All Florida Chit Chat #2

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Welcome everyone to our Florida talk thread.
Please join us, even if you are not a Floridian you are welcome.

We came from here

Thumbnail by wren107
Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Good afternoon .

Had this Cactus for over a decade and it's never bloomed . Re-potted it this Spring and voilą blossoms !

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the new thread. I love the smell and feel of a new thread. What pearls of wisdom will we consigne here? Only time will tell, but they will be pearls nonetheless.

We got a deluge this morning around 5:30. That's what woke me up. Loads of rain, lightning and thunder. I love a good thunder storm. Now, it's just gray. With me, it's either bright sunshine or outright rain. Anything else is Oh-Hum.

Take care, all.

Jacksonville, FL

My Cactus bloomed recently as well--I think it is a female Cactus! LOL

Thumbnail by mistressgardenr
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


My bloomed a couple of months ago, it is a white night bloomer


Thumbnail by wren107
Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL mistress, almost spit my coffee out.

Pretty blooms on the cactus everyone.

1.Lots of sweet smelling blooms on my Hoya
2. A succulent getting a bloom in my fire pit succulent garden, not sure what it is, had no tag.
3. a distant shot of it

Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed
Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

LOL that cactus is a trip !
Morning all

My swampy yard is really bad for Daylilies but still have a few that can handle it. This one came from a DG

CO-OP like 12 or more years ago.

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

As it turns out, something has come up and I won't be able to attend the FREE guided tour of the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, tomorrow (Saturday, 5/19, 9:30 AM). I hope some of you can still attend with the Horticulture Group. I will try to get up to the zoo before the Butterfly Exhibit flitters away (just 2 miles from my house, but light years away in terms of me ever finding time to cross the river LOL).

In addition to the spring bargain bulbs I mentioned in the previous thread that are currently at Wal-Mart, there are also packaged daylily roots available. I got 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and am getting some growth (timid, but it looks promising) from the bag-packaged abused roots.


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Your hoya is just beautiful. I've had one for 2 years and its barely making it. What do you feed it. Steroids?? LOL

Jacksonville, FL

I have never had any luck with Hoyas. Yours is gorgeous Cherrie!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I never owned a hoya. It's something to try, I guess. I have coveted the blooming specimens some of my friends showed me, but never owned one. One more project to add to the bucket list. That one is easier than orbit the earth a few hundred times.

Take care, all.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Does anyone recognize this plant/flower? I think I got it at Norma's roundup. Sandy -- one of your seedlings???

I thought from the leaf shape and texture it was going to be a milkweed, but obviously not that. The current guess for an I.D. is a species of Hypericum.


Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Not one of mine but I like it.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeremy, delightful plant, at any rate. Me likey!

Jeremy, do you remember sending me a passionflower with huge leaves in January? I have looked for its tag, but I guess the frogs have made off with it. Here is a bad picture of it. For some reason, my camera seems to have difficulties focusing. The leaf is as big as my outstretched hand and growing on a stem about the size of my ring finger. It's a fast grower. I was just wondering if you remember its name.


Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Sylvain, rub the leaf between your clean fingers and smell of those. I believe it to be a Root Beer plant. Sniff and tell!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Sugar is right. It appeared in my yard about a year ago and if it were not for round-up, that all I would have in my garden. It sneaks underground at an amazing speed. The flowers are nothing and as far as I am concerned, so is the plant. Even with RU, it keeps popping up. Good luck.



Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, all.

Thanks, girls, for your identification and the heads-up. Thanks, also, for the invasiveness warning. It's growing in full sun right now. Well, in full rain as it were. I rubbed a leaf and smelled a very strong root beer aroma. It's a relative of the pepper vine (piper nigrum). I have a piper nigrum vine that has been planted more than a year ago and refuses to do anything. And here I was picturing myself harvesting my own black pepper with a smug, contented look on my face, ą la Martha Estewey... NOT!

However, as soon as we get nice weather again, I'll dig it up the root beer plant and move it to a large pot in full shade. I love the leaves and it does appear to be a vigorous grower, requiring plenty of water. I'll even treat it to some Miracle Gro and see it if tries to lift the carport's roof. If it pops up again in the garden, I'll dig it up again. I'm not worried. I managed to eradicate aegopodium (gout week) without chemicals, I should be able to contain that scourge, too.

Take care, all.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I have the root beer plant here too. It really surprised me that although it freezes back every winter, it comes back from the roots. Wish my ee's would have done that.

Sylvain, I too am growing the peppercorn vines. Have had them for 5 years or better. I have dreams of harvesting the peppercorns in their different colored varying shades of life, but have yet to see any. Since they are rated a zone 10b plant, it amazes me that they have continued to thrive here. The main plant is in a pot kept in the GH/orchid house year round. The vines grow out of the pot and trail on the ground making new roots along each vine joint. I suspect that when I can no longer get into the GH/orchid house, they may start to produce the p'corns. I have another 30 years or so.....I can wait.


