All Florida Chit chat #1

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

As I am tired of seeing the state divided between North, South, Center I am going to start a Whole Florida talk thread

So please come in and join us as we garden and have fun.

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

woo whoo ... I'm here !! I agree ... I hate having to go imbetween all the different ones ... yes it's nice to be able to chat locally but to also be able to chat through out the whole state is nice also.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I agree and hopefully there will be less misunderstandings.


Jacksonville, FL

I like this idea! Alot less bouncing between threads.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Also can invite people from all over the state ... people are already coming from central FL ... more people rmay come & can car pool together ...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

True and a nice place to meet I hope and to get to know each other better

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I also celebrate the end of regionalism. I enjoy staying in touch with gardening friends throughout Florida (and elsewhere, for any other states or countries that want to jump into the chat!)

Here's some recent photos of what's peaking in my garden.
1. Cestrum aurantiacum - will continue in full bloom until the first freeze, holds all its leaves in most winters
2. Alstroemeria psittacina -- very pretty and will flower through June with 2 - 4 ft stems (grows higher with some support from surrounding plants), BUT BEWARE! It will spread like crazy from underground tubers about the size of an unhulled peanut and also by seed. Best kept in a pot.
3. Native Florida Coffee -- I don't think I've seen this make flowers before. The warm winter probably helped it retain growth from last season. I just found out it has some hallucinogenic properties -- not from eating the seeds, but from research. It is not a true coffee bean plant, but some references say the seeds have been used to brew.
4. Another Alstroemeria - (cultivar name unknown). I didn't know I had this plant until it popped into flower amongst the Hydrangeas. Alstroemeria will do well in our climate if they get some shade during afternoon sun. This one gets about 2 hours direct sun per day, the rest is filtered light/shade from a large old Live Oak.
5. Hooray! My native Clematis/Virgin's Bower - Clematis virginiana - survived its first winter and seems to be coming back more vigorous than its first growing season. Most of the fall-flowering wild Clematis in our area is Clematis ternifolia, a Japanese invader, but it sure smells sweet! The Japanese Clematis has rounded ovate leaves whereas the native Virgin's Bower has notched leaves, otherwise the flowers, bloom time (fall), and aroma are about the same. I've never seen any native Virgin's Bower growing wild in north Florida, so I am happy to have two of them doing well!


Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener Thumbnail by JaxFlaGardener
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

As always Jeremy I love your pictures. Would like to get the native Clematis growing here.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Since I've lived and gardened in North, Central and South Florida I agree ! I'd tell I lie if did not admit of being jealous of the South Florida zone. Zone envy is not pretty.

This message was edited May 3, 2012 4:26 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

LOL. I agree but I do not like how hot it gets down there. I is even to hot up here for me.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I love to hear about what they can grown down there but I do not want to live down there.


Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from wren107 :
I love to hear about what they can grown down there but I do not want to live down there.


Sandy it was wonderful I lived in zone 10a for a decade + and a really do miss it. I'm happy to be in 9a BUT !
Where in Jax are you at ? Must be way North to be in zone 8.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I was on the border of 8b/9a but they have moved the border and now I am in 9a. I live East of the river near Arlington area. About 3 miles west of Regency Square and about 2 miles east of St Johns River. I also have a couple of creeks near by so I am still a little cooler than most 9a.

Brandy live about 5 miles east and south of me. Jeremy lives North/west of me and Linda lives west of me.


Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from wren107 :
I was on the border of 8b/9a but they have moved the border and now I am in 9a. I live East of the river near Arlington area. About 3 miles west of Regency Square and about 2 miles east of St Johns River. I also have a couple of creeks near by so I am still a little cooler than most 9a.

Brandy live about 5 miles east and south of me. Jeremy lives North/west of me and Linda lives west of me.


Nice to meet you Sandy I live on Soccer Mom Island oops I meant Fleming Island !

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Nice to meet you. Will you be coming to mistressgardenr RU?
I know where that is. But then I know where most everything is in Florida LOL( DM and I use to take off and do very long day trips)

Jacksonville, FL

Love Bug--welcome to our group!! Qwilter lives in Fleming Island too. I love Pat's Nursery out there. Hope you can make it to our Round-up on the 26th.

Margaran-(Maggie) is working at Trad's now. Saw here the other day and she is planning on coming too. Sandy--she can tell you alot about raiding Butterflies!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Ah, at long last... a thread that unites all of Florida's members. That is not to say that the other regional threads are to fall into disuse. We just have one more to spread the words. Unification is nice. For example, I have wonderful friends that live South of Atlantic Avenue whereas I live North of Atlantic Avenue. There is no need to start a North of Atlantic and a South of Atlantic thread because we both live East of the Florida turnpike and west of I-95. So, the EofT/WofI95 thread would have served our needs admirably. We are in the same USDA zone, i guess. Now we'll be closer than before.

It will also be nice to keep tabs on those elusive North Florida gardeners. Somebody mentioned zone envy. It is not a pretty thing and it drives people to extreme behavior, such as loss of sense of humor. When my friends in Montreal tell me they are freezing their nose off at -40F in the winter and I tell them I'm sitting outside in boxer shorts and sandals, they grunt and hang up. Zone envy caused them to lose their sense of humor: sad. I'll pray for them.

Take care, all.
Sylvain, East of the turnpike, West of I-95, on the North side of Lake Ida, East of Country Manors blvd; easy to find: just look for adeniums out front.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good morning everyone
Sylvain LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

We have lost some many members that I felt we needed to get a thread that we can all come together and maybe get new members to join us.

And we welcome those who live in other states.


