Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

Quote from taters55 :
Welcome to the group ladies! Make sure your address is in the address exchange, or send jordankittyjo/Kathy a Dmail, so she can give it to your buddy when it comes time to mail out our little babies!

Where do I find the address exchange?

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

wwk, does i talk like a hick??? never thought bout that! talk lik me folks teachs me. hey, big sis..............hers says we talk like hicks!!! wat ya think??? sis accent is thinker than me! Wow! ya learned sumthin everday! now, is that Newt aw'lens hick or Tennyse hills hick???? kin yall pin it down fer me?

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

susanl61520, if you don't mind, can I address you as Susan II? There are two Susans here ^_^
Click on "HOME" ----> "EXTRAS"-----> "ADDRESS EXCHANGE"

Newt Awlens?? Jalapeno Jax, where in the tarnation is that?? Lizard town?
Hmm... educate me. What does a Hick sounds like? I'm living in what some call Redneck c'try. Is the lingo alike?

I'm guilty of being misunderstood when I talk, much more worse than Sis Kathy.
Born in Singapore, having lived in Cajun country and now here,
I'd be confusing folks with my ethnicity and lingo!!
Just yesterday I had to talk to a rep over the phone, and he advised me to email him so he'd understand my "English" better!! What an insult!!
Can you say "Bless your heart"? :**(

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Jaye, I have no problems understanding you! You speak excellent english!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Aww thank you sistah!
You should see my jaw dropped when that rep told me that yesterday LK.
When I told Kel, he said most probably he didn't want to hear my complains!!

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

I say email him and make it even harder to understand... and thanks for the directions to the exchange place! How soon are we sending out? I have some cuttings taking root now, and some plugs due to arrive today... not to mention the plants I have had growing all this time... not sure what to send!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

now sis jax, hoo en ternatin sez wez talk funny? iz ginna whoop em good. dont ferget ta take yer monly bath. im heded ta da crik now fer mine. sur hope da crawdads dont bite mez toes

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)



Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

I am officially in the address exchange :)

Shell Lake, WI

I'm in address exchange ;-)

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Woo-hoo! I am ready. Since my first plant was a bomb, I found another one to send to my lucky partner.

Thumbnail by poisondartfrog
Shell Lake, WI

Oh Poison.... I have alot of that I hope I don't get from you ---Lol!!

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

@ froggy

YAY!! A new variety to introduce to my compost bin!!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

now sis, ya knows i only take an al-over bath on the first of thar month! thar beez when i doods me wash duds and me! didt i tell ya i done went an git so busy last monthe, i fergit to take me turn? now, dont yall hasz no call fer worryin. i bathes me youngens ever month on schdele with homemade tar soap. i washes all them tiny roots realllll well!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hey gals. Since this is my first Raise My Baby swap (although it seems to me that Jax killed her baby last year!) give me some guidelines. I read the first post, but still a bit confused. Is it to be a nice size plant (which to me is not a baby) or a just getting started plant? Are there any pics someone could show me as to what was sent out last year as a 'baby'. I have one picked out, but it may be too big. May have to downsize it.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We try not to send young plants, we try to send something that will survive the post office, and have a good start when it arrives.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Go here and you can see some that were sent.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a) now, crit! thar beez how rumors git started! at least i didnt let the neighbors dog peed on a baby whilest i was babysitting. nor did i let a vine-like rose suffer fer months without a trellis! an i didnt let my baby drowns in a flood! an guess wat! i did not let me baby go to no cotillion an git murdered!!! I kin tell yall new folks stories bout mamas that would curls yer hair!!!! so thars!!!

Shell Lake, WI

I went and saw the pictures, and read the posts ;-) This will be fun, and you can have twins and triplets to ;-) And yes I'm going to fit in here ya'll are plum nut's!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the thread LK. Is it just outside plants or inside plants that can go outside during the summer?

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Oooh I see some wicked mamas this year!!

I have to tell you this "Smellthis". I'm the only sane one in the group ;)

Patti, a plant that will have a good chance of winning, that's what you should send. Indoors our outdoors is fine.
Anything that's forbidden according to the rules, don't do it.
Don't be nervous Patti. You're always sending thoughful stuffs. So you'd be doing fine.

