorbia.

Crozet, VA

Yeah Holly, I checked the link that Jen sent and saw a lot of cool Begonias that they say will do well with low light. I suppose that the more I am around gardening people and the more I learn about plants, the more impressed I am with God's handy work. He really out did himself when he thought of giving delight to us in the way of beautiful plants. I really never gave much thought to how many variations of one class of plants there are. A whole wide world of possibilities for surrounding ourselves with so much beauty.

I didn't get a tour of the greenhouse, but John visited it with Ric and was quite impressed with it. Actually, a little earlier today John was on line looking for green house plans. It is catching I suppose. hahaha Anyway Miss Holly, what a grand day everyone had at your lovely place. I believe that you and Ric have created your own little Eden there. I know that a lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone in to each and every project you have undertaken.

We are going to be in the re-modeling, maintenance mood for the next couple of months too. He is getting ready to start a re-roofing project, and I am in the middle of getting ready to have carpeting installed throughout the house. So much prep work for both it seems. Living in a disaster zone is what bothers me the most, but I can live with it while thinking of the beautiful end result.

Thanks so much Jen for the link to the page with the goodies on it. It is my local pharmacist who wants something to sit in front of him that kind of gives some blockage between he and the many, many customers who come in each and every day. We had a Pothos in the spot he wants it for but it began growing too wildly and taking over every where and he wants something to replace it.

Anyway....happy gardening to you both. Off to start my afternoon shift. Lots of plant work to do.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Ruby so sorry I didn't get you down to the GH. We have been resting up most of this week, getting a few things done here and there but at a nice slow pace. I have been moving most of the house plants outside, many of them are not too happy right now as we are still having insect issues from last winter. I hope that I can get the last of them cleared up.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Ruby, I like to ask questions here as well, cuz I appreciate everyone's input. It seems more social that way. You know, what success or failure we had rather than just a source of info which is a great thing to have as well.

On this question I am very ignorant. I do have a couple of things in the house, that I don't even know what they are. Most houseplants I torture it seems.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I got my first Phaleanopsis orchid two years ago; it takes low light well and if you get one in bloom the flowers hang on forever.

Must add Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema)

Some of the Logees list look like ''shade for outside choices'' rather than low light houseplants.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yeah I just did the regular shade search but it wouldn't break it down by indoor vs outdoor, but I was surprised at how many will do with low light...which I need cause the only room with a ton of light is my dining room and every corner is already filled with a house plant, I need some plants in my living room

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

wonder if you can rotate plants from low light to better light

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

You can but sometimes they are shocked by the extra light and start losing leaves but then they get used to it, like moving your houseplants outside for the summer and then back inside

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby - I like to think my asking fellow DGers IS researching...LOL I'm serious. I've received better info from the DG family than googling all afternoon. Hugs

Crozet, VA

I have to agree Chantell. Seems like you get more honest answers when talking with regular folk, than you might with studies done in laboratories.

Will check out the Chinese Evergreen Sally. Oh my gosh, I cringe whenever someone mentions Orchids. I have never tried raising them, but some where or another I have developed a real fear of them. Now, I really enjoy their beauty and will stop and gaze upon a blooming one, but have never been inclined to try them and really envy folks brave enough to take them on.

Anyway......the Pharmacist was happy to receive a Pothos and that will keep him satisfied for a while I am sure. Thanks to all for your input. I have learned a few things due to asking this questions. I am very appreciative.


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