Deadly Preditor

Richmond, TX


Terri, I'm so sorry to hear about your roo and your dogs have been through the ringer this year! Poor guys. Hope they are feeling better.

That's down right scary to think of all those rattles coming out of a canyon, never seen one here...knock on wood.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks. Luckily the sheppard mix (Queenie) recovered almost immediately--hybrid vigour I think. Santo is much better as well. DH and I joke that, what with all the antibiotics he has taken, his colon is cleaner than Gweneth Paltro's!

Gosh, I really don't need rattle snakes! =8~O

A little off topic, but not much: I recently got a DVD which relates a study conducted by Texas A&M in cooperation with Univ. of Kentucky and I think San Angelo State Univ. about re-introducing wild quail back to Texas. The study stated that the researchers went into this study thinking that the shortage of wild quail must be due to the introduction of fire ants. But it turns out that the major factor contributing to the loss of quail population in Texas is more due to the exponential growth of the various snake populations here in Texas. They attributed that to the loss of snake predators. Also, it seems that mother quail like to bring their young up in ragweed. So grow that ragweed and get rid of those snakes!

Richmond, TX

We have plenty of ragweed! Another thing that I have read is that quail like to share their habitat with cattle and need large areas of semi-open land to thrive. In cooperation with a neighbor who also raises cattle, we have tried to establish a quail population on our properties but only had about 90 acres of uninterrupted desirable habitat. Parts of his land are too wooded and much of ours is too open. So far it is not a success, and I don't think it is because of excess fire ants - not so sure about snakes. What are snakes' natural predators? (Besides my dogs.)

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Redtailed Hawks, owls, various raptors, bobcats, coyotes, and--believe it or not--feral hogs. To name just a few.

Richmond, TX

Well we have all of those; maybe our quail will have a chance after all.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Horay for you and your neighbor for trying to get them started again! I think it does take a while. DH and I are eyeing a ten acre plot we haven't done anything with yet. We have quite a lot of good habitat all around us. We are going to talk to the NRCS lady when she comes out to our property to see if they have any advise. I have to say that I love all birds, but I think quail is one of my favorites.

Hopefully no snakes will come crawling up her leg while he talk to her!

That is so neat, Terry and Porkpal. I'm proud to know you both :0) I remember how thick the quail where when I was a kid, I miss them. They are a favorite of mine, as well. I've been wanting to raise some in pens, but don't think I have what it takes to 'thin' the flock. Just too tiny and cute.

(Zone 6b)

In the depression here in the panhandle of Texas, some of my ancestors/relatives, whatever, were hunting quail and putting them on the train to go back east. Guess they served them in the restaurants there.

Thanks for asking about the snake predators. I wanted to know too.

That's some great history to share, LFJ. My Great-great grand parents lived on the the Plains. Still have lots of photos of my great-grandfather with long stings of quail. And catfish, and havalinas, pheasant, wild turkey..hmm come to think of it, I don't know if he ever posed for a picture without a dead

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Snort! I have ancient relatives posing with a still in the background! Many relatives (from GA, TN, and IL) posing with dead animals of some sort or other. Also, gentlemen siding on their mules posing with their guns and various hounds. It was a different time.....LOL!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have had Rat Terriers for about 34 years now. I have one that is now 18 years old. She is blind but otherwise in good shape. I can't bring myself to put her down, because she is still in control of all her other faculties. She barks when she wants to go out so no accidents. The poo is small ^_^ so don't really notice it. They are terrific snake and rat/mousers. One of mine got a chicken and I beat her over and over with the carcus. She doesn't bother them anymore. She doesn't know that she isn't as big as anything else, including my horses. lol The blind one was the same way when she had her sight. I think they are just the greatest dogs! I have one of those fake owls by the coop and nests. PTL I haven't seen any snakes around. I need to get a roo to take care of my girls. I have Cinnamon Queen and Rhode Island Reds that are crossed with somthing else. I really like them.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

My dad had a Rat Terrier for years. She came from a woman who actually had a pack she used to hunt rats for other people in the area. Clean out their barns, that sort of thing. Dad's dog was a demond with mice and rats. She lived into her early 20's so they are long lived little devils!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have been killing lots of copperheads. None on my place. I have found them all on the road after dark. I run over every one I can get. It's strange I have not seen any black snakes or any other kind but copperheads. They are thick.