Jacksonville, FL

Sylvain and Molly,

Rootbeer leaves are good when used to wrap fish and steaks for grilling or baking. Some Texans taught me that years ago.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Plant thang, I have heard that and have always intended to try, now would be a great time since I have just stocked up on flounder and grouper. Yum!


Jacksonville, FL

Ok, when are you grilling? Flounder, grouper, both are my favorite. I don't mind the running roots the rootbeer pops up and when I cut the grass the aroma of rootbeer comes up around the mower alot like when you run over mints. See yall tommorrow. Charlie

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow I put em together myself! You see I'm that type of person that always cross thread nut's and bolts , most times strip the head on a screw and always bend a nail when I hammer and keep glue away from me as more gets on my hands then on the project ! Pretty bad painter too. Anyway really needed some plant stands for my patio so took a chance on these mail-order ones and for the price (not too $$) was very surprised at the nice quality of them. Assumed they would be from China but they're from Vietnam. The big surprise was all the parts came ( not missing) as par for course with stuff from China , all holes were drilled and lined up plus the instructions were a very simple numbered pictograph that was correct ! Can't wait to put them to use.

This message was edited May 25, 2012 6:44 PM

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

very nice


Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Sandy I'm sorry your not going to make it tomorrow as I really wanted to meet the MOTH Lady !
You inspired me and now have Preying Mantis cocoons hanging everywhere .
We could make Seadog follow you around with a golf umbrella ? : )


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I might still be infected and I do not want to give this stuff to anyone. I have been fighting in off and on for years. This time it put me in the hospital. As long as I do not touch any thing or anyone it would be find but there is to much of a chance I would touch something and spread this crap.
There will be more RU's and maybe by then my yard will be almost done and every one can come see.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Sandy I know how hard it is to miss a party, but want to personally thank you for not coming. I maybe getting ready for surgery after all. Some of my favorite parts aren't working. I would be in a real stew if I got MRSA.
I know it won't replace your pound cake, but got a carrot cake to try to fill in. We'll put 2 pieces aside for you and your DM for Linda to bring by.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks We love Carrot,Sidney

If any of you suddenly find a boil forming on your skin and it starts to grow "FAST" get to a doctor quick. Many, many people carry this bacteria and never have any problem but it can kill. Last month I found a 1/4 in boil, in 3 days I had a 4 inch wound and now 35 days later it is stilling healing. I caught this last one when it just formed and called the doctor. Thankfully that quick action stopped it quick, which is great as now we have found 2 more antibiotic pills that I can not take. The next time we will have to use injected antibiotic or I will have to go into the hospital to have treatments.

Everyone enjoy your day tomorrow. I did send a few plants with Brandy. Most of my seedlings are not been enough to send


Jacksonville, FL

We will miss you Sandy but there will be more round-ups. Hope you get over this quickly. B and I will put together some plates for you and your Mom. Looks like there will be lots of food!!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

How is everyone today? Looks like another band of rain is coming our way but most has moved out. I have been emptying things that have water and there is a lot of that!!!!!


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday, Jeremy.

Hope you're kicking up your heels.



Jacksonville, FL

Jeremy, Thought you said you weren't having any more birthdays...... Have a great one anyhow.

How about a harvest after the storm? some pics.

Had to pick some off the ground and fix the staked plants lots of wind and rain.

Hope everyone faired as well.

These are porter and cherry tomatoes, tabassco, aji, de arbol, jalapeno, and oh my gosh peppers, and baby cushaw squash.

Charlie and Yolie

This message was edited May 29, 2012 6:41 AM

Thumbnail by Plant_Thang Thumbnail by Plant_Thang Thumbnail by Plant_Thang Thumbnail by Plant_Thang Thumbnail by Plant_Thang
Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

PT -I'll be over to get some tomatoes!!!! Sqirrels keep eating all of mine

Jacksonville, FL

Come on you are always welcome but you better hurry it looks like pico de gallo sausa to me.Ummm! Or hot tobassco sauce. Yummy.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Jeremy Happy Birthday


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeremy, have a great birthday, even if you had decided to not have another one. We can have as many birthday as we want, as long as we stop counting them. Gail will tell anyone who will listen that I am 57, going on 14. Worst yet, she's basically right.

Take care, all.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

You were sorely missed but I for one am very thankful you are so thoughtful to protect our health.
Linda's place was fascinating to me with all variety of plants and electric decor. And the food was so plentiful I couldn't try a bit of everything which was a shame.
Brandy made sure I got the iris for which I thank you. It will go into pond or for now water container of some sort. I was a good girl and did not load my vehicle with plants. I got a few I didn't have and am very content with that.
I was talking to Norma & husb. and missed hearing no. called for door prize, but they called once again and I won a georgous cement squirrel statue made by Lorie (I believe) lady that had statuary shop in Jacks. I will treasure it for life. My youngest son was here today and said "mom when your gone can I have your squirrel" so it will remain in the family for many years I'm sure.
Praise the Lord we got a little rain today. Wonderful. Every little bit is appreciated by the plants and our cows for their grass.
Take good care of yourself and we'll see you at the next RU if not before. Hope your butterflies and birds are doing well.
Love ya, Bonnie

