This WEIRD Spring!

Warrenton, VA

I am overwhelmed about the beauty of everything this Spring, but I am concerned about how things will soon sizzle...any of you share this thought? I know that we are not in control of the weather, but I am very confused about the backwards nature of the warmth/cold.dry/wet weather, but my plants are not confused at all! Good thing they know what they're doing!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

animals and plants know what they're doing even if we don't understand it, gotta just go with the flow☺

Crozet, VA

I have to agree with Jen. God help us if I were in control of the world....what a mess we would be in then. hahaha


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gracye- no denying that May is just a beautiful month of so much in bloom around this zone, any year.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

I can take this spring any time (any year :-) ). Just hope the summer is not proportionally. Last summer was a terrible one for gardens. Keep my fingers cross.

Crozet, VA

Agree with Donnerville.


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