(Zone 6b)

Things are very slow here. So I thought I'd say hi and ask how everyone is.

Richmond, TX

Hi! We're having another hot, dry summer - but not as bad as last year. I remodeled the coop area of my barn and I guess I annoyed the hens; they are either not laying many eggs or else they are not laying in the nest boxes. I have found eggs on the floor and in the grass so who knows where else they may be hiding them...

I guess everyone is just too busy to post.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

My hens are molting. 100 degrees outside right now so I guess they picked a good time to lose some feathers. They've been wading in the pan of water I set out for them. Goats don't seem to mind though and all dogs and donkeys are well. DH and I doing good, tooLOL! So guess I can't complain =~)!

Richmond, TX

I'm glad to hear that I don't have the only wading chickens.

(Zone 6b)

I just ordered a metal aviary a few days ago. Since my new hens have been sleeping in the garage in metal dog pens it hasn't been smelling too good in there. I don't want to force them in with the other hens, as I think some of those old hens are just plain mean and peck my new hens in the head.

I wanted something that would give a small run if I have to be out of town or something, some shelter, and wouldn't look as bad as the one I built myself. :) It is supposed to be 6' X 10' and 6' high, and will be here next week. I am unsure where to put it. If I put it under the tree, some of the old branches could break and fall and damage it. So that is out.

I still have to find some kind of coop for them to get inside that will be warm this winter too.

I was outside this morning and it was so peaceful just sitting there watching them.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

My hens are molting too so egg production is way down. Think I am gonna thin my flock before winter. Feed is too high. I paid $14 for 50# of scratch feed today. I have some apples to give the hens for the next few days. They like such treats. It's in the 90's here and humid. But it cools off at night.

Have you done anything with the house and lot you bought?

(Zone 6b)

Hi Cajun,

Thanks for asking. I tried to have those trees trimmed this week and had a terrible time of it. Between the man that had me sign the contract and the men that did the work, they just did not do their job. Not sure what is going to happen. He promised to send the men and the truck back here, but so far, nobody has shown up.

I wanted the trees cut way down, so the branches wouldn't break and fall on my garages. Every time we've had a bad storm, whether wind or snow, those long branches break. I'm very concerned about those trees and have been for years.

They cut the one tree and did a pretty good job, but then just trimmed the very tops of the other tall one. We had a little shouting match, at which point I threatened not to pay until they did it right. He said, "But you signed this contract" like that settled the disagreement. So, I just said, "Well sue me then, and we'll go to court and we'll talk". Not fun. I got kind of sick over the stress of it all. I think those guys just got tired and decided they were done. The young guy, the pencil pusher with the contract, was kind of stuck between us. I also think they think I am just a dumb woman and they don't have to do it.

Next morning, I headed to the landscaping store to talk to the manager or owner, whichever one I could find. The man that had me sign the contract stopped me and said they were coming back out to finish, at no extra cost. Wanted me to pay $300, which I did. So far, no one has come. They still have me down on their books as owing the rest of the money, $336.

Guess we'll see what happens.

I would like to put up a fence and carport or garage on that concrete slab, but can't do anything until those trees are trimmed, and trimmed right. I don't want to have to trim them again.

Had the carpets removed, but there is still a horrible stench in there. From what info I could find online, if they were making meth in there they could have spilled chemicals, or poured them down the drain, making the sewer line even hazardous. I have no intention of going inside. Every time I do I cough and cough. Whatever is in there is not safe.

Life goes on.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Could you call your local law enforcement or hazmat team and have them look into it?