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I need some tree advise. I need a tree that won't get too tall or wide, that has a more "open" canopy and that has some interest for my front yard. I plan to put a River Birch at one side & want something complimentary for the other side. In the center I have a tall, thin magnolia & 2 Crepe Myrtles.

Any ideas?????

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sorry I can not help you there. But do River Birch grow down here?


Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

River Birch loves it here . I had to have some tree work done this Spring the Company was wonderful BUT they suggested that I TOP my River Birch ! Politely explained that I'm not into toping or hat racking my trees .
Here's a PIC of mine.

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from Qwilter :
I need some tree advise. I need a tree that won't get too tall or wide, that has a more "open" canopy and that has some interest for my front yard. I plan to put a River Birch at one side & want something complimentary for the other side. In the center I have a tall, thin magnolia & 2 Crepe Myrtles.

Any ideas?????

Qwilter that's a hard order I'm trying my best to think of what would work and I keep coming up with a Dogwood tree.
Had to edit as I came up with a palm tree ! I could see our native Sabel palm filling that spot. Besides when your friends and family come visit from the cold North you need a Palm tree to show off!


This message was edited May 4, 2012 11:11 AM

This message was edited May 4, 2012 11:18 AM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Johnny that looks good. I was think of the other birch with the white bark.
I hate topped trees. Some nut came around and wanted to trim back our pecan tree. Said he know pecan trees but the fool did not.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


I have some seedlings of the silkfloss tree (ceiba speciosa) I could let you have: delightful tree! They're about 6 inches high right now, grown from seeds. Its parent is on exhibit at a well known botanical garden around here. As I was walking under it, the fruit fell right into my pocket. How's that for serendipity?

It's a lovely tree, vigorous and quick grower, tolerates droughts, grows to 40 feet high and 30 feet wide in Brazil, but we're not in Brazil, are we? It is a deciduous tree that blooms pink in white during winter. Its most striking feature are the prickles that eventually cover the whole trunk and branches. A most interesting specimen, definitely not run of the mill, yours for the asking.

I had an 8-foot specimen growing in a pot. I got quite attached to it, but my HOA would have had conniption fits, had I planted it in the ground. So, I gave it away to a friend, who is just gaga about it. I now have tree envy. I'll save a sapling for myself, which I'll grow in a very large pot.

I also promised a few seedlings to a friend of mine. Hurry, supplies are limited and going fast. But wait! If you're one of the first 50 gardeners who wants one, I'll double your order and send you 2. A link to wikipedia about the silkfloss tree:

I mean, really... you can't pass up an offer like that. I'll start packing it right away.

Take care.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I also started a new thread here;
Come on over and have some fun.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from wren107 :
Johnny that looks good. I was think of the other birch with the white bark.
I hate topped trees. Some nut came around and wanted to trim back our pecan tree. Said he know pecan trees but the fool did not.


Sandy what kind of Pecan ? Uggh I feel like a squirrel ! Sorry I love Pecans and everything about them !


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Sylvain - I'd love to have that baby tree.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Johnny do not know but it has never produced good pecans. The one which did died. The squirrels love them even green.
Tree is over 50 years old.


Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from Qwilter :
Sylvain - I'd love to have that baby tree.

Me too ! Quilter I've never seen one in zone 9a they do sorta live in 9b but not so well . Gorgeous tree one of my faves in South FL next to the Joy perfume tree, Chanel #5 tree and oh why I'm killing myself I know it's zone envy !

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from wren107 :
Johnny do not know but it has never produced good pecans. The one which did died. The squirrels love them even green.
Tree is over 50 years old.


Sandy sounds like a seed grown had a big old seed grown just like yours at my 1st house in Jax thankfully the good ole Mama tree was next door and gave paper shell pecans galore !

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Johnny My dad planted both trees when I was very young. The one that is left has a very long and narrow nut.
We also still have the fig tree that he planted 50+ years ago. Have never figured out why as non of us like to eat figs.


Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from wren107 :
Johnny My dad planted both trees when I was very young. The one that is left has a very long and narrow nut.
We also still have the fig tree that he planted 50+ years ago. Have never figured out why as non of us like to eat figs.


LOL umm cause they're GROSS ! (my own opinion) no flames please.
Sandy it would be so cool to see trees my parents planted how fun that you can !


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)



Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

"I need some tree advise. I need a tree that won't get too tall or wide, that has a more "open" canopy and that has some interest for my front yard. I plan to put a River Birch at one side & want something complimentary for the other side. In the center I have a tall, thin magnolia & 2 Crepe Myrtles.

Any ideas?????"

I'd suggest this as well it's called Cascade Falls our native Bald Cypress that tossed an odd sport in New Zealand. But you will have to train it yourself ! Will do an air layer for you if you would like to work with it. LMK

This message was edited May 4, 2012 4:34 PM

This message was edited May 4, 2012 4:34 PM

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Not sure about the Cascade Falls but a Bald Cyprus might fit the bill.

Johnny - is that in your yard?

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Qwilter and LoveBrug, please email me your address.


Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from Qwilter :
Not sure about the Cascade Falls but a Bald Cyprus might fit the bill.

Johnny - is that in your yard?

Yep sure is Qwilter. Not sure would have to see the space . I think a Dogwood would be lovely very few people grow them here and I'm not sure why.

This message was edited May 4, 2012 8:28 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

The Dogwood around here all died years ago, the only ones we see now where planted sense then

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from wren107 :
The Dogwood around here all died years ago, the only ones we see now where planted sense then

The largest trees on Fleming Island are very small. I just don't get it and guessing zone 8 is better for them ? As a kid here many many moons ago they use to be everywhere.

This message was edited May 4, 2012 8:20 PM

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