Our Garden Shortly Before Daylily Bloom Season

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

So nice, Don! I love your gardens. Lots of nice daylilies. Great porch, too. What a nice place to sit and admire all those DL's!

I'm surprised you wanted to show off pics of your beds before the came into bloom. I rarely take pics of the beds when not in bloom, as they don't excite me much then. If there's other perennials in bloom there, then I'll take some pics of those.

Like you, I pretty much remember all the names of each of my daylilies. Rarely ever have to look at the tags. People are amazed I can remember so many names. You do, cause you love them so much, and you go out and photograph them on a daily basis, then spend hours in the winter labeling you pics (or at least I do, anyhow). I have a huge collection of pics with all my DL's, with multiples of most of them. I never get tired of taking pics of them, but I have become more picky since last summer, as I found I was spending too much time taking pics, and I had too many gardening chores that needed doing. Now I stick to taking pics of only the best looking blooms, unless they're new ones and I just need some pics for my records.


La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

I can relate to every thing you say, Karen. The reason I showed the pictures after we live headed was to show the difference just a few hours later when the next day's blooms opened. The reason I showed the beds before the season started was again to show the contrast a few weeks would make. Obviously I'm daylily-wacky!

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Mother Nature did it again! (With a little help from her friends ) (;>)

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

The live heading really paid off. Those are just beautiful. Without the dead ones, all the colors just show off.
I know you were proud of that today, and you should be !!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I've never live headed, only dead headed. I do it when I have a sale or visitors, or just on the ones I'm taking pics of to make the pics look better. Otherwise, there's just no time. On Thurs. and Fri. I don't get home from work till 7:30, and I go straight to my gardens to see what's blooming and take pics. I love how they look in the late evening. This year I have a tripod, so I'll be able to get some clearer shots, as the shutter speed becomes slower in the late evening light.

Here are a few pics from July 2010 in my late evening beds.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Very nice Karen.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


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