It's a shame people try to take advantage of customers. Don't pay them until you are satisfied and take pics of what they have done and what they did not do. Remember a verbal contract is binding and you had a deal with him. Hope it all gets done soon.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

CajuninKy, last fall I planted any leafy-type veggie I could think of. Way more than DH and I could possibly eat. All the surplus went to the hens as winter feed. They loved it and it was way cheaper than scratch feed. There were some weeks I didn't even need to throw down and scratch as they were so busy with the surplus from the garden. And I love the way the yolks turn orangy when the hens have been eating spinach, collards, turnip greens, etc. This summer they got a huge bonus crop of zucchini. I love zuc and, it turns out, so do the hens. I don't know if you are in a zone where winter veggie garden is possible, but it might help to just plant something for them......

(Zone 6b)

Yesterday I watched a video about root cellars. How people in the past always had a root cellar and how to make one. Since I have the cellar next door I may buy some pumpkins when they are cheap next month and put them in there to see how they do.

Sometimes at Walmart they go as low as $1 each.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

No chance of a winter garden here. Too much snow and ice.

LFJ, sounds like a great plan.

(Zone 6b)

Is anyone hearing from DonnaB? I hope she's doing okay.

DonnaB, get well soon. God Bless.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I am still around. Heat & Hot Flashes have been kicking my but big time. Got rid of about 30 of my Araucana and 48 chicks friend had me hatch and still have to many. It is becoming more work than a joy to have them. My friend that took them to sell for me ended up ripping me off for about 400. I was giving him 30% plus gas money for coming to get them. He never gave me the money and won't respond to e-mails or phone calls. Last I heard from him was that he was coming June 17th to bring me my money and get more Araucana.

Isaac flooded out my pond and my yard ducks had to swim all night in their cage near the pond. We got 15" rain total over 3 days. DH let them out early the next morning and all they did was lay in the yard all day. When we got a break in the rain DH took loose a piece of fence by the house and we herded them into the chicken yard and I have been locking them up at night in the small old Silkie coop 6'W x 3'T x 12'L. to small for 12 big domestics ducks. A week later after the water was out of the upper 1/3 of their pen we got another hard and fast 3" rain and flooded it out again. So they are still up here in the chicken yard. A lot of extra work on me. The water is not draining out as fast this time since it is so saturated. Looks like my big Confederate Rose tree is dying sitting in the water.

Got House Ins. renewal yesterday and in the almost than 7 yrs we have lived here my Ins has gone from 1800 to right at 3000 and from a deductable of 500 to 3900 for Hurricane and 2500 for everything else. They are going to make it so no one can afford a home. The first increase was 2 yr after Katrina and they jumped it from 1800 to 4500. They only way I could get it back down was to up my deductable to 3500. It brought it back down to 2600, 2 yrs later it went down to 2400, 2 yrs ago it went back up to 2650 and this renewal is right at 3000. are any of your Ins going up like this????

2 Cancer spots removed in April. Was still free in July so not going back until late Jan when he wants to go into my Kidneys. Said CT would show cancer unless it was big

Just haven't been a Happy Camper lately

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

DonnaB, sorry about the Isaac damage and fallout! I used to live in Florida, been there done that and it is nooooooo funnn. But I am happy to hear about the cancer free news. Good for you!

Hope all your duckies are doing better and you dry out soon!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

So sorry to hear about your water woes and that you were ripped off. I hate a thief. Did you flood from the water release from Lake Tangipahoa? My BIL did but was able to save his stuff. Other BIL was flooded in for a week but his house was high and dry. He lost his house in 1983 from the same problem with Lake Tangipahoa but he has since rebuilt in a different spot.

Glad your ducks were able to stand the flood long enough to be rescued. I know how much you love them and can only imagine how much you have invested in them.

Glad to hear you are cancer free!!! PTL!!

Bridgewater, ME

Glad to hear you are cancer free and pray you stay that way.Some friend huh?If this person was a so called friend shame on them for what they done to you knowing everything you have been through.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

What sort of wicked soul must that person have? I've had the same thing happen to DH and me. Someone we thought was a trusted friend. Ended up stealing from us.

(Zone 6b)

When my oldest daughter was a toddler a "friend" broke into my apartment and took her giant plastic pink cat piggy bank. It had several hundred dollars in it and was all the money in the world we had.