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Bonnie. I was sure I was safe to be around but did not want to take a chance. That bug is everywhere but I did not want to help spread it any further.(Mom picked it up at the ER a couple of years ago)
Glad y'all had a great day. I will be working on growing some more interesting plants for the fall RU


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks, greatly, for the birthday wishes, all! I would certainly have enjoyed the roundup and it would have been great to see old friends and make new ones, but there is just always too much going on at home for me to tear away. Christina just got a new job -- Great! -- but she has to be downtown at 5:30 AM and the city bus service doesn't begin that early. So, I am required to put on my "auto mechanic" hat and try to get the van working by following the manual. My diagnosis is a leaking exhaust manifold that allows it to run, but not idle. I am hoping to have it running in a few days so that I can start to drive Christina to work in the mornings and we can be spared the current $12 + tip one-way taxi fare. It will be nice to get up early and have a much longer day to get things done.

So, no one recognizes the yellow flower (above photo)??! I will post it in the I.D. Forum and get the name. Maybe someone will recognize it as progeny from their garden once we have a name for it.

Sylvain - the I.D.s above are correct. The leaf in question is the Root Beer Plant (Piper auritum) that I sent you that you might be able to use some of the leaves in South American recipes. I've not ever tried cooking with it yet, but I now have so many of the plants that I'm considering offering the leaves for sale on eBay or elsewhere. Most regulations for plant shipments don't apply to plant parts that can't be used for propagation of the plant, so shipping the leaves will not be a problem to most locations. Piper auritum will spread and spread and spread, but it is shallow rooted so it is easy to dig up and pot up, though it usually goes through about a 2 - 3 month readjustment phase after being transplanted. At maximum height, it reaches about 10 - 12 ft and flowers with 4 inch long white inflorescences. The flowers in my climate never reach seed production before the winter freezes come, but you might be able to get some white peppercorms from it in your area.

Sandy, hope you recover from the MRSA soon! As you may recall, I almost had to have my foot amputated a few years ago after getting a MRSA infection from stepping on a nail in my yard that came near to puncturing my foot from bottom to top. I was on home health care for a few months with antibiotic treatments supplied by a mechanical pump I had to carry with me everywhere as well as other antibiotics by gravity feed about twice a day. Note to all: Never get in a hurry with self-administered antibiotic treatments by gravity feed. I was supposed to sit still for about 45 minutes for a slow drip, but got really bored with giving up that much time, so I flushed the antibiotic in within about 10 minutes. The result was "Red Man Syndrome," a bright red rash that covered every inch of my body and just about made me go insane from itching constantly for several days when all my top layer of skin dried up and peeled off. So, I learned my lesson and will now sit still and chant, "Om," for any future antibiotics I made be required to self-administer. LOL

Despite not having any lamb's blood to smear on our door, Tropical Storm Berle graced us with a passover and no resulting damage. I accepted all the rain as Nature's birthday gift of a much needed soaking for my garden, but it seems to be "the gift that keeps on giving" as the rain is still coming in patches, still heavy at times. I did discover that we have a live, uninsulated connection at the front eave of the house where the power supply line connects to the house wiring. We had occasional fireworks of bright blue flashes and pops when the twig tips of my Sweet Flowering Almond (Aloysia virgata) made contact with the unisulated power line. There was no permanent damage from what I could see this morning to the house or tree. The electrical shorts only blew the circuit breaker for the 2nd floor of our house (which is already overloaded from the original cloth-wrapped 1936 wiring and only 3 outlets upstairs on a 20 Amp circuit breaker for overhead lights, 2 ceiling fans, 2 window air conditioners, 2 TVs, satellite DVRs, clock radios, table lamps, computer, etc. -- apparently in the dark ages of 1936, no one needed anything other than an overhead light and maybe a table lamp, so the wiring is in great need of replacement when I find the time). If I had known the Aloysia would grow more than 2-storys high, I might not have planted it at the very front edge of the house, but the aroma from constant flowering throughout the warm months is amazing to have by the front door.

Hope all is equally well with everyone!

Jeremy (Photos - white flower of Piper auritum/Root Beer Plant, seedlings I am thrilled to have from a seed packet I bought at Lowe's for Cerinthe 'Purple Bells' -- a plant that has been my sort of "Holy Grail" quest for a number of years, but I was really looking for Cerinthe major with blue flowers, the front gate of our house which has been impassable since about the day I installed it due to constantly encroaching noisette and Lady Banks roses, as well as other vines and shrubs.) P.S. - note the Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa) popping up between the bricks of the front path. They are great low-growing palms and hardy here, but they sucker like crazy! I can't imagine why they are so expensive when you look to buy one. I got mine as rejects from a garden when I was helping a friend in his landscaping business several years ago.

This message was edited May 29, 2012 11:25 AM

Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

good morning everyone

who get rain and who was blown away by our early storm?


Thumbnail by wren107

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