Why oh why do you have to bring that up Jalapeno Jax??? Thought you'd forgiven me and me dog sure would be crying in heaven knowing you're still hurt!
There was no damage to your baby with that pee right?
Good mama, eh?
In fact, you're responsible for it running away from home after that.. or was it the weather?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

You mentioned 'chance of winning'. Does the winner just get the title of "Worlds Best Mom" or is there more to it? Sorry to ask so many questions, inquiring minds want to know. ^_^

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

the bestest mama gets a PRIZE! citin hoh

Shell Lake, WI

A Prize! Awesome ;-) I bet my baby is a really pretty baby. I guess I best start preparing the nursery,,,, hummm surely it will like a good bit of sun. It might be part Monkey and like to climb I do have a nice play area for it with a wooden fence ;-)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm sane Jaye! I found one of the bricks I was missing.

Smellthis, when you get your name you can sometimes go to that persons members page and find out little things about them. Time zone, planting zone. Sometime they have wants listed and you can get a clue of what they would like. You want to make them to be a 'good mama' so they have a chance to win, just like whoever send you something they are wanting you to win.

Please everyone make sure if you can what you send isn't something that is on the invasive list.
Some of us go all out for our babies. My first baby has a fur coat.

Here is Persephone with her first bloom of the year. She was my baby from last year.

Thumbnail by Robynznest
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

(making an unladylike raspberry noise at Robin)
You sane??? That's hard to believe!! Yep, what do you call someone who bought a mink coat for a baby too young to appreciate it. You've gone nuts, Robin!!
I'd find an old used quilt.. more homely.

I got to give you credit though. You certainly was the best mama last year. Persephone's a good baby.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

......welll, if truth be told, me baby did have a everlasting funny smell after that incident.............then thar waz the scar it burned on hers tender leaf!!! i dont mean ta bring up ol embarressments fer ya, dear haven, but tis better ta air these thangs than harbor hateful feelings. i nevers hold the dog ta blame............jist ya! babysittars are like secong mamas...........oh, but ya DID NOT win.........did ya???

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Sssshhhh Jax.. not so loud.
Hanging head down in shame here. Yes, my first baby went to Everlasting Green.
Hope Sis Kathy didn't read this :D Me kill baby and she made judge!
I must be not that bad.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)


Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

are you gals sure this isnt the loony bin escapees thread? I thought I fit in here but now I'm starting to wonder...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I'm trying to decide between 3 different plants. Don't know which baby to send to it's new momma.

Are houseplants OK or do they need to be outside plants?

Shell Lake, WI

When will we get our Mama's names and address' ? I'm excited!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Susan II, don't be sane like me. I'm boring!! All the other loonies have so much fun! Yep, a mental asylum somewhere has some patients missing! But oh the fun that I will have just being around Jalapeno Jax.

Patti, our honored hostess will have to answer that.

"Smellthis", not trying to be rude nor mock you.. each time I see your moniker, I broke out in ^_^ s. Could only imagine WHAT you want us to smell!!!

Shell Lake, WI

LOL--yeah that could go a different way huh? Well if it's makes you smile--thats good ;-) LOL --I am not even sure how I came up with that, I put in a couple of names and they were all taken.....(Might of been gassy that night--don't remember...Lol) Im just one of those people I smell everything, if I see a flower--gotta smell it--if I see a candle--I pick it up and smell it...and on and on...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Crit, houseplants are Ok, but like myself, all my plants need to be outside, for some reason I kill every plant in the house. Most plants sent last year were outside plants.

Shell Lake, WI

I need outside to as not much sun gets in the house ;-(

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

For those of you willing and interested in houseplants, (or against them for that matter) you should probably post that on your address exchange likes/dislikes

Im not sane at all... just thought I was in a group of ppl who would think i was nuts... now i know i can be a cashew too!.

Is anyone in here in the Vegas area?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, are you in Vega? It says your in Illinois.

Canton, IL(Zone 5a)

I am not in vegas, illinois is correct. I have a friend who is in vegas and is struggling... was hoping to find someone to show her some hospitality

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry, I miss read that. I don't know of anyone in Vegas.

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