Now my youngest daughter wonders why I am pretty paranoid of people. Hey, I got this way through experience.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

no Cajun just the pond and lower yard flood from massive amounts of rain in short periods of time. My DD and many resident in the Moss Point, Helena area flooded when the opened the flood gates in Mobile, Ala.. She just had water on the floor since she is off the ground. Other with houses on a slab got 4 to 5'. Same thing happened in Katrina. None of those areas flood from the Hurricane but got 4 to 5' when they opened the flood gates.

Thankfully we had Tree Arborist come out this summer and remove a oak leaning badly over the garage and trim limbs all around the house giving the roof a good clearance. My house is surrounded by oaks on 3 sides Luckily nothing heavy enough broke through any of my pens out in the yard although one huge limb came very close. It landed where 2 pieces of chicken wire over lap so it had added strength.

Yes my friend stealing really hurts my heart. I fully trusted him and thought of him as a good friend. I guess I need to look at it as I have probably saved that much in feed cost since April.

Yes cancer free for now but at the check up it had only been 3 months post surgery and it was 2 new cancers rather than one in the first surgery 9 months earlier. The Jan. check up will be at the 9 month mark and then I will relax if i am still cancer free. One of my Kidneys came back not cancer but abnormal at last surgery and is why they want to go in and take a sample this time besides the bladder

Thank you all for the Prayers and support

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Cajun .... do you feed your hens regular scratch instead of egg crumbles? And it doesn't make any difference in their laying schedule or quality of the eggs? My hens don't like the scratch. They can't/won't eat the whole pieces of corn or the milo. They will eat about 1/2 of the stuff in the bag. They love the egg crumbles and it is $14 a bag here. Since I only have a few, and don't plan to have more than 20, I think I will continue with the egg crumbles.

One of my 3 hens has started laying. Still waiting on the other 2. The guy I bought them from the end of July, said they should start laying in August. I wonder if he will replace them or refund my money if they don't start soon.

Coop is almost done. DH fell off a ladder working on it and seperated his shoulder from his clavical, so he wasn't able to work on it much for several weeks. All we need now is the tin for the roof. A guy we know said he and his dad were tearing down some barns, and he would give us the 10 sheets we need. They are getting ready start on one, but can only do it on the weekends. DH is just finishing up the small stuff waiting on the tin to finish.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Crit, they may not start until spring. A lot depends on the breed, but some of my chickens lay thru the winter, and some don't. Sometimes my late pullets hold off until spring:)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hmmmm, I hope they DON"T wait until spring. I don't want to feed them that long and not get any return! One is a Cinamon Queen and the other, shoot! the name just went out of my head!, the dark red ones. UGH! Hate it when I do that. Just have the 3 until all is finished up. Waiting on a friend who is going to give us some rippled tin for the roof when he tears down a barn. May just put some chicken wire on top until we get that so I can start putting them in there, and maybe increase. Would like to have 20.

Richmond, TX

Rhode Island Red, perhaps? Those breeds are early to mature so I bet you get eggs soon.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Please don't trust chicken wire to keep the safe. To raccoons, it's no more trouble than tissue paper.

You can "encourage" them by adding light 14 hours a day. Many people have lights on timers set to go oh and off without human help :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

YES! Rhode Island Red. I thought about it last night as I was trying to go to sleep. lol

I bought them the end of July and the guy said they should start laying the next month. Well, they didn't and one finally did the beginning of October. I'm still waiting on the other two. UGH!

DH is going to put 2 strands of barbed wire along the bottom of the henhouse to try to deter critters, also. He buried the chicken wire about 12" deep and 12" wide then filled the hole full of rocks and topped it off with dirt. We don't have too many wild critters around here except for squirrels and rabbits. The dogs seem to keep them away.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

We've found that buried chicken wire trick works very well. We also run it up about 12" along the bottom of the run. We've had trouble with racoon reaching in to try and grab the hens/peacocks. Those racoon have to keep on their toes as our two big dogs will make short work of them if they get caught. One did manage to get one of my babby peacocks this past month. The prettiest one, too. They seem to go after the ones with a lot of white or light colors. The rat-finks!

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